`jó NUMB ERS XV. ,goe to Mt, till after 40 yeares. lehevah will not be withJoss] this the Chaldee expoundcth , the Word of the Lord will not be foryour heipe. 44 Verf. 44. they loftily prefumed] or, tooke upon them by violence, with a lofty prefumptuous mind: in the Chalice, they dealrwickedy, or, turbulently. The original! word Aphal,(front which Ophel AT ower, or Fort is derived , z Ghron. 33.14) fignifieth lifting tp , as in Abak. 2. 4. which the Apoftle fhewcth to mean a drawing back from God by unbclecfc, Heb. a o. 38.39. So here in this their prcfitmptttous enterprilè, their foules were lif- ted up in them, but withdrawen fromGod. And Mofes explaineth this by two other words , yet p>efed forward , Dent. 1.41. andyee were prefumptu- our, Deut.1.43. The Hebrew Commentary Tan- chuma compareth it with another like word which fignifieth darket,effè, and explaineth it, they went dartre (orobfeure) for that they went without leave from God and TarguezIonatban, thus ; they fee forward in the dartre , before day dawning : to which the Latineverfron agreeth tranflating it darkened. departed not] in Greeke, moved not. The Arke removed not,but at the removal! of the cloud,Numb.9.15. ere.which God not taking up, (hewed thereby his dilfikeof theira&ion.Mofes obeying the Lord, would not accompany the prefttmptuous tanners : fo they went without the Lord, and without the figues of -his grace, or Company of his minifters. Vert 45. The Canaanite] that is, the Amorite, Deut.5.44which was of the pofterity of Caiman, Gen. t o. t 5.16. which dwelt] or, which fate, lay in wait. diftomfitedthem ]purfued them 41 Bees doe, and deoriyed them,Deut. 1.44, Becaufe obey rebefed again!" God, and vexed bid bolt' Spirit,therefore be was tutted to be their enemy, he f ught againo them Efay 63. lo; unto Hormah] in Greeke Herma, the name of a place,tò called of the event,fignifying utter deflruelian,or Anathema.Co after in Nuns.21.3. After this difcomfiture, the Ifraelites returnedand wept before the L 0 R D : but he would not heart their voice, nor give care 'nioto them; fo they a- bode in Kadeth many dayes,Deut.1.45.46.Thefe things which bapned onto themfor types,' Cor.1 0.11 doe (hew the nature of man,of his free- will,and workes without faith,that they procure frothing but wrath fromGod, and deftru&ion unto men. And as Ifrael carried thernfelves under Mofes, fo did they under Chrift: for the Lord Iefushim- fel fe , and lohn the Baptift (as Ioibita and Caleb) faithtidly teftified the truth of Gods promife,& perfwadcd the people to enter into the king - dome Of God, Mat. 3. t. 2.3. and4. 17. But the Prielts,Scribes,and Pharifees(like the unfaithful! fpies)difcouraged the pcople,andwould neither goe themfelves into the kingdome of heaven,nor fitffer them that were entring,to got in, Mat.23. 13. but pretended worldly fcares,Ioh.i t.48.Yet after they would feeme to enter by force, going a- tout to flab* their own righteoufneoè,but not lubmit ring t hcmlèlves -unto the righteoufnef e of God, Rom. I o.3. fo they pleated not God, but filled up their Gnnes alway, and wrath cane upon them to the nttern:off, i Theff.s.15.16. 45 M2221t27.7MMT. CHAP. XV. I The Lord teacbeth Ifrael how they fbouldfaerifice umo him in the land of Canaan, and what meafure Meat - /rings and Drink¢ -of rings fhould bee for every facrifice. 13, The firanger it under the fame Law. 17, The Law of the fill of the dough for an Heave - t °ring. 22, The facrifice for firm of ignorance , done by Ifraelite or firanger. 30, The ptmifhment of finne done with an high band. 32, tv1 man that mat found gatheringoicks on the Sabbath , it by the commandement of God posted to death. 37, The law (fringes on the borders of their garmetrts , and ufe that the people fhould makeof them. .Nd Iehovah fpake unto Mofes, fay - ing ; Speake unto the fons of Ifrael, and fay unto them : When yee bee come into the land of your habitations which I give unto you. And yee will make a Fire-offingunto Iehovah,a Burnt - offring or a facrifice,to feparate a vow, or a voluntary offering; or in your folemne feafts,to make a favour of reft,unto Iehovah,of the herd, or of the flock. Then he that offereth his obla- 4 tion unto Iehovah, (hall bring neere a Meat. offring of a tenth part of fine floure, mingled with the fourth part of an Hin of oile. And the fourth part of an Hin of wine for adrink. 5 offrhlg, fhalt thou make ready for the Burnt- offering, -orfor the facrifice, for one lambe. Or for a ram thou (halt make a Meat-offe- , 6 ring of two tenthparts of fine flowre, min- gled with the third part of an Hin of oyle. And for a drinke- offring,the thirdpart ofan 7 Hin of wine shalt thou offerfora favour of ref} unto Iehovah. And when thou (halt 8 make a youngling ofthe herd, a Burnt-offe- ring or a facrifice , to feparate a vow or Ptace- offrings unto lehovah; Then (hall he bring neere with the youngling of the herd, a Meat - offring of three tenth parts of fine flowre, mingled with halfe an Hin of oyle. And thou (halt offer fora Drink-offring,half an Hin of wine for a Fire ofring of a favour of ref} unto Jehovah. Thus (hall it bee done for one bullocke, or for one ram, or for a lambeofthefheepe,orof the goats.Accor- la ding to the number that ye ¡hall make ready, fo fhal l ye make ready for (every) one,accor- ding to their number. Every home -borne of the con ntrey (halthus dothefethings,to offer a Fire efringofafavor of ref} unto Jehovah. And if a (f ranger fojourne with you, or who- eever he among you in your generati- ons, 2 3 9 IO 11 13 4.