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3z The pt°eple N U M B E R S XIV. murmure. i returning into Egypt. 6 Etna and Caleb labour to flit! and ineourage them , but the Ifraelites would have finned them. t 1, God threatnetb to defiroy the 'people. 13, !Y/ofs intreateth for them, and abtaineth par - don. 23, The murmurers are deprived of entring in- to the land, and condemned to wander forcie yeeres in the wtlderneffe, and die there. 36, The fies who raild the evil} report, die by a plague. 39, The people herring the fintence of God againfi them, materne, and offer thenelves to goe up ; but Mofes forbiddeth them. ¢¢, Yet they prefume to got up, and are frhit- ten ty their enemies. r Nd all the congregation lifted up, and gave their voice,and the people wept that night. And all the fons of Ifrael murmured aoainft Mofes and a- gain ft Aaron: and all the congregation faid ' unto them; Oh that we had died in the land of Egypr,or in this wilderneffe, oh that wee 3 might die. And wherefore doth Jehovah bring us unto this land, to fall by the fwordc our wives and our little ones (hall be for a prey : were it not better for us to return in- q. to Egypt! And they Paid, every man unto his brother : Let us make a captaine,and let 5 us returnc into Egypt. And Mofes and Aaron fell on their faces, before all the affembly of the congregation of the fonnes 6 of Ifrael. And Jofhua the Tonne of Nun; and Caleb the Tonne of Jephunneh, which were of them that fearched the land; rent 7 their clothes. And they Paid unto all the ' congregation ofthe Eons of Ifrael, faying; The land which we palled thorow to fearch 8 it, is an exceeding good land. If Jehovah delight in us, then he will bring us into this land, and will give it unto us, a landwhich 9 flovheth with milke and honey. Onely re- bell not ye againft Jehovah ; and you ,feare not the people of the land , for they are bread for us : their Ihadow is departed from them, and Jehovah is with us, feare them t o not. But all the congregation Paid, to flotte them with (tones: and the glory of Jeho- vah appeared in the Tent of the Congre- gation, be fore all the fonnes of Ifrael. And Jehovah fail unto Moles ; How long will this people provoke mee t' and how long will they not beleeve in me , for all the fignes which I have done amongfl them r 12 I will Grate Them with the peftilence, and difinherit them , and will make of thee a r 3, nation greater and mightier thanthey. And Mofès faid unto Jehovah ; Then the Egyp- tians (hall beareit; for thou broughteft up this people, in thy might, from among 14 them. And they will fay to the inhabitants .of this land, fer they have heard chit thou Jehovah art among this peoplci, that thou Jehovah art feene eye to eye , and that thy cloud flandeth over them , and in a pillar of a cloud thou goeft before them by day, and in a pillar of fire by night. Now 15 ifthou (halt kill this people as one man,then the nations will fay , which have heard the fame of thee, faying ; Becaufe Jehovah ma 16 not able to bring this people into the land, which he fwareunto them; therfore he hath Elaine them in the wilderneffe. And now, 17 I befeech thee,let the power ofthe Lord be great according as thou haft fpoken,faying; Jehovah i.t long fuffering, and much in mer- 18 tie , forgiving iniquitie, and trefpaffe : and clearing will not cleare (the guilty;) viliting the iniquitie of the fathers upon the fonnes, unto the third, and unto the fourth gene. ration. Pardon I befeechthee, the iniquitie of this people,according unto the greàtneffe of thy mercie,and as thou haft forgiven this people from Egypt, even until! now. And sD Jehovah Paid, I have pardoned , according! to thy word. But affuredly, as I live , all ar the earth (hall be filled with the glory oaf Je- hovah. For all the men which have feene my glory, and my ftgnes,which I did in E. gyps, and in the wilderneffe,and.have temp. ted me thefe ten times, and have not heark. ned to my voice; Ifthey (hall fee the land, 23 which I fware unto their fathers, neither (hall any of them that provoked me, fee it. But my fervant Caleb, becaufe there was another fpirit in him , and he followed me fully ; even him will I bring into the land, whereinto he went, and his feed (hall pof- feffe it. (Now the Amalekite, and the Ca- naanite , dwelt in the valley:) to morrow, turne ye, and journey you into the wilder - neffe, by the way of the red fea. And Jehovah fpake unto Moles and unto 26 Aaron, faying How long ("hallifardan) s7 this evil! congregation, which murmure a- gainft me t I have heard the murmurings of the fonnes of Ifrael,which they murmure a- gainft me. Say unto them, As I live, affu. redly faith Jehovah, if I do not fo unto you, as ye have fpoken in mine cares. Your car - kaffes (hall fall in this wildernes; and all that were muttered of you, according to your whole number, fromtwenty yeeres old and upward, which have murmured agáinft me. If you (hall cóme into the land , càncerniog 3o which I lifted up my hand,ro make you dwel therein,f0ve Caleb the fonneofJephunneh, and 19 22 24 25 a8 29