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NUMBE1LS XIII. from heaven, Heb.12.25. For Chrift is not the fer- vant but the Sonne, even the Lord from heaven, I Corinth. 15.47. I I Verfè r t. A /as milord] or, Oh my lord, Hebrew, unto me, to wit, have refpeú; the Chaldee explai- neti, it , We pray thee , my lord: fee this phrase in ,en.43.2o.Aaron as unWórthy of acceffe himfelfe unto God now departed , maketh regneft unto Mofees, honoured' him (though Aaron himfelfe was both the elder brother, and the high Prieft) with the title of his lord, confef%th their finne a- gainft him, craveth pardon ; and by Mofes media- tion , to have their lifter cured. fennel that is, the punishment of fin, (as Lev.22.9. Nun'. t 8.32. which he defireth that by Mofes interceffion, it might not be laid upon them of God. wherein we bave done foohfhly] or, becaufe we are become foelifb : the Greek trantlateth, becaufe we have done ignorant - ly in that we havefirmed: in which fenfe it is a leffen- ing of their finne,as done through unadvifedneffe and overfight, not maliciously. I2 Verf. 12. as one dead]by continuance of the le- profit upon her,whereby the should be (hut out of the communion of the Church, Num.5.2. should defile all that touched her,as doe the dead; and in the end tie confumed , and die utterlywith that fretting plague, as the words following thew.' The Chaldee expoundeth this verse thus; Let her not now be feparated from among us,for floe is our Inter: pray now far this dead flete that it in ber, that it may be healed. is even =fumed] or, it even eaten , to wit, with the difeale: and by comming out of his mothers wombe, the Greeke underftandeth and tranflateth, an untimely birth and eomming out, 6-c. for as of Inch a dead birth the flesh is halte confirmed, fo is the flesh of a Leper. 13 Verle 13. eryed out] that is, as'the Chaldee tran- afli&ion; fo therword usuallyfignifiethedO for her God] Hebr. Æl, which is one òf Gods names , fignify- ing his Might,and together implying his mercie; as is noted on Gen. 14. 18. So in T bargum Iona - tban, it is here explained; And Mofes prayefl,and be- fought merde before the Lord, faying ; I befeecb for merde 'the merdfell God, Ibefeerh God that bath power if the spirits ofalIflesh, Neale ber I befcecb thee. 14 Verfe 14. had flittingflitted] that is, bad but fpit- ted, to wit,in anger. TheChaldeeexpoundeth it, bad rebuked. Spitting on the face, is a figne of an. ger, Chame and contempt, Job 3o. lo. Efay 5o. 6, which if it had beene from her earthly father, Ihould have made her ashamed and forrowfull (e- ven dales : how much more now that it is from her father which is in heaven ? feven dales] fo long every Leper was to be fhut up by the Law, for every triall; andalto at his cleanfing: fee Lev. 13. 4,5.21,26. & 14.8. So long was he uncleane, that touched a dead ntan,Num.i 9.11. gathered] that is, received in, or as the Greeke tranflateth,en- ter in. So gathering is tiled for receiving or taking in, after that one is negleheed or forsaken, Judg., 9. 15. Jof. 20.4. PGil.27.10. Here Thargum Jonathan addeth this paraphrase, And I will eaufi to fray, for thyfable, the Cloud of my Glorie, andthe Tabernacle, and the Arke, and all Ifrael, until! the time that she it [heated, and afterward she (ball begatbered m. Verf. 15. Mary war flout] in t reeke, was fepara- ted: this was an example of juftice againft (in- ners, without refpe£t offperfons : therefore they are after willed to ren,èn,ber this, Deuteron- mie 54. 9. And even Kings when they were Le- pers, were feparated, and dwelt apart, 2 Chron. 26. 20, 21. the peeph journeyed not] but flayed mourning for her, till !bee was recured; which was a fpeciall honourunto Mary above other Loa pers, for whom there was no such flay, Num.5,2, 4. Becaufe this Mary was one of thole whom God fent before his people,Mlc.6.4. Exo 15.2o. Sol. Iarel,,i faith, The Lord impartedibis honour unto her, becaufe she once flayed for Moses when he wàs caff into the river, at it is written, and his ',Ter flood a farre of, etTC. Exod. 2. 4. Ver. r 6. 13rilderneji of Pisaran] or,of Paran; which had beene Ifmaels habitation, Gen. 21. 21. and the place where they pitched in this Wildernetse was called Ritbmah,Num.33. r8. and Cades barmq Num.'3.3,26. Deut.i.t9. &c. ZIMMIZSZZZZ CHAP. XIII. i , The Lord biddetb Motet fend one man of eve - rie Tribe, to 'earth the land of Canaan. 4,T beir names and Tribes. 17, Their infruflions. 21, Their ails and reunite after fortte dabei. 26, Their relation of the goodnefe of the land, and firength of the inhabi- tants. 30,. Caleb incourageth the people, but the o- ther'difcourage them, and bring up an evill report up- on the land DDD Nd Jehovah fpake Canto Mofes, fay ing ; Send thou men, that they may fearch the land -of Canaan, which I give to the formes of Mae : one man, one man for a Tribe of his fathers, fhall ye fend every one a ruler among. them. And Mofes Pent them from the Wilderneffe of-Pharao, at the mouth of Jehovah : all thofe men were heads of the Fons of Ifrael: And thefe were their names : Of the Tribe of Reuben, Shammua the fonne of Zaccur. Of the Tribe of Simeon Shaphat the fon of Hod. Of the Tribe of Judah; Caleb the fonne of Jephunneh. Of the Tribe of Ilfachar, Jigal the fon of jofeph. Of the Tribe ofEphra- im, Hofhea the fonne of Nun. Ofthe Tribe of Benjamin, Palti the fonne of Raphu. Of the Tribe of Zabulon, Gaddiel the fonne of Sodi. Ofthe Tribe of Jofeph , of the Tribe of Manaffes, Gaddi the fon of Sul. Of the Tribe of llan,Ammiel the bonne of Gemal- li. Of the Tribe of Afer, Sethur the fonne Gggg'3 of 77 15 16 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 1I 13'