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70 NUMBERS XI. upon governours : fo Paul mentioneth the care ofall the Churches, which came upon him daily, 2 Cor.11.z8. 12 Verle r 2. Have 'conceived] fo alto the Greeke tranflateth it but, the Chaldee faith, Am I the fa- ther of al this people ? are they myformes ? begot- ten them] Hehr. begotten it ; or , brought firth it; fpeaking of the people, as of oneman, begotten, as by a father ; or brought firth , as by a mother. So the Apoffle applieth both fimilies to himfelfe, flying to the ,Corinthians, Ye have not marry fathers ; fir in Chrifl lefts I have begotten you through the Gofpel, r Cor. 4.15. and to thé Galathians , My children of whom I travell in birth againe , until Cbrifi be firmed in jou, Gal. 4. 19. In this complaint of Moles the weakneffe of the Law is figni- fied, which begetteth no children to. God, Rank. 7.4, 5 & c.and 8.3. but by the word ofTruth, the Gofpell,and by beleefe in Chriit,we are borne of God, Iam.t.18.1 Pet. r.23.-25. t Iob.5.1. in thy bo fine]that is,lovi ngly,'cenderly, carefully: which Mofes the Lawgiver could not doe as is done by Chrif},of whom it is faid,He fhal feed his flocks like a fhephea d, be Pall gather his lambs, with his arme , and beam them in bit bofome , be fhall genty lead thofi that are with young, Efai.4o.1 r, a nur- fing father] This fheweth the love, mildneffe,gen- tlenelfe which fhould be in governours; and Co it is laid unto the Church, Kings frail be thynurftng fat bers,dr'c.Efai.49.23. And the Apoftle faith, Wee were gentle among you, even at a merle cher fetb ber children : we exhorted, and comforted, and charged ezery one of you , as a father Both bo children r TNT 2. 7.11. Accordingly the Hebrewes have this rule for all governours of the Church , le ú unlawfull fir a man to governo with fatelinef i over the congregation , and with haughtineff offpitit , but with rmeeknfe and fare. And every pafour that bringetb more terrour' upon the congregation than is for the name of God, hefball bepunifhed, andfhalnot fie him felfe to have a learned wife fin : ar it is faid, (in lob 37 :24.) Men dosherefrefiarehim; herefpec eth inot any that are wife of heart. Andf it is not lawful for bim to governe them with contemptuous carriage; although they be the (common) people of the land: neither may be tread upon the heads of the holy people, although obey be unlearned and haft' , they are the fins of Abraham , Ifaack and Iacob , and the armies of the Lord that brought them out of the land of Egypt by I great might , and by firong band ; but be mull beare the I toyleof the Congregation ,and theirs burden ; as Mofes Our Maßer,ofwhomitis faid,AS A NV RSING FATHER BEARETH THE SVC- KING CH IL D, &e. Mains. Sanhedrin,cb.25. fetï.1,2. That which Motes fpea- keth of a Nurfeng father, the Chaldee that goeth in the name of Ionathan,& Targum lerufalemy,calleth Pedagoga, which word Paul ufeth, when he faith, the Law was our Pedagogue (or Schoolemafter) unto CbtiJl,Gal.3.a.whofe graces Were figured by that land whither Moles now was to lead them ; as is Chewed in the annotations on Gems 2.5. VerCe 13. f e fh to give] By thefe complaints Mofes ihewtth his infufliciencie to governs this 13 people,and to fupply their wants: neither indeed could he bring them into the promifed land, but died ere they came thither, Dent.34.whereby the impoffrbility of the Law wasliignified, that it could not bring men unto God,or fatisfie or rearaine the lulls that reigne in our members, though the Law it Cafe isboy, Rom. 7.5.-t2. But what the Law couldnot doe, in that it was weak through the fefh God(hath done) fendinghie ozoneSotme,Rom. 8.3. who giveth us not flefh to fatisfie our carnal! lofts , but his owne fiefh to be the food of our foules,which he hath givenfor the life oftbe wárid,& whichwho fo eateth,hatb eternally, leb.6.51.54. VerCe t 5. if thou doe thus ] to leave the whole burden upon me í1i11. Here theword thou,fpo &en to God, is of the feminine gender, contrary to common rule offpeech, At, for Arab : which Tome thinke Both intimate Moles trouble of mind ; as if he could not perfettly utter his words : and the like is in Poster.5.27. where the people terrified with the Majeftie of God when he gave his Law,faid onto Mofes, Speaketbaa(At) unto us. Sol. Iarchi here faith, The frenggttbofM,oft became feeble at a woman,when the hoy blefjed(Gad)fhew- edhim the punifbmmts that be would bring upon them (the peopk )far this hefaid before him If thus , killmee ftrf: kil me ]or,hflli»gme:thatis,kiemequite, and out ofband; the word is doubled, for more ve- hemency and fpeed. fie mine evill] that is, my mifery and affii &ion. By feeing evil, is meant the feeling or fuffering of miferie; as to fee deatb,is to dye,Luke 2.26. P fal. 89.49.and as on the contra- ry ,to fie the falvatianof God , meaneth the fruition or enjoying thereof,PfaL5o.z3.and 91.s 6.Com- pare with this,Elijahs fpeech, t Kings 19.4. VerCe 16. Gather unto mee ] in Chaldee, Gather before me ; and Thargum Ionathan explaineth it, Gather in try name feventy worthy men. This is an- fwerable to the number of the feventy foules of the houle of Ifrael,which went downe into Egypt, Gen. 46.27. Exod.1.5.Venter.10.22. and to the 7c Elders whichwent up unto the Lord at mount Sinai, Exod. 24. 1.9. From hence the Hebrewes in their commonwealth, continued their chiefeft Senate in Ierufalem of 71 Elders, as here there were 7o, and Mofes the Prince. So theftecord in Talmud Bab. in Sanhedrin , eh. 1. and Maimany in Sanhedrin, eb. t.fefl. 3, 4,5. explai- neth it thus ; there was in Ifrael , f rfi a great court (ofjudgement ball) in theSaniluary; and that was caller the Synedrion,and their member was 71, as it it written Gather to me 7o men, (te. and Mali( was ehiefi over them, ash t isfaid, And let them flared there with thee, Numbers 11.16. lee bere arc 71. The greatef in ratfedemeamong them al, the fee him for bead over them, and be root calledNafi (the Prime) in every pl ace , and bee food in f cad of Woes our Msf er. And thy placed the greatef among the 70 , next unto the head , and he fate on his right hand , and war called Ab herb din ( the father of the judgement ball ) And the refidue of the 7o fate here him , according to their yeses and according to their dignitie : whsfa ever was in wifdome greater than his fellow , was nearer unto the Prince en his left band. And they fate as 15 z6