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..- ssimia 17 NUMBERS Xi. as in the forme of an halfe circk roúnd, fo that the Prince , with the Father of the Court , might fee them all. Moreover they fit two judgement halls, each ,of 23. judges, the one at the doore of the Court ( of the Sanffuary,) the other at the chore of the mountain. of the Temple. And in every dole of If:. reel wherein were 120. (fathers of familes ) or ma, they feet a kifer Syoedrion , which fate in the gate of the citie at it is written, And e(fabbfh judgement in the gate, ( Amos 5./5.) And their member was 23 jud- ger, and the wifeffamongtbem was bead of them 5 and the refidue fine in a round lake halfe a circle, that bee which was head might fe them all. If it were a citie which biod)oot t2o men in it , thy feet therein three Judges y for there is no judgement hall of left than three, that there might be moe or Ewer , if there hap - ned to be among them cbffintion in judgement. But every citie which bad not in it two wife men , the one fit to teach the whole Law, and the other tkilfu8 to Beare, and skilful! to demand and make anfwer; they fit no Synedriort therein , although it bad in it two thaufand Ifraelites, &c. the officers] in Greek,tbe Scribes; and Thargum Ionathan addeth, in Eejpt : as if theft were (itch as are mentioned in Exod. 5 . t 4.and of them So1.Iarcbi alto underlian- deth it. W hat theft Officers were after in the com- mon-wealth of Ifrael, is noted on Deut.16.18. Here it feemeth to be meant of futh Elders and Officers as were well knowne and .had approved themfelvetfor wifedome and oád carriage, for which they might with comfort be preferred to this high Senate : fat they that hate ntiniflered well, (as the Apoftle faith) purebafe to themfiIves a good degree, t Tim.. r 3.Afterwards in Ifrael about the choife of theft chiefe Magiftrates,it is thus recor- ded ; Our wifi men have fahl, that from the great Sy. nedrion they tent into all the land of Ifrael , and made diligent injuirie; whom foever they found to be miff, and afraid to fame , and meelg , &c. they made him a judge in bis euie. And from thence they preferred him to the gate of the mountains of the haute (of the Lord: ) and from thence they promoted him to the gate of the Court (of the Santfuary ,) and from thence obey advanced him to the great judgement - ball. Maitsuny in Sanhedrin, chapter 2. feiiion.8. hand there] or, prefer:: themfl es there with thee. They were to band before the Tabernacle, to prefent themfelves unto God, and tb receive authoritie from him;and with Mofes,whowas to be chiefe over them. The Hebrewes from this word with, gather a likenelfe unto Mofes, laying, T hey conffitute none is the Synedrion but Prieffs, Levites and Ifraelites whet genealogic is known, &c. as it is fold (in Num t t.16.) W IT H T H EE; whicb are like thee in wifedome, religion, and genealogie. Maim. in Sanhedrin, ch.x. fetï. i. Vero 17. I will come down ] to wit, in figne or apparition; as the Chaldee tranflateth, I will revedlemyfelfe; and Thargum Ionathan addeth, I will reveale my felfi in the glory of my Majeflie; this was in the cloud, verf.25. I will take,] or, will feparate; inChaldee, will increafiof the fplritthat is on thee; meaning, the gifts of the Spirit, as prophefe,ver25. and other meet for their charge: 71 for tbere are diverftties of gifts, but the fame Spi- rit, ì Cor.12.4. So fpirits are named for #iritualt gifts, a Cor.14, t 2.32. and the Holy Ghofi, for the gifts of the HolyGhoft, Ioh.7.39. Aft. 19.2.6. Thus thefpirit of Elijah relied on Elifha, s King. s. 15.when be had the fame gifts and power ofpro - phefie, miracles, &c. Neither was Mofeslpirit hereby diminifhed; for as Sol. larchi faith , Mofes in that boure was like unto the Lamp that was left ( burning) on the Cattdlef]icke, (in the Sanftuary) from which all the other lamps were ligbted, yet the light thereofwas not lef eened any whit. God chewed hereby, that none without gifts of his Spirit,are fit for office and government,Ex. s 8,z 1.Deu. t.t 3. Att.6.3. The Hebrcwes have this rule, Ary Syne- drion, King, erGevernour, that fhall fit up a judge fir lfael, that is not fit , and is not wife in thewifdome of the Law, and meet to be a Judge; although, be be wholly amiable i and have in him other good things, yet he that fetteth bim rep , traioJgreDeth &c. Maim. in Sanhedrin,ebap.3 fil.8. V. t 8. Santlilìe] in Chaldee, prepareyourfelver.: Co to fanilifre warre, is to prepare therefore, Ier.6, 4.and 51.28. It meaneth an holy preparation to receive the gifts that they deíìred Sol. Iarchi ex, poundeth it, Prepare pour flves for vengeance ; andfo be faitb (in lent 2.3.) Sanl7fie(that is, prepare)tbeni for the day ofßaugbter. The zo verfe Iheweth that this may be implied. wept in the cares] in ver. zo. wept befox the Lord and fo the Chaldee tur- neth it here. It eaneth,that the Lord had feene and heard their complaint : for weeping is often joyned with lifting up the voyce, or crying out ; as Gen.27.39. Iudg.2.4. arid 11.2. t Sam.12.4. and 24,1 6.and 30.4. Verse 2o. Vntill a monete of deer] to wit, yee (hall eat as the Greeke exprelfeth. Meaning a whole menetb 5 as a yeare of ¿ayes is an whole yeare, 2. Sam. 14.28. So in Gen. 29.14. loatbfime] Hebr. to loatbfmneffie or alienation; which the Greek tranfateth,to choler; the Chtoldee,toOnce, that is, offenfve. havedefpifed] or, contemptet- oufly refuted, fit at nought; which the Greek [ranf- lateth, difobeyedtbeLord; the Chaldee, rejetledshe Werdofthe LORD, who is] the Chaldee faith, whofe Majeflie (òt Divine pretence ) remaineth a- mongyox. ` fufficethem] fo theGreeks and Chal- dee expound the HebrewMay?, which ufually Ggnifieth to finde ; but here is riled for obtaining that which is fuf iciest : fo in lof ty. s 6.Iudg.21. 14. Here Mofes lheweth that the thing promifed- was unpofftble io nians judgement ; both in re- fpeft of the múltitudeofinen,and length of time: and therefore he mentioneth beaks and fi%tea which alto are flelh,s Cor.15.39.but Cpeakketh not. of fowles,as thinking leali of all that they lhoulq be filled with them : yet God fttfffced them wide fuch,verf, ;t. So Philip Paid tinto Chrif,Twe bun-. dredpeximortb of bread is not fufftdent for (thismulti- tude) that every one may have a little, lob.6.7,9. Vert 23. bandwaxed fears },that is , power aba- ted ; the Greeke expoundeth it, Shall not the Lords, handloe fufjicient ? the Chaldee thus, Shall the nord 18 23