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Z°+acrificcsfor N. UMBERS ons,and will make a Fire -apingofa favour o reft unto Iehovah ; as yee doe,fo he (hall 15 doe. Yee of the Church, oneflatutel/a /16ec for yo_i,and for the (ranger that fojourneth: a tatute for ever in your generations ; as yee are, fo (hall the ftranger be before Iehovah. i6 One law , and one manner (hall be for you, & for the Kranger that fojourneth with you. 57 And Iehovah fpake unto Molts, laying 5 18 Speak unto the fonnes o£Ifrael,and fay unto them ; When ye come into the land whither 19 I bring you ; Then it (hall be,when yee eat of the bread of the land , ye (hall heave an 20 heave- offering unto Iehovah. of the firft of your dough , a cake (hall yee heave for an heave - offering, as the heave - offering of the 21 threshing floore,fo (hall ye heave it. Ofthe firfr of yourdough, ye (hall give unto Ieho- vah an heave- offering in your generations. 22 And when ye (hall have finned ignorant- ly,and have not done all thefe commande- mentswhich Iehovah hath fpoken unto Mo- 23 les: Even all that Iehovah hath commanded you by the hand of Mofes, from the day thatIehovah commanded Mofes, & hence - 24 forward ,throuighoutyourgenerations :Then it (hall be , if ought bee done by ignorance, from the ties of the eongregation,that al the congregation fhall make ready one bullock,a youngling of the herd, for a Burnt.offering, for a favour of reft unto Jehovah ; and his Meat-offering, and his Drink-offring,accor- ding to the manner:& one goat -buck of the 25 goats,for a Sin-offring. And the Prieft (Ball make atonement for all the congregation of the Cons of Israel,& it Thal be mercifully for -. given them : for it is an ignorance, and they have brought their oblation, a Fire - offering unto Iehovah, & their Sin offringbefore Je- 26 hovah, for their, ignorance. And it (hal bee mercifully forgiven, all the congregation of rhefonsof Israel, and the firanger that fo- journeth among them,becaufe al the people was in ignorance.. 27 And if one foule fin through ignorance, then it (hall bring neer a the -goat of her Rill 28 yeare for a Sin - offering. And the Prieft fhall make atonment for the foule that (Inner hig, norantly, when it bath finned by ignorance, before Iehovah,to make atonement for him, 29 and it (hall be mercifully forgiven him. For the home-borne amongt the fons of Ifrael, and for the flranger that fojourneth among them, one law lu all be to you for him that 30 doth through ignorance. But the foule that full doe with an high hand, whether bee 6e X V. finnes of Ignorance. 89 home- born,or a flranger,the fame reproach- eth Iehovah; and that foule !frill bee cut off from among his people. Becaufe hee hath 3, defpifed the word of Iehovah and hath bro- ken his commandement, that foute (hall ut- terly be cut off,his iniquity fhal be upon him. And-the fonnes of Ifrael were in the Wil- derneffe : and they found a man gathering Kicks on the Sabbath day. And they that found him gathering flicks, brought him neere unto Mofes,and unto Aaron, and unto all the congregation. And they put him in ward becaufe it was not declared what should be done to him. And Jehovah Paid unto Mofes ; The man 35 (hall be made to die the death : all the con- gregation fhaltftone him with foneswith- out the camp:. And all the congregation 1 36 brought him forth without the campe, and (toned him with Hones, and hedyed, as Ie- hovah commanded Mofes. And Iehovah faid unto Mofes, faying; 37 Speakeunto the fonnes of lfrael,and fay un- 38 . to them; that they make unto them a Fringe on the skirts of their clothes, throughout their generations ; and :hat they put upon the Fringe of the skirt,. a ribband of blue. And it (hall be unto you for a Fringe, that 39 yee may ffe it , and remember all the com- mandements of Iehovah,and doe them:and that yee feeke not after your atone heart,and after your owne eyes, after which you goe a whoring. That ye may remember and doe all my commandements , and bee holy unto your God. I am Iehovah your God, which brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, to be unto you a God; I anrlehovah your God. c.dnnotations. crake unto Mofes ] After the judgement upon thedifobedient Ifraelites, who should perilh in the wilderneffe,Godnow repeateth and enlar- geth the Law of facrificing,whiçh their children should observe in the land of Canaan : whereby their reconciliation unto him, and his grace to- wards them in Chrift,wás figured : thus after the curie of the Law for finne is annexed the grace of the Gofpell through faith. In like manner al. ter the deftruation of twenty foule thouftind for the finne of Baal Pehor, in Numb. 25. the Lord caufeth thepeople to be muttered,Nunsb.26. and appointeth the land to be given them for inheri- tance, and repeateth againe the Law of facrifi- cing at the folemne feafts, in Numb. 28. and 29, that upon the example of wrath on the fsnfuil parents,he might thew his remembrance ofinercy in Chrift,unto the repentant beleeving children, H h h h 3 Varfe