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NUMBERS tell. 27 2ó 29 30 and the fame was called the wildemeffi of Zin,Num. 3336. Chatelinti here faith, The wi!clemeth ofPha- rau, and the wilderneJT of Zin, and Hazcroth, and Kadcfn barnea, and Rithmah, (Num. 33. 18.) were one here to another. This Kadefb (in Grceke, Rades) TheChaldee nameth Pelmm. Verfe 27. they told hint] to wit , Mofes, in the hearing of all the congregation. and honey] that is , with all good things : fee the notes on Exod.3.8. Thus they acknowledged the truth of Gods promifes; they faid, his agood land which the Lord our Godeletl,gite unto in, Deut. I. 25. Verte z8. Neverthelef] or, But that. This lat- ter part of the fpecch, was from the ten fpies(not from Caleb or Iofua) who here take occafion terrifie the people from going to poffeffe the land , Dent. X.28. fenced] with firong holds, high wals and munition ; the Greeke expreffeth it by two words,fenced, walled: in Deut.1.28. and 9.s. it is faid, fencedup ta heaven: and inDeut.3 .5. fenced with high walls, gates and barrer. children of Anak] in Grceke, the generation of Enal, in Chal- dee,fms of the Giant : fo in Deut.1.28, the Greeke tranflateth them, f nner.oftbe Giants ; fee before on veri. ao. Of there there went a proverbe, Who can ffand before the funues of Arak? Deut. 9. 2. And of the Grcekes borrowed the word Anke, to ligni- fie Kings; and by interpretation Anak lignifieth a chaire, Proverbs 1.9. which is an ornament for Kings and great perfonages, and of old, upon their beads neckes alto, Judg. 8.26. And many fùch men were chained with pride, as Pfa1.73.6. V,erC 29. Amalek] that is, the Amalekites, the potteritie of Aenalekthe forme of Efau; of whom fee -Exod. i 7.8, &c. Becanfe they had berne fmitten by Amalek (Deuteron.25. 17, 18.) the yes doe now mare mention ofhim, to make them afraid, faith Iambi on Num.13. This Ama(ek(who was thefard ofthe nations, Numb. 24. 20. and an enemie to Ifrael) would hinder, as they thought,their entrance on the South fide. in the mountaire] that is, the mpuntaines, or, as theGreeke tranflateth, the mean- taie part, for there nations here reckoned, were the molt mightie; and the Chethites polfeffed mount Thabor, the Jebnfìtes Ierufalem and noun- taises about it , the Amos ices mount Heces , &c. Judges 1. 2 r. 34, 35, 36. and there Amorites were high as Cedars, and thong as Oakes, Amos 2. 9. fo the land feemed in their eyes unpolfible to be conquered. the coaff]or fide, Hebrew, the band of Jordan ; which was towards the EaR, as the Sea was to the Wed.. Verb. 3o. Caleb] and lofea with lj nt afterward, Num.14. 6,7. though nowat fini it may be IoBta purpofely held his peace in prudence, becaufe he was Mofes minifter, and let Caleb fpeake. (filled the people be fire Motes] or, made the people ta krepe Pence before (or unto) Mofes : that is, the people heginnipgto murmure and fpeak unto Mofes and against him , Caleb Rilled them. TheChaldee ex- poundeth it, he »fade the people to attend (that is, to hearken) unto Mofès: and Icnatban in his Thar - gum faith , be piled the people, and canféd them to attend unto Mofes. , And it appeareth by Deut. I. 29,3o.that Mopes himfelfe fpake to incourage the people; but they would not obey. and faid]that is , Caleb faid ; as the 3 r. verle manifefteth; and the Greeke addcth, he f id unto him. we are well able to overcome it] or, prevailing ree/loll prevaile over it ; meaning the land; which the Gr. explaineth, over them, the people. And this was a fpecch of faith, belceving in the power & promife of (cod; for Caleb now fpake as it was in his heart,Jof14.7. Verf. 3 t. But the men] Hebr. And the men ; mea- ning ten of the twelve, all the other fpies except Iofua, Numb. 14.6. Vert. 32. an evili report] an infamie , or defama- tion : of which Solomon faith , he that tettereth it, it a foole, Proverbs 1 o. 18. And for this their finne, thefe men dyed by aplague, before the Lord, Num. 14. 37. This infamie, the Chaldee called, an evil'name: the Greeke here, a dread f the land, but inNumb. 14.36. the Grceke expoundeth it, evil words. And whereas theHebrew Dibbah, ftgnifieth but a fpe.cb or report, though commonly of faults, which may be done without finne; the word evil! is added by Mofes , in Numb. 14.37. to thew that this their defamation was very ffnfull. eatetb up ] con - fumetb; in Chaldee, IiUeth the inhabitants; which may be underftood of their civili wars, whereby they devoured one another. For the Amorites had conquered the Moabites, Numb. 2/. 28, 29. the Caphtorims (or Philiftines) had deftroyed the Avisos, Deut. 2. 23, This phrafe was after ufed against the land, when the Heathens had de- ftroyedthe Ifraelites in it , Thous (land) eater up men, and baff bereaved thy nations, Ezek. 36. 13. of fatures] or, of dimenfions,'ofmeafares ; that is, of great Rature, tall and big; as the Gr. tranflateth, exceeding tall men. And as the Prophet openeth it, high as Cedars, ffrong as Oakes,Amos 2.9, An exam- ple of filch a man offlature, we have in 2 Sam.z 1. 2o. that had on every hand f x fingers, and on every foot fix toes, &c. and another of an Egyptian five cubits high,with a Speare in his hand like a weavers beame, 1 Chro.11.23. So in Jer.22. i 4. an Iwuf ofineafurei, (or of ffatures) is fora large high houfe. Vert 33. Giants] Hehr. Nephi6m, fuch as were before Nod's flood; fee Gen. 6.4. with the Anno- tations. a Grafhoppers] or ar begs , that is, low, weake, bife in comparifon with then. So it is faid of God, He fttetb upon the circle ease earth, and the inhabitants thereofare a Grafhoppers, Efay 40. 22. in their eyes]that is, they fo, efteemed us. And by reafon hereof; it may be the fpies patted thorow their land more fafely, whiles their mightie men defpifed and negledted them; as the Philiftine difdained to meddle with little David, 1 Samuel 57. 24. The Hebrew Doitors to thew this, feigne this explanation; We heard them fay one to another there are Pifmires in the vineyards, lil a unto men. Chazkuni on Num. 13.33. f4i4Wir4i2titt1"12ei CHAP. XIV. 1, The Ìfhaelites weepe and murmure at the newer that the fpies brought ont of Canaan;' and fßeake of rottr- gf 31 32 33