72, NUMBERS XI'., of the Lord be hinkred? Hand is often ufed for power, as being the initrument wherewith power is (hewed, Peat. 32.36. Io1.4.. 24.. and S. to. fhort- nef e fignifieth lelfening; and is applied fometime to the Lords Spirit, as in Mic. z. 7. is the fpirit of lebovah fhortned ? Sometime to his hand, as here,, and in Efai. 59.i .Behold Iehovabs band ei netfhortned, that it cannot fave : and in Efai. 50. 2. Is my band j hort ned at all, :bat it cannot redeems? or bave I no power to deliver where the latter fentenceexpiaineth theformer. 25 Verfe 25. they prophefied] this wasagift and effe& ofGods Spirit upon then:: and is elfèwhere fo explained ; as nponthe handmaids in thole elayes, I will powre orttmy fpirit, Ioel a. 29. that is, I will power out ofmy fpirit, and theyfbalprophefie, ÁE1.2.18. So in Aft. 19.2.6. And when Saul was annointed to be King, the Spirit of God came upon him, and bee prophefied, r Sam.io. 6,1o. Prophefyingwas not onely a foretelling of things to come, but Come - time a declaring of the word of God unto the people;fee Ex.7.1.Gen.20. 7. And thus Paul faith, He that prephèfeeth, f eaketh unto men CO edification, and exhortasion, and comfert , e Cor. 14.3. Sometime it was a tinging of pralles unto God ; as they that prophefied with Harps, with Pfalteries and with Cymbals; to confif'and to praife the L ORD, r Chron.a5.1.3. didnot adde] that is,prophefied no more but that day, as God fpake the ten corn - mandements,and added not, that is, fpake no moe, or after filch a manner to the people, Dent, 52.2. Thus the Greeke here tranflateth, and they added no more : and Sol. Iarebi faith, they did not adek,i. they prophefied not fave That day comb ; fi it is expounded in Siphre. Howbeit the Chaldee tranflateth it, ceafed not; in a contrary fignification,which fome- time is in the Hebrew words. But feeing the Chaldee foexpoundeth that allo in Deut.5.z2. that the Lord ceafednot,which feemeth to meant a continuance till al thofe tenwords were finifhed; we may likewife underhand him here to meant a continuance for that day; (as Saul in Naioth pro - phefied all that day and- all that night, a Sam. 9. 24.) & not a continuance alwayes;for this feemeth to be a temporary gift & miracle for,confirmation nf their Oflìce;asin 1 Sam.lo.6,11. 26 Verfe26.Medad]in Greeke ,Modad the fpirit ] in Chaldee , the jjtirio of propbefie. that were written] by Motes in a boo c ; or in papers (as the Hebrews thinke) & fo were appointed a- mong the ref} to come to the Tabernacle verf 16. 24. but went not out] for what caufe,tlie Scrip - ture theweth not:but by comparing this their fa& with others,It is probable, that as Saul when hee fhould have beene made King, withdrew and hid himfelfe among the (tufe, r Sam. 10. 22.f0 thefe two, unwilling to to e the charge upon them, with- drew their lhoulders,andd came not to the Taber - nacle:yet the Lord by his Spirit found them out: for whither (ball men goe from his Spirit ? or whither fhall they flee from his prefence? Pfal. 139.7. The Hebrewes have here their uncer- tain conje&ures: Sol. larchi faith, They were all written exprefly by their names , and fhouldhave been taken by Lets. For the cotta was made fir the troche tribe, , out ofezery tribe fix, except two tribes , of which were but five. Motes :Doke feventy two papers (or Roles) ' and on feventyofthem he wrote AN ELDER, anion two , A PART: and bechofe _fix out ofeze ry tribe , fo there were feventy and two. Shen be food unto them , sake up yourpapers out of the basket. Who fo tool(e up with his band ( a paper on which was written) AN ELDER, hewatfanïlified(to that office:)but he in whofe hand came up A PART; unto bim be Jaid, T he Lord will not have thee. Vert z8 .ef Lis ehaifiyoungmen ]inGreeke, his 38 ebofen one, the Chaldee faith , ofbit young men. The originali word fignifieth a11ò youth: whereupon fume tranflate ir, the minff er of Mofes, from hisyouib: but this feemeth not figfor Motes fhcpheards life in Midian,fromwhich he came but a little before this,argueth the contrary. forbid them them]This. he fpake of envious zeale for his matter Moles fake, (as the verle following theweth ; ) that he would not have the ufe of the gift of prophelie common; or , becaufe they obeyed not Motes to come out as he commanded. So the difciples for- bade one that call out devils in Chrilis name, be- caule he followed not with them, Lek". 49, 50. Mark! 9.38. Talguni Ionathan explaineth it;My Lord Moles requef mercy from before the Lord , and forbid them the fpirit of Propbefie. Verfc 29. Ettvieff thou] or, Haff thou envious tattle , orjealoufue for my fake? which is a prohibi- tion, Have it not : as, T that I am come to give peace onearth? Luk 12. 5I.thatis, Think it not,Mat.1 o.34., but° who fballgive] or, and 0 who, &c. this is an earneftwifh,as would God,or the like : the word and, fetteth forth the carneitnelfe of his paff:on,as 411.23.3. Pfal. 2.6. bisfpirit] that is, the gifts of his fpirit; as the Chaldee faith, his ¡pint ofprophefie. So Paul wifheth that all the Church could propbefie and faith, Follow olio love, and tealouffy define fpiritualgifts; but rather that ye may prophetic, s Cor. a 4.1. Verfe30. gathered] that is, gat himfdf,or,as 35 the Greeks faith, departed. the Elders] who wereauthorifed of God to be of the high Coun- cell or Synedrion with Mofes,& his affihtants:and thus they differed fromthofe inferiour Magi- ltrates,which had beene appointed before by Ie- throes advice, Exod. 18. zt. 25 And as then all hard caufes were brought unto Motes, Exod. 18, 26.10 after this, fuch caufes were brought to the high court orSynedrion,firft ordained here.This is (hewed by the Hebrew Canons in Tatoned Vab. Sanhedrin, e. r . and Maimony in Sanhedrin, c. 5. thus: Thyfit up no King,bus by the mouthofthe Senate 0r71. ( Elders :) neither make they any leffir Synedrioq for every tribe and for every chic a but by the Senate of 71. Neither judge they a whole tribe revolted (to idolatry ,) mr a falfe Prophet , nor the high Prie1 is judgement of bfe anddeath, but by the great Synedror on. But mony-matters are judged by the Court of three Dukes. Likewifi they make (or judge) no El- der rebellious ( Denser. 17.) nor anyeitie ¿rasene to idolatrie (Deutee. 13 -) neither caul they the fief. polled woman to drink the bitter waters (Nem..) 29