NUMB ERS XIV. mount Sinai, when the people had formerly fin- ned inmaking thegolden calte, Exod.34. s .6.7, in mercy] the Greeke addetb,avdtrue ;from Ex.3 4.6 forgivitg]or,as the Greeke tranflateth, taking aroay. iniquities] in Greeke,iniquitiea, and unrighteeuf- neffes andfins ; the Chaldee allo addeththeword Emus, as was in Exod. 34. 7. This is the recoud reaCon of Moles requeit,from the nature and co- venant of God. the guilty] this word is Cup - plied alto in the Greeke verfiou. The Chaldee pa- 1 raphrafeth, being mercifull unto them that turne to his Lam, but not clearing them (bat turne not. vifiting] that is, writhing ; in Greeke , recompmfzng ; fee Exod.zo.5. upon zée juries] or children; in Chal- dee, upon the rebellious fumes. the third] in Chal- dee, unto the third generation, and unto the fourth gene- ration. Thus Mofes requelted an ablolute pardon for all ; but that God would in wrath remeto- ber mercy, though in Iattice hee punifhed the chiefe tranlgreffors. 19 Verf. 19. even untill nom] or, hitherto ; as for ex- ample, when they finned in making the calte, Exod,32. ( betides other times) at which time God deftroyed them not as they deferved, but foam of them only perifhed. 20 Verf.2o, ¡have pardoned] or, I doe pardon, as the Greeke explaineth it, in the time prefent. How - beit Chazleyni underhanded' it of thetimepafl, that God lhould fay, hee had pardoned them once, when they made the calte; but now hee would not pardon them,but execute vengeance. The former fenfe feemeth belt, with the limita- tion following, according to thy word, viz. that hee would not deftroy them all at one man, at once with the peftilence,having relpeEt to the glory of his Name. For which- coure, hee (pared them at other times alto, both before & after,as he thew - eth by the Prophets, Ezek. 10. &c. Prat.' 06.7.8. And hereupon the peopleafter confelíed , T hou art a God of pardons , gracious, and merciful!, Long- fairing, and of great Itindnef ,and for- foolZe fl themnot; Neh.9, r 7. 2I Verf..21.asDive] Heb. andaffitredlyIlive;andall the earth Pall be filled: which is a forure of oath, often uCed of the Lord, Ezek 18.3. and zo.33. and 5. n. Whereupon it is Paid , And thou fhals fweare lehovahliveth, lac. Ier. 4. 2. and where hee faith in the Prophet, I havefworne by my fire, Efay 45.23.the Apoltle expreffeth it with there words, Ilive, faith the Lord; Roln.14. t 1. And the figue of an oath, was the lifting up of the hand ; fo both of them are joyned in Deut.32.40. Iliftuumy bando to heaven, and fay, I live for ever : Wherefore the oath which God here fware,is fignified by the I lifting up of his hand, in Prat., 06.26. and Ezek. 20.55. filled with tbe glory]that is,all peoples of the earth (hall fee and acknowledge the powerful and juif adminiftration of the.Lord,unto his glo- ry and honour. Compare Efay 6.3. and Pfal.7z. 19. where Chrifts kingdome is prophefied of, with whole glory all the earth is full. 121 Verl:2z.myglory] under this, all Gods glorl- Ions workes are comprehended ; as powers are uCed for powerful! workes, Matth.7,z2.and t 1.2o.1.Cor. 85 12. I o. 2.Cor.12.12, fgnes]that is,niiracles, miraculous and fignificantworkes. ten times] hereby may be meant no certain nnmber,but nin- ny times as in Gen.31.7. Iob.19.3. fo ten is for ma- ny,in Levit.26,26.It may alto be taken properly; for now they had finned ten times ; Fir(t, at the red fea, Exod.14. r 1. r 2. then in Marah,Exod. t 5. 23. 24. again in the wilderneffe of Sin, Exod. 16.z. then twice about Manna, Ex. 16. 20 .27.28. after that at Rephidim, Exod.1 then by the Gaffe at Horeb, Ex.3 2. at Taberah, Nuns. r 1. 1. & againe, at Kibroth Hattaavah, Nom. t 1.4. 84 now the tenth time by their rebellion in Pharan. Verf.23. If they Mall fie] that is, as the Greeke tranflateth it,Surely they tranflate not fee.This allo is an oath,wherby God fweareth they (hall not fee, that is , not goe in to enjoy the land,as is explai- ned by David,in Pfal.9 5.1 I. I f rearein my anger,if they (hall enter into my refs ; which the Apoltleope- ned' thus ; Hee fware that they fbould not enter intohii ref, Hebr.3.18. So, If afigne begic en, Marke 8.1 z. is more plainely expounded , A figne (hall not bee given, Matth. s 6.4. which I finare unto] that is, which I furore to give unto your fathers, Dent. s. 35.this was the land of Canaan, Gen. 12.5.7. called the holy land, Zach. z. s2. the land of Iehovah, Hof. 9.3. the land of Immanuel, that is, of Chrilt, Efay 8.8. for it was a figne of the heavenly inhe- ritance to he obtained by Chrift, Hebr. í1.9.1o. therefore the keeping of them out of this land, figured alto theexcluding of them,and of all un= beleevers out of the kingdome of heaven,Hebr.3, 12 - -19. and VerC24. f irit in him] or, With him; that is, hee was guided by another fpirit than the ten (pies. The fàme is to be uuderftood of Iofhua,as appea- reth by Num.3 2.12. though not here mentioned. This other fpirit, was the fpirit of faith,which the Law cannot give, Ga1.3.2. the fpirit of adoption of fonnes,not of bondage to feare againe, Rom. 8. 54. 15. by the guidance of this fpirit, Caleb constantly followedthe Lord , and obtained the promiled inheritance. beefolloredmeftdly]Heb. befuf!ledafternee: loin Beat. 1.36. andIof.14.8; 9.54 By this manner of fpeech, is meant a full and conítant following and obedience unto the end ; the contrary whereof was in Solomon, of whom it is faid,hefulfilled not aßen Ilse LO A D, me did David his father, 1 King. tr. 6. and in this people of Ifrael now generally, of whom God faith, they fulled not afterme,Ntim.32.11. The Greek tranflateth it, bee followed me; the Chaldee,be fulfilled (or accompli flied) after my feare. Cbazbuni ex- poundeth it be bath aceomplifbed the wordafìerme; and compareth it with that phrafe in 1. Kings 1: 54. I will come in after tbee,and felfi ((that is,confieme) thy words, bid feed] in Chaldee, bit fono. flea!! potfe it](hall inherit it : thus both theGreeks & Chaldee doe interpret loor , flea!! taufe to inherit it,that is , leave it to that polterity for an inheri- tance; as it is written,It fhallbeobiaeinberitanee, and thy children! fir ever;lof 14.9.The word is alto tiled in a contrary meaning,to difinheri ,as before in v.2 & Co it may be tranflated, fhalldifenberit it,that is, Hhhh diGn- 23 24