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K ll M B. E R b'each]tovie, of promfe; or fimply, mybrealting of : thuds; ye 'hall know and have experiençe by the punifhnient which you Ball (infer, how great your fin is in breaking promiCe, and diCanalling your word and covenant with me, Sr in breaking off from me. Thus my bread: may be understood, breach , or breaki:w with me ; or frem me; e , be dolt e.,. er. my bread PCtl.4 t. io. is expounded Lee that eatcth bread with mee, lob. i 3.18. Or, my breach, that is, when I brake pronaite with you, or breake off from you, yee [hall know how great cvill is Upon you.Fer when men forfake God,lie alto fortaketh them, and breakechhis covenant with them,that is, performeth not his proniife, which is condio- uall, if men continue inhis faith, Deut.3 e. t 6.r 7. Zarb. t 1.1 o. Iude v. 5. Rom. t 7.22. The Greeke tranflateth , ye fhalllnpro the wrath (or indignation) of mine anger : the Chaldee, yee fhall knew that ye have murmuredagainffme. Sol. Iarchi expoundeth it , my breach, in that yee have broken (that is, turned aw,;y,) your heart from (following) after mee. This svold after tired by- Mores, in Numb. 32.23. Tlrberefire breakeyee the heart (that is, dif enrageyee) then f nì es of Ifrael fiomgoing, &or and in Numb. 30. 5 if her fa- ther brea4 (that is, difaUow) her, dilánuil her pro - mite. 53 Vern., 35. have Joker 1 the Chaldee explaineth it; have decreed by my word. If I doe not] that is,fere- yy will doe, as the Greeke expoundeth it is an oath,as before in verfe 23. This Centel-ice decreed, felled upon them, that all this generationdied in theWildcrneffe,Numb. 26.64.65. and upon this occafion, Mofes made the 90. PCdnie, wherein he bewaileth the fhortncffe and mifery of mans life; being linifhed now in 7O or 8o yeeres; and in- tëeateth God for mercy. And of this and other the like punilhments, the Apoltle faith, they hap- peneduma them fir enfs nples ; and tb y are wriiten for our admonition, upon whom the erode of the world are come, t. i. So we fie-that they could not enter iii(to the rely of God) becaufi of tenbe/ efè : let topudic therefore to enter into that refs, /cff any man fall, efer the fame example of unbeleefe, Heo.3.19.. and 4.11. 36 Verf.3 6. the men] the ten Cpies. made to mnrmure] and murmured themfelves ; as the He- brewes lignifieth both theirownc a &, and that which they caufed in others. So the Greek tran- ilateth it, murmured againfi it, unto (or before)the con- gregation. . agaies i born] againti Moles , as in verIz. or,as the Greeke trauflateth, againfi it ; for they murmured allo again([ the land,Num.ii.32. and t4.3. evill report] or defamation: in Greeke, eviltwords; in Chaldee, an mill name. The word evili, isexpreffed in thenext verte : fee the notes on Numb.¡3.32. 37 Verf27. the plague before Jehovah] that is, by an extraordinary plague front the hand of God: ei- ther thepeflilence before-threatned,v. i 2.or Tome other death. And before Ichovali, maymean ("widen death there by the SanAuary,where the gloryef le- hoy do appeared, v. i o. as it is Paid of Vzza, there bee died before God, i Chron. t3. ro. which another Prophet explaineth, there he died by the Arlgof Gad, 2. Sam.6.7. The Hebrewes (as Sol. Litchi and Tar- s X:1 V. 87 guise Jonathan on this place ) report there mens death to have beene by an inflammation of their tongues , and wormes '(Elting out of them; as a jolt recontpence, becaufe with their tongues they hadfinned. Verf 38, lived] that is, remainedalive, Isle and in health, So the fudge of all the earth did judge- ment; and would- not flay the righteous with the wicked ; as Gen. 18,25, And they furvived, not only the other (pies, but all the rebellious Ifrae- lites, and went in and poffef edthe land of pro - mil'e,IoC.t4,1o. &i9.49. This fheweth the fiiall number of Gods Ele&,though many be called to the profeJ ion of the faith. The Hebrew Do &ors. (peaking of Ier. 3.14. where it is written, /will takey e one of a citie,and two of afamily,and I mill bring you to Zion, doe fay , drof fxe hunched thouf nd Zfrao- lines, only two entred into the Landof promif, to wit, lo- fhuah and Caleb a (halt it 46 be in ilia day'es of Chr fi. aimed. in Sanhedrin, chap. r I. wherein they beare witnelfeagainit rhernfelves,that they fulfilled the mcafore of their fathers , in rebelling againil Chrift, anddefpiing the Golpell of their làlva- tion. Verf.i.o: and went up] that is, girded their wea- pons of warre about them and prefjed forward of themfelves to goc.up -, as Mofes explaineth it, in i Dem.'. o i. For things which men endevoarand are ready to doe, are Paid to be done by them , as I Reuben delivered lafe'ph out of his brethrens hand,' when bee endevoured by exhorting and perfwa- ding with them, that he might deliver him, Gen. 37. 21. 22. See allo the annotations on Exod. 8. i8. roil Igot up]and fight, Deut.t.4i. we have fin- ned] agamfi Iehevah,Deot. r.41. Thus they !hewed a kind of repentance and furrowfor their finne, which was not fincere, nor a godly forrow ; for they tamed from one evill to another, and over- threw themfelves. Ver. 41. M fes fail] being lioff commanded of theLord,fo to fay, Dent.' .42. the mouth]chat is, as the Greeke tranflateth, theword of the Lord:. and the Chaldee addeth,againfb the decree of the word of the L O R D. But it] 3C, for it,that is,the thing which yc doe,fhall not prefirer,that is,not have good flared-1.e : inGreeke, It fhall not be profperout urteyou., A :Morgchem rcferreth this word Ie,to Shecinah,the divine Majefty which would not profper them; andconipareth herewith a likephrafeinEzek.i. 53.3e went up and dowse among the living creatures. Verl.42.lehovab is not amrmgyo :[]thus Godbade him fay,for I anima amengyou,Deu. i.42.The Chal- dee exponndeth it f r Shecinah(theMajefty or pre- lent e)of the LORD is not amongÿou. not !mitten] in Chaldee,not broken,in Greeke, andyee fhall fall be- foreyour enemies. Vet-C.43.from after Iehavah]inChaldee, f am after the ferviee of the LORD; which the Greeke tran- flateth, difbeying (or notbe/eeving) ¡be Lord, Chez- hysni explaineth it thus, Beaauf the fpiesmadeyou afraidof the Canaanite and Amslekite that abide th ere, yee are turned from after the L 0 R D,and are afraid to guilty the land , and you trufi not in him therefore bee will not bee with you if you traef ref hit mosetb -to Hühh 2 goe 38 40 41 42 43