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6O NUMBERS XIII. it (elfe, which if it befas, is fertile ; if loam, bar- ren. The Chaldee changeth the metaphor, lay- ing whether itbe rich orpate. So in Neh.9.25,35. Tiny tookeeffrong cities , Hula fat land; and in Ezek. 34. 14. fat pafure. mood] or, Trees, as the Greeke and Chaldee interpret it , and7bargum Ionatban,Treesoffind; that is, of fruit to be eaten. beyee fgood courage] or, f rengthen, encourage your likes. the firfl ripe grapes]or, the frff fruits efgrapes. And then , as Chazkuni oblèrveth , They had need to haze courage , hewn le' the keepers (of the vineyards) watched them there. 2 Verfezi.otZin]or,ofTfm: there was a wilder- nelfe into which they came before, called Sin, fo named of an Egyptian citie Sin neere it,Ex.s6.1. Ezek. 3o. 1 516. This defart of Zin, feemeth to be fo named, as being a Tbornie wilderneff ; for Zinnim (in the forme plural!) fignifieth therms, Job 5.5. And as the former Sin bordered upon Egypt, fo Zit: bordered on the land of Canaan, Num.34. 3,4.. J0.15.3. Rehab] or Rechob, cal- led in Greeke , Rub , (as Recbabbam or Rehoboam, 1 King. 12. 1. is written in Greeke by the Holy Ghoft, Roboam, Mat.1.7.) This Rehab was a chie in the Welt part of the land of Canaan, neere un- to Sidon, which fell by lot to the Tribe of Afer, Jot19.28. Judg. t.3t. to the entrance] or.totbe entring in ofHanath: fo in Numb. 34.8, Jof 13.5. Judg. 3.3. Amos 6. r4. and fo the Chaldee here tranflateth it, Hamad, or Cbamatb, called alto He- math the great,Amos 6.2. was a citie on the North part of Canaan, and on the Ealt fide, (as Rehab was on the Weft) Nuns. 348. Job. 3.5. By this defcription of their voyage, they went from South to North, and from Weft to Eat+, fo view- ing the whole land. This Hamad is in Thargum Imutban called Antiocria, (and fo Hamath was af- ter named of K. Antiochos) and it was fituate un- der mount Lebanon, by the river Iabole 2 2 i Verf, z z. by the South] or Southward; Gr. by the wildermAè: fee verlè 17. and be came to Che- bran] or, unto Hebron; a place in theSouth parts of Canaan, where Abraham, Ifaa(and laud,, with their wives, had beene buried, Gen.23.2,19. and 49. 31 . fee the notes on Gen. 13. 18. By be came, Sol. Sarchi and others, underftand Caleb onely; as if the twelve Spies went not in one company,but one or two of them together : and Caleb, coming thither is fpecially mentioned in Jof..14.9.tbe land whereon thy feet have troden ,(,all be thine inheritance; and in verle z,. now therefore give me thismoun- taine, where fthe Lord Jjiake in that day; andin Verfe 14. Chebron therefore became the inheritance of Ca- leb. Others tmderfland be came, that is, they came; as Cbozkuni faith, It is the manner f the Scripture, to eake ofmany pies and lyers in wait , in the f:ngular nu_j,t ber ; as (in Jofhua 8. 19.) The lyer in ambufb rafe quickly ont of bú place. The Greeke tranfla- tcth, they came; the Chaldee path in Come copies Atha, he came; in other fonte Atha, 7H ET came. Aoiman'] or as the Greeke writeth him, Adel - man: he was one on the Heathen Giants dwelling in Chebron : the Hebrews interpret his name,Wba X my brother ? and that he was fo called , becaule n o n e in the w o r l d was brother to him (that is, like un- to hint) in frengtha: yet Caleb flew him and his two brethren; Jot: Shy/Jai] in Greek, Sefei. 7almai] in Greek, Thelamei. children of Anak] in Greeke, generations of E- nak: in Chaldee, famesaf the Giant(or,of the m,gh- tie man.) Anak_was the tonne of Arba, whereupon Chebron was in former times called Rirjab Abe, that is, the dtie of Arba,'Jo.15. 13. Gen. 23.2. before Zoan] or Tfaan, called in Greeke and Chaldee , Tanes: (as of ?far or Zar, i, Tyr,« is Greek.) This declareth not onely the antiquity of Chebron , but by confequence the goodneffe of the land. For the Anakims which reigned over all, feated themfelves in the bell places. Sohlarchi faith ; It may be that Chans builded Chebron for his imager ferme Canaan , before be banded Zoan far Mizraim hie elder fane, &c. Of al countries, nome excelled Egypt ; a it written, Like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, (Gene. s3. so.) And Zoan wat the mot excellent in the land of Egypt far there the Kings dwelt , a it it written , For hie Princes were at Zoan, (Efay 30. 4.) but Chebron wat[eeven times better than it. Verfe 23. bourne] orvallie,brook. The Hebrew Naha, frgnifieth both a vally, Gen.26.i 7,x9. and a river or braoke running in a valley : our Englifh word bourne, anfwereth to them both. Efe l nifieth a obeyer; and of the Ifraelites cutting of the clufler, this place had the name, foíame- moriall, verte 24. The Greeke tranflatet it, the vaille of the du er: This place is reported to have beene in the Tribe of Dan, within a little of the value Sorckmentioned in Judg. 56.4. a branch] to wit, of a vine, and one duller of grapes lank as the Greeke serfiott faith; and fo Sarchi explain - eth it, a branch of a vine, and aclufer(grapes bang- ing upon if. on a toff ] or, on a barre; the Greeke tranflateth , on barres (or leaves) and omitteth the words following, by two: whichfeemethto favour the expofition that Cratkuni giveth here, they bare it on a barre of de branch, with two other bars. But the more Pimple and plaine meaning is let downe in 7hargum Ianetban thus, on barre, m the fhouldera of two of them. Ver.2 5. at the end ,f frcie daiea] inGreeke,efter 25 forcie dales. In 7hargum Ionathan there is added, in the month of Ab (which we call lcdy) at the and of forcie dales. AndÇbae/Eniexplainethit further, that they began on the a9., f Sivan (which we name May) and ended on the eighth of Ab (or luly.) So many daies,our Lord Chrift after his refurre- Ilion , viewed his Difciples, being feen ofthemforcie dates, Abbr. 3. And according to this number of dales , the Ifraelites had yeeres allotted them to wander and perifh in the W ilderneffe, becaufe they beleeved not God, but refufed to gee into the good land proffered them, Numb. r4. 33,3e. Of the myfierie in this number 4o. fee more in the notes on Dent. 25.3, Verfe 26. to Kadefh] called allo Kadejh barnea, Dent. 5.19. There was a citie of the Edomites called Kadfb, Num. 20.16. whereupon the wil- derneffe by it was called alto Kadejb, P. 29.8. and 13 26