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NUMBER the bnineffe was weight ie: whereupon their re - bellion following was of the more note. Verle 3. at the month] or, according to the mouth, That is,, the word of the LORD, as the Chaldee tranflateth; and the Greeke, lay the voice oftbe Lord: and this Sol. Iarchi expoundeth, bybispermiJJion. So in the commentarie called Pbeftk{a, 1.01.47. it is faid, The election f the Spies, was according to the mouth of the LORD; not that God commanded them to fend then. If thou fayesf why did he not for- bid them to fend? To accampl their defire , and o render then their recompenfe, and to give. unto Jofhna and Caleb a good reward. heads] that is , as the Giecke faith, Cbiefe- rulers; and Chazkuni ex- poundeth them, Captainco over thoiufànds: as in Exodus 18. 25. 4 Verre 4. Shatnmua] in Greeke, Samiel fume of Zacchour. Verle 5. Shaphat] in Greeke, Sapbat faun of Sauri. 6 Verfe 6. Caleb] in Greeke, Cba /eb fon of Iephonne. See a Citron. 4.15. His name fignifieth, Heartie : and he brought Mofes word againe, as it was in his heart, Jof :14.7. 7 Verlè 7. ligal] in Greeke, Igad. 8 Vesfe 8. Hofhes] in Greeke, Aufes fin of Nave. 9 Verle 9. Palti] or as in Greeke, Phalli. 10 Verle 1 o. Gaddiel ] in Greeke, Goudiel from of Saudi. Verfe 1 r. of Iofph] He was father of Ephraim in verfc 8. as well as of Mana /Ph here ; and forte- time Ìofiph is named for Epbraim, Ezek. 37. 16, 19. Revel.7,8. Here he is named as father of Ma- nafb, who was his firft -borne , Jof: 17. 1. al- though the Hebrews give another reafon ; name- ly, Beeaufe both of them uttered an ill report; Jofeph, _of bio Brethren, (Gen.37.z.) and the Prince of Manaf- feh, fehe land: which Hofhea of Ephraim did not. Chazlwti on Nuntb.13. 13 Verfe 13. Sethur] in Greeke, Sadao.. Verfc 14. 21(,ghbi] or Naebbi;in Greeke, Naabi firm of Sabi. 15 Verfe 15. Gevel] in Grecke, Goudiel. 16 Verfe i 6. T heft are the names] Chazkuni here obferveth, He fentno lie of the Tribe of Levi, be- cau fi be had no portion in the land. Nun] called alto, Non, i Chron. 7. 27. in Greeke, Nave. lofloua] or, Iehefloua, called fometime lefbuah, Neb. 8.17. in Greeke,7eftes; and So the New Teftament writeth hint, Aft. 7.45. Heb.4..8. that fignifieth a Saviour, Mat. t. 21. And this naisse.Mofes gave him by the Spirit of God ; either as forefeeing that he fhculd be his fucceffor, and fave the peo- ple from their enemies the Canaanites ; or, (as Sol. larchi here noteth) praying for him, that the Lord would lave him from the couufell of the (wicked) (pies. But Cbazkuni expoundeth it,Mo- fes bad caUedHolhea the f nne rfNun, Jofhùa, not that be new fief! called him Jofhua, but befre when be war made his min fer,andfoundgraceioshiseyer.- We find him called Ioflona, before they came to mount Si- nai, Exod.,7.9. and after this, when Mals is rea- die to die, he is called Hofbea, in Deuter. 32.44. Where Chazkuni faith thus; At the fitft when he 5 II s XIII. 79 was taken tu be Mofes Mnif(er , Mores called him Jofllua far fo is the manner of Kings, to change the name of their Minìfierr, Gen. 4r.9.5. Dan. r. 7. But now when bee is made King himfelfe , his fir 11 name it reflored: neverthelef e, thorough all the Scrip- ture he is called Jo(hua, beeaufe bee mar aecrefiamed thereto already. By this reafon, the change of his name fhould feeme to diminilh from has dignity; whereas it was changed for his honour ; as were the names of Abram, Sarai, Iacob, and others; Ge- net: 17. 5, 15. & 32. 28, Nelsen. 9.7. Efay 62.2. Marke 3. 16, 17. Verte 27. Southward] or, by the South; as in vert. 17 22. meaning the South part of the land of Canaan, as Chazolpni explaineth it. For that was neerelt unto thenr,and theworts part of the iand,becaufe it was wilderneffe,and waterleffe,as the original] word Negeb , fignifieth Drie ground e and Cakbs daughter laid to her father , Thou haft given me a South (that is, a Brie) land, gire me alfa fprirtgs of water, Judg.I.15. and,Riversin the Sochi,, Pfa.t 26. 4. meaneth, refrefhing after bondage and aftli£ti- on. TheGreek here tran(lateth, Goe rep by thin wil- derneffè: and fo in that part was awildernelfe, Jof,15.1,- 3. And Sol. larchi faith, Goe up this way by the South; that war the we f part of the land of If - rad : for fo is the mener ofMerchants ; they fhear the worff things fir ll, and afterward they thew the heft. the menntaine] which was inhabited by Amalekites, Canaanites, and Amoriter, Num.14. 40,45. Dent. t. 44: Of this, Chazkuni giveth a reafon thus ; And when ye fhall know how to fubdese the motmtaìne, the val- ley will be eafte te fubdue. Verfc 18. the landwhat it is] This is again re- peated in verte 19. and the third time in verte 2o. which may chusbe diftiüguifhed: by the land here, is meant, the people of the land, as after Mofes ex- plaineth it ; by the land, in verte 19. is meant, the ayre of the country, and the cities,villages,tents,. which were by the hand ()finals fet thereon ; and by the land, inver.2o is nseant,the folle or grousssl it (elfe, and fruits that grew thereon. and the people] and is here for explanation, that is, or, I mean the people: fee the notes on Gen. 13.15. So in Pfal. 66.4. Let all the earth bow down tothee ,that is,all peoples of theearth : likewife in Pfal. a 1 o. 1.8c 96.1. and often in the Scriptures. So, boule for houfhold, or people in it, Gen,45. t 1, t 8. Ci- ties. for Citizens, Jof. 17.'2. whether they] He- brew, whether it be ffrong, &c. fpeaktng of the peo- ple, as one in multitude. Verre 19. good or bad] This feenaeth to refpe& 19 theivholfomneffe of the country,for aire,wàters, &e. as in 2 King. 2. 19. the fitteation of this country is good, but the water is bad, and the land cauftt to suif carie., To this, Chazkuai referreth it, laying, or bad, ifit carafe the inhabitants thereof to mifearie (or to be barren) as 2 King/2.19. and hereupon they an- fwered,It is a land that eateth up theinhabitants' thereof, Numb. [3.32. inT ems] Or, hecampeo, troopes: the Chaldee ealleth theist Villages (or ren- waded Towner) the Greeke changeth the order, Laying, inwalled or in unwalled Townes. Verle 20. fat or /cane] This relpe&eth the toile 20 rt 18