78 'Spies Pent to NUMB E R s X I I I. fearch the land. 14 of Michacl.Ofthe Tribe of Naphtali; Nah. 15 ¡ bi the fonne of Vophfi. Of the Tribe of 16 Gad ; Gevel the fon of Machi. Thefe are the names of the menwhich Mofes fent to fpie out the land : and Mofes called Hofhea 17 the fonne of Nun, Jofhua. And Mofes fent them to fearch the land of Canaan, and faid unto them; Goe up this way Southward,and 18 goe up into the mountaine. And fee the land what it is, and the people that dwelleth thereon, whetherthey be ftrong or weak; 19 ' whether they be few or many. And what the land is that they dwell in , whether it be good or bad, and what the Cities be that they dwell in : whether in Tents 20 or in ft tong holds. And what the land is , whether it be fat or leane, whether there be wood therein or not: and be ye of good courage , and take of the fruir of the land ; ( Now the daies were the dales 21 of the firft ripe grapes.) And they went up and fearched the land, from the Wilder - neffe of Zin,unto Rehob,to the entrance of' a2 Hamath. And they went up by the South, and he came unto Chebron: and there were Ahiman, Shefhai and Talmai, the children of Anak : now Hebron was built leven 23 yeeres, before Zoan in Egypt. And they came unto the boume of Efhcol, and cut downe from thence a branch, and one clu- (ter of grapes; and they bare it on a ftaffe, by two : and (tbey brought) ofthe Pomgra- 24 naces, and of the figs. That place was cal- led the bourne ofEfhcol,becaufe of the du- fier which the Fons of (frac( cut down from 5 thence. And they returned from fearching a6 the land, at the end of fortie dales. And they went and came to Mofes and to Aaron, and to all the congregations of the fonnes of Ifraela unto the W ilderncffe of Pharan,to Kadefh c and brought back word unto them and unto all the congregation ; and fhewed them the fruit of the land. And they told him, and faid; We came unto the land whi- ther thou fenteft us : and furely it Roweth with milke and honey, and this is the fruit of it. Neverthelelfe, the people is ftrong that dwelleth in the land ; and the Cities fenced very great: and moreover, we law the chil- 9 dren of Anak there. Amalek dwelleth in the land of the South : and the Chethite, and the Jebufite, and the Amorite dwelleth in the mountaine ; and the Canaanite dwelleth by thefea, and by the coaft ofJordan. And Caleb_ Hied the people before Mofes , and laid, Going up, let us goe up and poffefle it; 2 28 for wee are well able to overcome it. But the men that went up with him,ftid; We be not able to goe up again(( the people : for they are ftronger than wee. And they brought up an evil/ report of the land which they had fearched, unto the fons of Ifrael, laying ; The land, thorow which we have gone to íearch it, is a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof; and all the people that we law within it, are men of ftatures. And there we law the Giants, the fons of Anak, which come of the Giants : and wee were in our owns eyes as Grafhoppers; and fo wee were in their eyes. tilnnotatians. D Here beginneth the 37. SeEtion of the Law : fee Geneós 6. ç. IEbovab fj,ake]ByMofsrelation after, itappea- reth, that when God had led his people from mount Merci to Cadefb Barnea, through the great and fearful] Wilderneffè, and they were come to the mountains of the Amorites; then Mole, laid, See, the LORD thy God bath given the land be- fore thee; Goe up, poffeffe it. And all the people came mere tinto Mofr, and Paid ; We wig fndmen before ur , and they (ball feareb out ebe land fir ne , and bring to word againe, by what way melba!' gee rep, c. That word liked Mer well ;and he took of them twelve men and fent them to fpie out the land, Dem.' . 19,-24. So where here it is Paid, Iehovab fake, &c. it is not meant, that this motion came firft from the Lord; but the people firft fpake of it to Mofes hA confulted with the Lord about it; and the Lord approved, or at leaft , permitted the thing which they defined. Verte 2. Send Aeon] or, Send for tbee : which 2 Sol. Iarebi expoundeth to this fente; I command thee not; if than pleafefl, fend: farafmneb at Ifrael came andfaid, we will fendinen, &c. Deuter. r. 22, that they may feardb] or, and let them fearcb, or lie, by fearching round about : and the word implieth the aBion of the heart & minde, not of the eyes onely,Ecclef, i.13, & 7.25. Thus God let then goe fearch or efpie the land,which he him - felfe before badefjied for them,Ezek.za6. and went before them in the way, to fearch them out a place to pitch their tents in, in fire by night, and in a cloud by day, Dent. 1.33. efCanaan]that is, as the Greek tranflateth, of the Cbanaanites : na- med as the chicle, fer it was the land of7. migh tie nations, Dent. 7. r. I give] or, am Riving: fo he fpeaketh as of a thing prefent,for more alfu- ranee. one man one man] anHebrew phrafe,mea- ning, of every Tribe oie man, excepting the Tribe of Levi,for of then none was fent;becaufe they were to have no inheritance.in the land.Deut,1 S. t. a Ruder] or, a Prince; not of the baler fort becaufe the 31 32 33