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86 NUMBERS XI V. difinhcrit and driveout the inhabitants of it,and feize upon it , as in lof. S. 7. yee(hall difinberit (or fizfi upon) the citi.: and thus it agreeth with Ga- lan ípeech, If Abe the LORD will be witbmee, then I will dijmherit them (or drive them out) as the L 0 RD faid, Iof, 14..12. In thislatter fenfe, Sol. Larchi here expoundeth it, drive it out that is, tby fl,all drive out the Anakims and people that are therein. This promife MoCes related unto Caleb , and in the name of the Lord, he fware unto him for the performance of it, I01 14.9 25 Verf z 5. Now] Hebr. And. dwelt] or, dwel- leth, Heb.ftttethin the valley: after in verle 45. they are faid to dwell (or fit) in the momtaine; and fit- ting asit is often put for dwelling, fo fometime for lying in wait, as in Iof.8. 9. which may be meant here. ChazIw,j cxpoundeth this place thus that at ¡helper were afraid of Amalek( Numb.' 3.2 9.) fe with slum the holy bled (God) made them afraid. And whereas it is here faid, in the valley, and in ver. 45 in that mountain; he accorded.' them thus, that the mofof them fate in the vally, and fine few of them in the mount ain , and tlolefen, warred againfi them; and therefore it is written , WHICH SATE IN T HAT MOVNTAINE, to imply that there were of them which fate in another plan ; or it may bee thy dwelt in the valley, and when they heard that thefo no of Ifrael name againfi them, they went np into the mo n - taint, and lay in wait for them there : and wee find that fitting fometime , meaneth lying in wait, at it is written (inPfalm. 10.8.) Hee fitteth in the waiting place( the villager. to morrow tarneyee] The people werenow in Kadefh, from whence they Lent the (pies, Numb. 13. 26. Deut. 1.19. and after this t heir rebellion, and the (laughter following, they abode in Kadßi many dater, and then turned and jour- neyed into thewilds meife, by the way of the red fea,Deut. 1.46. and 2.1. Claezknni here faith, To morrow moaned, after this time ; for loe they abode in Kadefh ma- ny dayes before they began to compaf about mount Seer : and itiolike.tbat (phrafein&cod.12.34.) wbentby Pure (hall as thee to morrow. journey you] or, journy foryou, which fonte underftand, to mega,far Ìl ourgood, fee Gen. t z. t. the way of the redLea] that is, the way toward: the red fa fee the noteson Exod. t 3.17. In this red Sea thepeople had been baptifed, 1 CQr.1o.t.2. Ex.14. Baptifinewasym- to repentance, and with confeflion of finnes,and in- to the death of Chrift, Mat. 3. 6.1 t. Rom. 6.3. fo this fending them backe into the wilderneffe, towards the red fea , was to humble them by re- pentance , that through faith in Chri(t they might have entrance into the Kingdome of hea- ven ; otherwifc they (hould perifh for ever, as their carkaffes perifhed in this wilderneffe. 27 Verf.27. How long] to wit, (hall I pardon, (as in verl 19.20.) or, pall Ibearewith. An unperfe& fpeech, luch as omen ufe in paffion of mind, when through griefe they utter not all their words; as may be feene in Moles, Exod.3 z.3 2. Pfal. 90. t3. in David Pfal.6.4. and fimdry the like. which murmure]or, which can fe (the people) to murmure, as in verfe 36. Thus Sol. Iambi expoundeth it, rel. furring the congregation forementioned, to the ten Bits ; but the Greeke and Chaldee tranf ste,wbicb murmure ; fo in the fentence following. Verf..s8. Ilive] it is an oath, as in v.21. where- 28 by the Lord fweareth in his anger that they thould not enter into his re(t, PCal. 95.11. Hebr. 3.18. Numb.32.10.11, afftredly faith] or, the faithful! raying; lee Gen.22.16. If 'doe not] that is , as the (; reeke explaineth it , fareh I will doe : fee before on v.s3. fpokmin mine cares] in Chal- dee, fpokM before me : this bath reference to their words, in verf 2. where they wilhed they might die in the wilderneffe. Ver.29.your cark4s ] the Greeke calleth them Cola, that is,membere, which ward the Apo &le alto uleth in Hebr. 3. 17. for carkeys, or dead bodies. So inLevit.z6.3o. fall] that is, die, being de- firoyedof the deftroyer, t Cor. to. to. mnfiered] nuinbred as able men for the war, Nunth.s . This fentence was executed upon them , as is after (hewed in Numb.26.64.65 VerC30. I lifted up my hand] that is, (ware, as the Chaldee expoundeth it , Ifware by my word: fee Dent.32,40. and the notes beforeon verf..z Land Gen.a 4.22. Verf. 3 t. your links ones ] your children under -31 twenty yeares of, age : fee verf.3. fbali know] in Greeke, (hall inherit , rightly explaining the fenfe: for to know the land, is to enjoy the time. And fo Mofes relating this promile,faith,tbey fhal poi the land, Dent.' .39. Verf3z. But as for you ,yourcarkafer] Hebr. And 32 your cark/Av,yon:where the latteryou, is for expla- nation,to exempt theirchildrenytu,oryoxrs only VerC33.fballfeedjor ,fhallbe feeding; folikewife 3 3 the Greeke tranflateth it: byfeed, meaning wan- der as (heepe for paflure in the wilderneffe : the Chaldee of Onkdos expoundeth it, tarry or abide ; but ¡mat hon faith, wander; and Cbax4iniexplai- neth it, feed en fieep fometime: bere and fometimes there, foyour former (hall remove hither and thither , till their carrkaf sbeconfilmed. Thus may we undeffland that in the Prophet , The LORD will feed them at a jambe in a large place,Hof4.16.that is,will let them wander to deftruftion. So in other languages, wander is ufed for feeding, as in Virgil. bud. eclog.a. mille met Siculit errant in 111071640 agna. forty yeasts] implying the timepafì also, from their comming out of Egypt: for one whole yeare,and part of the fecond,were now paft already , when God gave this fentence agalnft them, t. beare your whoredomes]that is, beare the panifh- meut of your finnes; as theChaldee , for whom domes tranflateth ftns;thoughthis name whoredom., is commonly uCedfor idolatry, Ier.3.9.Ezek. 16.t 5.16.17. d' e. See Exod.34.15.' 6.Levic.17.7 Verf. 34. After] or , According to the number ; in the Hebrew, In is ufed for A.r,oraccording to, as the Greeke tranflateth it : fee the notes on Levis. 25. 15. a day for ayeare, aday for ayeare] that is, each day for ayeare,or ayearefor every day: fo in Ezek 4.6. where the Prophet in a figuré, bare the iniquity of Ifrael fo many dayes as they had finned ycers. Hereupon in prophefies, dryer are put for }cures, Dan.9.24. &c. Revel. t t.3. yee(hall know my breach] 29 30 34