74 Mary is leprous. NUMBERS XII. 12 ly, and wherein we have finned. I befeech thee, let her not be as one dead ; of whom when hec6merh out of his mothers womb, 13 halle his flefh is even confumed. And Mo. fes cried unto Jehovah, Paying; O God ,I befeech thee, heale her now. 14 And Jehovah Paid unto Mofes; And if her father had (pitting fpitted in her face,fhould the not be afhamed (even daies a let her be f(tur (even daies out from the campe ; and 55 after let her be gathered in. And Mary was Phut out from the campe (even daies; and the people journeyednot till Mary was ga- 16 thered in againe. And afterward the people journeyed from Hazeroth,and encamped in the Wilderneffe of Pharao. Annotations. MArse] in Hebrew, Mirjam in Greek, Mari- am; the was a Prophete, lfer of Mofes and Aaron,Ex.15.20.& the it was that began the guar- rel,as in the originali it appeareth,Mary fhefalie: therfore the, not Aaron, was plagued with lepro- fie,v.1 0. As Satan prevailed firft with Eve,then by her with Adam, Oen.1.3, fo here firft with Mary, and therrby her, with Aaron the high Prieft. And as the former fin of lull for flefh,beggan among the baler fort, Nuns. s 1.4. fo this fin of ambition and vaine glory , began among the chiefeft of the Church: for theee three, Mojs, Aaron and Mary, were the chide guides,whom God lent before his people, Mic. 6. 4. becaufe] or upon occafron, far the fake. . Erhiopian]Heb.Cufbite,whichtheGar.tran- flateth , /Ethiopian. This feemeth to be no other than Zipporab the Midianiteffe, whom Mofes had married,Ex.2. r 6,2 t. and becaufe the Midianites dwelt in Cufh his land , they were called Gufhites (or /Ethiopians;) and it maybe alto becaufe they were tawnic coloured like them. For otherwife Cuflo was the fon ofCham, Gen. r o.6. wheras Mi- dian was the fon of Abraham, the fon of Sem, Gen. 25.1,2. The Chald. in ftead of Cufbitb,faith Faire, which may be fpoken by the contrary. 1ofphuu, Philo, & fome others, take this wife not to be Zip- porab, but another /Ethiopian. taken] to wit,to wife;that is,married: fo in t Chr.2.19,2I.2 Chro. t s.2o.Neh.6.t8. & 10.30. By this it feemeth,the marrying of that woman, (who was not of the flock of Ifrael, & who hindred him from circum- cifing his fon,Exo.4.24,25,26.)was the occafion of their murmuring. Howbeit, the Hebrew Do- &ors make his not companying with his wife, to be the occafion: for that hce being a Prophet, daily converfant with the Lord, and frequenting his Tabernacle,abftained from her, left he fhould have legal pollution,which would have kept him front the San&narie,Lev. t 5.16,-3 t. Compare al- fo Exo.19.15. Thus the Chaldeeexpoundeth it, for be had put away (or abffained from) the faire wife which be load taken. And Sel. Parchi thus, f r he load talon aCufbihe woman, and hadnowput her away. 2 Verle 2. by Mofs] or, in Moles; as fpeaking of inward revelation by the Spirit : The Tbargum called Ionathans, paraphrafeth thus ; Hash the Lord 1oen only indeed with Mofes, who is fparated from copulation of the bed, meaning with his wife. alfi by us] or , in nr : as David (aid, T he fpit* of Jehovah fake in me, a Sam.23.z. Here Sol. Jarchi addeth for explanation, bath he not Men alfi by us, andyet we bave not f parated our filter fromthe way of the earth: meaning, front mutuall focietie , hitch as is be- tween man and wife; a phrafe taken from Gen.19. 3I. But it may be underflood,as before is noted, that they would not have Mofes efleemed the on- ly Prophet, who had Co (lained himfelfe by mar- riage with a Strange woman. Their drift was by difgracing Mofes for his infirmitie, to grace and advance thentfelves ; against which it is laid, Let us not be defrrour of vain -gloy , provoking oneanother, envying ant another, Gal.s. 26. beard it] that is, Cooke notice of this their fpeech, to reproveand punifh it. So of Reuben: fin, it is raid, Ifraelbeard it,Gen.3 5.22.Or, God is laid to /rare it,as a wit- neffe of that which it may be they murmured in ferret : as in Pfal. 59.8. Swords are in their lips,for who (fay they) dorh heare ? and in Plal.5 5.20. God will beare and affiill them. See alto Pfa1.94. 7,8,9. Verf. 3. meeke] the originali word hath affini- 3 tie with afjíilïien and lawlinef ; for by af(liftion, this vertueis furthered,Lam.3,27,28,29,3o. Sc is feated in the heart and fpirit,as the Apoltle men- tioneth a meeke and quiet f iris, s l'et.3. 4. As Ma. fes, fo Chrift is let forth for an example ofnteek neffe, Matth.21.5. & 5 5.29. It is a vertue which keepeth a meane in anger, and avenging of our felves when we are offended, wronged, and con- temned. above all the men]or,more than any man. This commendation the Spirit of God giveth of'' Males, though by Mores own Pen, (as the Apoftle alfo writeth in his owne behalfe, 2 Cor.t s.5,6, I o,22.e7.C. & 12.I I,12.) although Mofes is noted to have beetle very angry, fundry times, Exod. I1.8. &16.20. &32.19. Levit.to.I6.Numb. 16. 15. & 31.14. & 20.10,11. compared with Pfalm. 106. 32, 33. Verfe 4. faid fuddenly] fó Mewing the greatneffe 4 of his difpleafureagainft them, which fuffered no delay, Pfal. 64.7. Prov. 6.15. Efa.3o.13. and preventing any that might think Mofes complai- ned to God and fought revenge. Thus God who will be a fwipi witne flee againft mill doers,Mal.3.5.' fuddenly role to pleade the caufe of his meekeft fervant. Compare Pfal.5o.19,20,2tt yes three] both parties are judicially fummoned to appease before the Lord, in the Tent of his habitation : as he rifeth up to judgement, to fve all the meet of the earth, Pfal.76.9. So in Num,16,16. Vert 5. came down] in Chaldee, revealedhim 5 felfe: fee Gen.1 1.5. of the cloud] as the throne; of his glory, out of which hee ufed to appeare, and fpeake unto them, Pfal. 99. y. Numb. 16.42. Unto there apparitions, thofe vifions of Iobn hath reference, Rev. s o. 1,2,3. and 14.5 4i &c. Verf .6.aProphet among you] or, ofyou; Hebrew, 6 your Prophet: which the Chaldee expoundeth If there Pa be Prophets to (or among) you. vat