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NUMBERS XII. 75 this word Prophet meaneth , fee in the notes on Ì nedto another man,andperceiveth in his own know_- Gen. zo. y. Exod.7. t. Ilelwvab] lò the Chal- ledge that he is not fo as he mas,but that he u advan- ced above thoidegree of other wile men as a Maid of Saul, And thou 'halt prophefie with them, and 'halt be turned to another man; (t Sam. t 0.6.) The Pro- phets were of divers degrees: as in wofedime one wife man is greater than another,fo en prophe fie one Prophet was greater than another. And ail of them fare not the vifion of prophefie boot by dreame by vifion of the night, or in the day time , after that e deepe fltepe was fallen upon them, Num. i 2.6. andall of them when theyprophesed, their joyous trembled, andftrength of body failed, and their thoughts were troubled , and the miede was left changed to under - fiend that which was feene ; as it of Abraham , And loe a terror"; great darknes (ellupon him,(Gen. 15.) and as !a laid of Daniels And my vigor woe tur- ned in me into corruptian,and I retained no flreugth, (Dan. r o. 8.) The things that Were made enowne to a Prophet by vifon prophetical! mere made known, to him by way ofparable , andforthwith the interpreta- tion of the parable was written in his heart, and he knew what it was, ds she ladder thatJacob our fa-' therdid fee,anetthe Angels ascending and deftending on it, (Gen. 28.12.) and the living creatures which Ezekiel faw, (Esc a.) and the feethin,g pot,and Al- mend rod which Jeremie faw , (Jerem. t .) and the Ephah which Zacharylaw, (Zach. 5.) and fa the Other Prophets, of whom fame f f aloe the parable and the interpretation thereof,fonie the interpretation enely ; and fometime they uttered the parable onely, without the interpretation o as part of Ezekiels and Zacharies words: and they all prophefed by parables and after the way ofdarke f f teches. None of the Pro- phets prophefed at all times when they would; but prepared their upderflanding,and fatejoyful,& with cheerfuYheart,and with contemplation. For prophe - fie commeth not upon men, either when they are for. rowfud: or when they areflothfud,bat when they are joyfeeY: therefore thefons of the Prophets had before them Pfalteries,anclTimbrels,and Pipes, and Harps, (t & they fought for prophe fie; & this is that Which is written, AND THEY `PR OPHE- STING, (e Sam. t o. 5.) as if be fhauld faymalking in the way of prophefie,ointill they do prophefie Thole whichfought to prophefie, are called fens of the Pro- phets : and although theyprepared theirwits (or un- derstanding;) it might be the holy Cfhefl would come down upon them, and it might be not. ill these things that We have (fokenof,were the way efpropi o- fie for all theformer and latter Prophets, except Mo- tes our mafler, the mefler of all the Prophets. And what difference was there between the prophefie of Moles , and of all the other Prophets ? Al the Pro- phets prophefd by dreame or by vifion : but Moles prophesied when he was waking andflanding ; as it is written , And when Moles was gene into the Tent of the congregation, tofpeake with him, then he heard the voice ofone f f eisking unto him,(Num.7.89.) All the Prophets prophesed by the hands of an ei4ngell, therefore they did fee that which theyfaro in parable: and dark!limbos: Moles prophesied not by the hands of an Angel, as it is said , Mouth to mouth , I will Jptake with him, (Numbers 12. 8.) it is alferaid, Gggg 2 The dee allo explaineth it : or it may be interpreted, of lrhovab ; that is, a Prophet of the L 0 R D : fo the Gieeke tran(lateth,a Prophet of yors to the Lord. in a viferns] or, by a vifion, or fight; that is, as the Chaldee faith, in visions: fo God appeared to A- lárabam the Prophet,-in a vifion, Gcn.2 o. y. & I 5. t. and to Iacob, Gen. 46. Ezekiel,Ezek. 1.1. to Daniel,Dan.11. 2. and others, Job 4.13.2 Cor. i2. t.A.a.&2.17. whereupon a prophefie is called a vi- fion, Efa. 1. 1.Obad. 1. 1. Nahum I. e. in a demise] dreamer another way by which God revealed his word to the Prophets,Gen.3I. t 1. Dent. 13. t. t Kings 3. 5. Jer. 23.25, 28, 32. Dreames are in the night, and theft as is were in darknclîe God fpake with the other Prophets; but as R. Menachem here noteth, It was not fi with Motes, for(Gad) fpake not with him but by day. More- over, dreames and vifions doe Toone vanilh and file away, Job 20.8. 7 V.7. not fl] is not fuch a Prophet,that I (hould fpeake to him by dreames and vidoirs. faithfu! in all mine haufe] that is,in all my Church ; for the house of God, is expounded the Churls of the living God, t Tim. 3. 15. and Collie Chaldee here tren- d .iteth it in all my f eopb; and Jonathan, in all the !mute eflfraelmy people: and Chazkuniexplaineth it thus, ad the men,fmybottle bold bin: fr,faithfrsl. This is further opened by the Apo(kle, laying ; Confider the Apoilk and high Priefi of our profeflion, Chetfi Ie- fus, who was faidifisll to him that made bim, of a /Jo Mo- les wan in all bit boufe, ere. And Mofes verily was faithfull in alibis hors fe , at a fervant, for a teftimonie r f thole things which were to be fpoken after, but Chrifl as I the Son over his axone knife ; whop boxfe are are, if we bold fail the confidence, and the rejoycing of the hope firme trata the end, Heb. 3. 1, -6, Touching Mores faith - hdne(fe, and the confidence that Israel repofed in him, fee the notes on Exod. 19.9. 8 Verfe8. Mouth to mouth] that is, familiarly, plainly, in mine owne pretence, without any in- , terpoied nteane; as the Chaldee tranllateth, Speech with Jpeech. So when lofeph fpake without au interpreter, he laid, it is my mouth :batffcakethun- royou, Genet: 4S. tz. and the Aporleoppolethit to fpeech by writing; as, I would not write with paper and inke, but I trufl to come unto you, and fpeake, mouth to mouth, that our jay may be fuY, 2 jeh. ver.12. and 3 John 14. A like phrafe is in Exod. 33. s t . Jehovah flake :onto Mofes fade to face, as a man f eaketb onto his friend: and in this manner of communi- cation, Mille excelled all other Prophets, Dent. 34. 1o. The Hebrew Doors have explained this matter thus; It is one if the f undattons of the Law, to know that Ged maketh the forms of men to pro- phefie ; and prophefie refleth not but on a Wife man, great on wifeebme, mightie in hit versant? qualities , that his off êlions (or natttrall corruption) prevaile not over him, -ion arry thing in she world but be prevaileth ' by his krrroledge ore: bit afre¿lions caninesally , &c. On filch a elan the hii p Ghofl dwelleth, and when the Spirit reileth ape: bim, his Code it af/iciated to the degree of Angels which are c t/led man, and be is roer-