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68 QLailes tent. NUM B L I2 SXIa & it was when the Spirit relied upon them, 26 they prophefied,& did not adde. And there remained two ofthe men in the campe ; the name of the onemau Eldad ; and the name of the fecond, Medad; and the Spirit relied upon them 5 and they were of them that were written , but went not out unto the Tent, and they prophefied in the campe. 27 And there ran a young man,and told Mo- fes,and laid; Eldad and Medad doe prophe- t g fie in the campe. And Iofhna the fonne of Nun,the miniffer of Mofes,one of his choife young mcn,anfwered and faid;My lordMo. 29 fes,forlaid thou them. And Mofes Paid un- to him; Envieft thou forme c but O who (hall give that all the people of Iehovah were prophets ; that Iehovah would give his fpi- 30 rit upon them. And Mofes gathered him - felfe into the campe ; he , and the Elders of 3 I Ifrael. And there went forth a windefrom Iehovah, and brought Qailes from the fea, and let them fa II by the campe , as it were a dayes journey on this fide, and as it were a dayes journey on that fide , round about the campe : and as it were two cubits above the 32 face of the earth. Andthe people flood up all that day,and all the night, &. all the next day; and they gathered the Q.iailes; he that gathered leali gathered ten homers : and fpreading they fpred them for themfelves; 33 round about the campe. The lefh was yet betweene their teeth; it was not yet cut off; when the anger of Iehovah was kindled a- gainikthepeople, and Iehovah fmote the 34 people with a very great plague. And hee called the name of that place Kibroth- hatta- avah, becaufe there they buried the people that lulled. From Kibroth - hattaavah,the people journeyed onto Hazeroth : and they were in Hazeroth. 35 I ónnotations. ANd the people] Iditherto in this booke, Gods grace to his people bath been manifefted in the ordering,dire&ing,and governing of them in the Wilderneffe,towards their promifed inheri- tance : now followeth their unthankfulneffe,and unworthy carriage among fo great blefings -, by their many murmurings and rebellions;whereby both the difobedient nature of man, and the im- pollibiliti a of the Law to bring men unto God, is declared. when they were complainers] or , ar complainer.- that is, even complainers , very murmu- rers; grudging, and (hewin themfelves difcon- tented with their eftate;andcas is likely)for their fo long travell in that Wilderncffe, three dayes journey before they carne to a telling place Netm. 10.33. and thus Sol. Iambi here expoundeth it.So whereas they fhould have rejoyced in the Lord now among them, they fhewed themfelves as mourners,forrowfull,and(as the Greek, craned - teth) murmuring. Of fuch murmurers and com- plainers , the Apoftle alto fpeaketh , lade zerfe 16. evill] this feemeth to have reference to the fire, the people was evil -, that is, wicked,and fo dif- pleafing the Lord : the Greek, referreth it to the latter , the perpie murmured evill things here the I Lord. a fire ofJehovah] that is,as the Greeke expoundèth it , fam the lord, and the Chalice, frombefire the Lord : though it may alfómeanea great and vehement fire. Their rebellions before the Law was given at Mount Sinai,God punished not, Exod.14.I I - -1 5.and 15.24, 26. and c 6.2,3. 4,9,20,27,28and r 7 z - -5. fave onely when they made the molten Calfe at the mount,Exed.32,27, 28,35. But their flnnes committed after, hee pu- nifheth feverely, as hereand after is to be feene: for, the Law worker, wrath Rom. 4. 15 . And all theft thing- happened umo them fir ertfamplea -'to us, t Cor.I O.5-I I . emfumed] or, devronred,Hebr. did eat. The Greek tranflateth,devouredapar {of the campe. In that the fire confirmed in the utmof. part, it is probable that there the fine began among them that were faint and weary with travell ; as Deut. i5. 18. Verfe 2, funke dome] that is, went our, Or, roar 2 qeeenched; in Greeke ceafd. Their feeking to the Lord in their afflifhions,and his mercies towards them,re mentioned in Pfel.78,34. -38 Verf. 3. be called] that is, Mofes called: or, as the Greeke tranflateth, the name of that place 3 seat called : fee the notes on Gen. 16.14. Take - rah ] that is, Burning : which name was given to imprint a memorial! of their franc and of Gods judgements in their hearts, as Mofes after men - tioneth them, in Dear. Verf. 4. the mixt-multitude ] or the gathered - mttltitude; fo called in Hebrew .o? gathering; is 4 Greeke and Chaldee,of mixture: and in the Chal- . dee Paid to be Ionathans,they are cal'led,the thaw gers that were gathered among them. Thefe were that mixed - people that came up with Ifrael out of Eg pt,mentionedinExod.12.38. lufedwith lufy] that is,lufted greatly and greedily. retur- ned andwept] that is,againe wept, the Greeke faith, they fate and wept. The Ifraelites that a little be- fore complained, were punished , and repented; now againe, by the example of the ftrangers a- mong them,returna to their finfull coterie. Chaz- ¡tuai here faith,After that (the fans oflfrael) hadmur- mured already themfelves alone, (vet f I.) they turned and murmured with the mixed- multitude, and wept for de fire offiefh.So this was another mutinie,differing from that forefpoken o1, though in time & place neere together. who (hall give]a with, meaning Othat fame wouldgive us fells: and atentation,as not beleeving that God could doe it. This their lufting is réhearfed , in Pfalm. r o6. r 4:and 78.18, 19,20. they tempted God in their heart, asking meat for their foule (or /aft :) and they flake againe God, eby