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The people puni fhed. NUMBER S 3 r and Jo(hua the fon of Nun. And your lit- tie ones, which yè faid fhould be fora pray, even them will I bring in, and they fhall know the land, which yee have defpifed. 32 But as for you , your carkaffes fhall fall in 33 this wilderneffe. And your children (hall feed in the Wilderneffe fortie yeeres, and (hall beare your whoredoiaes, untill your carkaffes be confumed in the Wilderneffe. 34 After the number of the daies in which yee fearched the land, fortie daies ; a day for a yeere, a day for a yeere, ye (hall beare your mìquities, fortie yeeres ; and ye (hall know 35 my breach (of promife.) I Jehovah have fpoken, If I doe not this unto all this evill congregation, that are gathered together a- gainft me ; in this wilderne(fe they (hall be 36 confumed, and there they fhall die. And the men which Mofes had fent to fearch the land, and which returned, and made ail the congregation to murmure againft him, by bringing up an evill report upon the land: 37 Even the men died that did bring up the e- vill report of the land,bythe plague, before 38 Jehovah. But Jofhua the fonne of Ndn, and Caleb the fonne of Jephunneh, lived, of thofe men that went to fearch the land. 39 And Mofes fpake there words unto all the' fonnes of Ifrael, and the people mourned 4o greatly. And they rofe up early in the morning , and went up unto the top of the mountain, faying ; Loe we be here , and will goe up unto the place, which Jehovah 4r hath faid, for we have finned. And Mofes faid, Wherefore now do you tranfgreffe the mouth of Jehovah ? But it (hall not profper. Goe not up, for Jehovah is not among you, that ye be not fmitren,before your enemies. For the Amalekite and the Canaanite is there before you, and yee fhall fall by the fword; for becaufe ye are turned from after Jehovah, and Jehovah will not be with you. 44 But they loftily prefumed to goe up to-the top of the mountaine: but the Ark of the co- venantofJehovab, and Mofes, departed not 45 fromwithin the campe. And the Amalekite came down,and the Canaanite,which dwelt in that mountain; and fmote them, and dif- comfited them, even unto I4ormah. 42 43 t/ittmotations. r Ifedup]towit,theirvoice,as aster followeth, 1- and as is expreffed in Gen.21. t 6. fhe lilted up ber voire , and wet. Or, all the congregation toake up, that is, received , to wit, the evill report which the Spies gave of the land, Numb. r3. 32. So the phrafe is :fed, in Exod. 23. I. Thou fl alt not talle up a vaine report. This latter, the Greekeverfon tavoureth. gaze their voice] that is , cried.out. This manner of fpeech is tiled to lignifie any loud voice, noife or crie, of any creature, or of God h imièlfe ; as in Pfal.' 8.4. 4. the Moft high gaze his voice; in Jer.2.1 5. the Lions gale their voice; in PCal. r o4.12. the fowles give the voice; in PCal. 77. 18. the skies gave a voice 5 in Habak. 3. ro. ehe deepe gave bit voice; and in 2 Chron. 24.9. men are faid to give a voice, when they made a Proclamation tho- row ludab and lerufalem. So this people here ot. penly rebelled , and uttered their evill hearts without frate, or Ihame. that night] Hebr. in or through that night; which the Greekexplaineth, that whole night. Vert 2. and againfi Aaron] which were the Lords min ifters, thereforerheir murmuring was not againft them onely, but againft the L O R D, as Mof s told them, in Exod.16. 2.8. and as after appeareth in ver( 3. Oh that we might die] or (Would God) that we were dead: they are words of unbeleefe and defpaire, and of great unthank- fidneffe : compare Exod. 16.3. Pfal.106. 24, 25. The Greeke tranflateth, If we were dead: which is a forme of wi(hing, both in the Greeke and He- brew tongues, as in I Chro.4. r o. Ifebou wilì.ble( me ; that is, Ob that thou wóuldeft blef me; fo in Luke 12. 49. If it were (for, Oh that it were) al- ready kindled ; and fo the Syriack verfion there explalneth it. Verf.. 3. to fall] i. e. that we fhould fall that is, die by the (word ? Here they murmure againft God himfelfe through unbeliefe; as David faith, They eonoemptuotty refuted the land of defire, ( the pleafant land ;) they beleezed not his word, but murmured in their Tents; they beard not the voice of Iebovab, PCal. 106. 24, 25. were it not better] or, were it not good? The Greeke changeth the phrafe thus , Now therefore it is better for no to tur ne baeke into Egypt. So, are they not written, 2 King. 20. zo. is explained thus, Behold they are written, 2 Chronicles 32. 32. Vert 4. Let no mall a Captain ] Hebr. Let no give a bead: where by give, is meant make or ap- point, as the Chaldee expoundeth it ; and by head they meane a Captain or chiefe Garernour; as in Num. 25.4. r Chron. 4.42. & 12.20. and as the Greeke hereexplaineth it. Thargum Ionathan pa- raphrafeth thus ; Let us appoint a King over no for head. Of this their finne, the Scripture faith, They dealt proudly, and hardened their neckes, and hearkned not to Gods Commandements ; and refufd to heare , and were not minditell of the wonders that lice had done among them: but hardened their neckei,and ia{ their rebellion appointed a Captain (or made a bead) to return to their bondage, Nchem.9.16,17. So their evill words and purpofe, is counted unto them as thedeed done. Sol. larchi openeth their words thus , Let no appoint a King over us ; and be faith, the Rabbines have expounded this, as meaning Idolatry. The fame is alto noted by R. Menachem, who further likeneth this fin,to theirs that bui dcd