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NUMBERS XII, but in the great Sy;edriot. Neither doe they adde unto (o; ¡Marge) the Git,e or the Courtyard, neither goe they firth to permitted worre, e°ro. [whereof fee the notes on Deut. 20. 1.] but by the great Synedrion ; as it is laid, (in Exo. 18.22.) Every great matter they fho1 bring unto thee. 3 5 Verfc 31. a wind_] God Made= Lift wind to pa e firth in heaven ; and brought on a South wind by l to f rength, Pf 1n7.7ó. 26. brought *wiles] filch Fowles as he had fed them with before, in Exod. 16. 13. them now God againe brought fwiftf, and as with violence; which theChaldee tranflateth, made to file. let them fall] or, fpred them abroad; fo this word is Englifhed in i Sam.36,. r 6. two cubits] Sol.Iarchi faith,tbey flew fo high at again( a mans beart,that be new not toiled ingesting them, either" by reaching high, or by flopping low. 32 Verf.3z. ten homers] or, tat beaper,as the Char- dee tranflateth : for the Hebrew bonier fometime fignifieth an beape,as in Ex.8.4.fometime a kind of meafù w e containing ten Ephahsor Bufhels, Ezek. 45. n. the whichmeafureis called alloa Cor, E- zek. 45. 14. and fo Margin?: Ierufalemie interpre- tech it here. Thus alfo the Greeke tranflateth it, ten Coro; (for of the Hebrew Cor,the Greeke Coros, in Luke 16.7. and Latine Carta are derived.) And Chazkysoi here explaineth t,ten hornero ;there are in an Homer, thirtie Sechr (or Pec/ego;) fo ten Horrnera an- teing three hundredSeabs : leehe that gathered leaf, bad every day ten Scabs. Of the Seah or reek, fee the notes on Gen. 18.6. Tisis abundance of Fowles wa§ miraculous, whereupon it is faid, God rained flefh upon them ;dull and fathered fow/es as the fend of the Sear, Pfa.78.z7. And with there they filled their greedy lull; (feeding themfelves without feare,as Jude, serfe 12.) though the Lord had thrcatned to punifh them, vale 2o. 33 Ver.33. not yet cut off] to wit, from their mouth; that is, not taken fronrthem,which the Greeke tranflateth, before it (that is, the flefh) failed. Thus the phrafe is opened in Joel 1. 5. the mir wine is CIO offfrom your mouth; that is, taken away from you. Or, by cutting, ¡nay be meant chewing. The Pfalmill alleaging this, faith ; They were not !pranged from their define ; the meat was yet in their mouth, when the anger of God came up again( them, &e. Pfa.78,34,3 i . And here Chazkmi obferveth,how they were plagued of God, after that be had fufficed all of them with fleets ; that men fhotdd not fay, he bad not plagued them but becaufe be was not able to Jiwiee them all with lefh. a very great plague] or, vehement great finning.: Abr. Ezra writeth, that it was the pefli- lence : God gave themtheir requeft, when they lulled for liefh; but font leanneffi into their foule, Pfal. 196. 14, 15. The anger of God carne up again( them , and flew of the fat of them ; and fmote dowse the anti yong men of tirael, Pfal. 7g, 31. 34 Verle 34. he called] meaning, Motes called, and by the name of the place, left a memoriall of their fin and punilhneent, for a warning to them after, Deut. g. 22. and to ús, that we fhouló not loft after evill things at they biped, s Cor. 1o. 6. Or, as the Greeke tranflateth it, the name of the place war coiled; fee verfe 3. Klörotb- battaavah] that is, as the Greek expoundeth it,Graves(or monuments) of huff. Where buff maybe tiled for the men that tufted; as circumcifion,in Rom.2.26. is for men tir- chnicifed, Pride,for the proud mán,Jer, s 0.31,3 z: Pfàlm.36. i z. and many the like. See the notes on Genefis 45. 7. V.35. were in Hazeroth] or,Ch:etfertth, inGreek, Afeirotb; here they were,that iS. abod c,or eontinued;(a s Daniel was , that is, continued, Dan. t . 21. acid they were, that is,cóntinued there, Ruth 1.2.)' The caulb of which abode,, was a new trouble which Mo- fs filler and bróther railed againft him, NHm.a 2, tAARAMOMAWA IiAM 3aA CHAP. XII. I, Mary andAaron geake again( Mof e., about his wife and Office. 4, The Lord calletb them all before bim, jultifiethMofer, magnifietb bis Office, rebuketh the mur- murers , and departeth in,anger. so, Mary is made a Leper, Aaron confeffith firkin Mofes prayeth God to beale her. a 4, The Lord commandeth her to beflout out of the campe [eeven dates. 15 , The peoples journey is flayed till ¡he was brought in again ; then ebb, goe en into Pbaran. AND Mary and Aaron fpake againft Mofes, becaufe of the /Ethiopian woman, whom he had taken : for he had taken an /Ethiopian woman. And they Paid ; Hath Jehovah fpoken onely indeed by Mofé's, e bath he not fpoken alfo by use And Jehovah heard it. Now the man Mofes, was very meek; above all the men which were upon the face of the earth. And Jehovah fail fuddenly unto Moles, and unto Aaron, and unto Mary; Come ont ye three unto the Tent of the congregation; and they three went our. And Jehovah came down in the pillar of the cloud, and flood in the doore of the Tent, and called Aaron andMary; and they two came forth. And he laid, Ware nowmy words: If there Mall be a Prophet among you,I Jehovah will make my felfe knowne unto him in a vifion; I will fpeake unto him in a dreame. My fer- vant Moles it not fo,hc is faithful in all mine houle. Mouth to mouth will I fpeake with him,and in viffon,and not indarke fpeeches; and the fimilitude of Jehovah fhall free behold : and wherefore were yee not a- fpeake againft my fervant , againfI Mofes e And the anger of Jehovah was kindled againft them , and bee went away. And the cloud departed from off the Tent; and behold , Mary became leprous as (now and Aaron lookedupon Marie, and behold flae was leprous. And Aaron Paid unto Mo. fes; Alas my lord,I befeech thee,lay not the fin upon us, wherein we have done fdolilh. -Gggg ly, 73, 35 2 3 4 a 7 g 9 Iö" dÌ