NUMBERS XI V. ded the tower of Babylon, Gen. 11. So their finne was againft God, who is exahedar head above all, 1 Chron. 29. I r. 5 Vert 5. Jell on their faces] as much af#è &ed with the murmuring of the people: and they fell downc, either topray unto God for them ;as its Numb. t 9.2 z. or to intreat them, hot to pi steed in their rebellion, as it followeth, before all the af- tenthly. And elfew here itappeareth, that Mafia fpake to encourage the people, laying, Dread not, neither be afraidof them : Iehovah your God, who goals before you , he fbal fight, fir lop:, &c. Deuterono- mie 1. 29, 30. 6 VerCe 6. that fiarched the land] as a peareth in in Num./3.7,9,17. rem theirchtheojj in figne of forrow for the peoples rebellion and blafphe- mie ; for they raid , the Lord had brought them out of Egypt, becaufe he hated therm, bet. neither did they beleeve the Lord theirGod, for all that Motes fpake unto them, Dent. a. 27,-32. Of ren- ding garmentsin forrow, fee Gen.37.29. 6. in the Annotations. 9 Verle 9. Only] or, But rebel! not yee; which the the Greeke interpreteth , But be not yee Apofffates (or revolters) from the Lord: the Chaldee, But re- tell notyee ago!nfl the Word of the L 0 RD. are bread for us] or,fhall be our bread,our food; that is, we (hall devoure and conCume them. The Chal- ' dee expoundeth it, Tbey are delivered into our band. So Balaam prophefied,of Ifrael, He 'ball eat up the ' nations, his enemies, Num. 24.8. And in Pfal. 79.7. FIe bath eaten up Iacob ; that is, confirmed : and in Pfal.r4.4. Tbeey eat mypeople, as they eat bread. Alto in Dent. 7. 16. Thou fhalt eat (that is, confime) all the people. their fbadasa] that is , God their defence, covert, prote &ion ; which the Chaldee expoundeth, their ffrength; fo in Efay 3o. 2. the ffrengtb of Pharaoh, and the (Wan, of Egypt, doe explain one another: and fhadow is ufed often for defence: as, The fhadaw of the Ainightie, Pfal. 9i. r . and, Jehovah shy fhadow, PCal. 121.5. and God faith , I have covered thee in the fhadaw of mine hand, Efisy 51, t 6. and 49. 2. Iehavah is with us] the Chaldee explaineth it, The Word of the 'LORD is fir our helpe. I o Verle r o. lid, to fore them] that is, fpake one to another, that they thould Pone Infuaand Ca- leb. An example of notorious obftinacie and out- rage; and at another time, they had almoll done the like unto Mofes, Exod. t 7.4. So after this,Ie rrtfalem Boned the Prophets , which fpake the things pertaining to her peace, Mat.23.37. ap- pearedintheTent] the Greekeexplaineth it, ammo- , ed in the cloud over the Tent of the Teftimonie. This is confirmed by the like apparition in Num. 16. 42. and Sol. larch! here faith, The elouddefeended there. It was an extraordinary appearance,to re- liraine the peoples ferie, and to helpe his faith- fill witncffes. Ig ; Veda a1,provokeme].or,defpite,blajheme,con- ' tempucufy provoke mee. So the Apoftle expoun- deth this word, bla(pheme, in Rom. 2.24. from Efa.52.5. and is implieth allo a contempt or de- fpifing,Prov.l.3 o. and 15. 5.Efay 5.24. not beleeve in me] in Greeke, not beleeve me ; which the Chaldee explaineth , not beleeve in my word. This unbeliefe is noted as a chiefe cauCe of their rebel- lion, and fo of their deftruftion after in the wil- derneffe,Deut. I.32.Heb.3.18,19. for all the fegnes]though many lgnes and wonders had been (hewed, yet they beleeved not : fo of their pofle- ritie it is faid,T hough (Jelin) had clone fo many frgnes before theta, yet they beleevednot in him, Job. 12, 37. among them] Hebr. in the mida thereof, CO wit, of the people. VerCe /2. finite them] Hebr. finite him,that is,the 12 people, fpoken'tif as one man : fee verfe 15. peffilence] in Greeke and Chaldee, death : fee the notes on Ex.5.3. difinberit them] deprive them of the land prornifed unto their fathers : the Greeke and Chaldee tranflate , defray them. malteofthee] Hebr. make them , to a nation : the like fpeech God ufed, when they had made the gol- den calfe, Exod.3z. ro. The Greeke here addeth, /will make thee and :by fathero hou fe, &c. Vert 14. thy will fay] that which after follow- eth in verfe 16. to the inhabitants] or, with the inhabitants, meaning the Canaanites ; fo both the one and the other people, will take occafion to blafpheme. The Hebrew word which nfually fig - nifieth unto, is fomtime ufed for with; as in t Sam. 23.23. Ezra 2.63. thou Jehovah art] the Cl1al- dee expoundeth it , that thy divine prefeence (or Ma -' f eh le) abideth among this people. art f ene] or, haft beene frene eye to eye; that is , vifibly, apparantly, plainly, according to the like phrafe in Nurn.12. 8, month to mouth ; and in Exod.33. r 1. and Deut. 5.4. face to face. The Chaldee here explaineth it thus , that with their eyes they have fern the Majeliie of thyglorie; and by Thargum Ionathan, this is refer- red to the giving of the Law upon mount Sinai. ffandetb over them] as prote&ing them from e- vill; which inThargum Ienathan is explained, that they fhould not be hurt with heat or with raine. Con1 pare Exod. r 3.21,22. Num.9.17, &c. Verle 15. as one man] that is, all of themtoge- 15 they; and fuddenly thefame of thee] the heare- fay or report of thee; which the Greeke tranflateth, thy name; the Chaldee, thefame of thy might. Vert s 6. was me able] elfwhere Mafia fheweth, 16 that he had refpea unto two things, by which Gods nanne & glory might be impeached among the Gentiles; becaufe he could net, or becaufe he would not,but hated his people,Deut.9.28. Exo. 32.12.And this is the firft argument of Motes fup- plication,that Gods name might not be blafphe- med among the Heathens. Vert 17. the power of the Lord] or, the might, as in verle 13. that is , as the Greeke explaineth it thepower of thee OLord. Lord is here in Hebrew Adunai, which theChaldee expreffeth by the let- ters for Iehevah,and it fignifieth my (ayes, or fisflai- ners : fee the noteson Gen.15.2. he great] that is, be (hewed to be great ; the Greeke trauflateth it, be exalted. Verle r 8. long fuf Bring] Hebr. long of anger ; that 18 is, long ere he be angric. Here Moles n1 entioneth that, Name of God, which was proclaimed at mount 14 17