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9° NUMBERS XV. 2i Verfè 2. land f your habitations] wherein you flail dwell : not in the wilderneffe, but in the land of promife, (which figured the (late of grace in Chilli) did God require the facrifices of his people , and prcmlfeth to accept them. So after by the Prophet Ezekiel, he faith , I will bringym into the wildernefe of thepeoples, and there will I plead withyou face toface. Like as I pleaded with your fathers in the wil¿ernefe of the landof Egypt fo will I plead with yon, faith the Lord G 0 D. And I will cattle you to page under the rod, eke. and I willpurge out Pam among you the rebel,. , and them that tranfgref againff me, &c. For in the mountaine of mine holi- nfe , in the mountain of the height of Ifrael, faith the Lord GOD, there fball all the Houfi of Ifrael, all of this in the land, f ae mee : there will I accept them, and there will I requireyour offerings, and the firft fruits of your oblations,witb allyour holy things; with a favour of ref( will I accept you, &c. Ezek. 10. 35, 36 ,37,38, 40,45. Verf. 3. a Fire- offering]in Chaldee, an oblation 3 before the L 0 K D. Burnt-offring]the Law wher- of was given in Levit. 5, a facrifice] to wit, afPeace-efferings,as the Chaldee explaineth it: the Lawconcerning them, fee in Levit. 3. And the word facrifice being put abfolutely, is often ufed for Peace-offerings ; as in Exgd.i 8.5 a. Lev. 5 7.5,8. and 23.37. Dent. 1 a.27. So it is meant here; for the meat and drink- offerings following,were not added to the Sinne or'Trefpaffe-offerings. The Hebrew Canons fay Tbey are not charged with Meate and Drinke-of èrings, faze for the Burnt -qe ring of beaffes , andfor Peace-offerings onely; whether they be the Oblation of the Congregation, or of a private perfon, or the Lambe f a woman after Chili -birth (Leviticus 52.6.) and thofe that the High Prielfretb, for- afneuch as they are Burnt- offerings, they are charged to have Meate and Drinke- offerings. But the (Burnt- offerings af)fowles, and the Treffrafe and Sinne -offe- riings, they bring no Meate or Drink-offerings with them, fave with the Sirme- offering of the Leper , and bit Trefpafe -offering, wbofe Meate- offerings are ex- prefed in the Law ( Levit. t 4. t o.) Maimony in Mag- nafeb hakorbanoth, chap. 2. fe`I. 2. to feparate] or, in feparating a vow : whereof fee the notes on Lev. 27.2. zoluntary ofèriug]what thefe are, and how they differ one from another, is noted on Levit.7. s 6. After in verf. 8. it is called Peace-offe- rings. And from hence the Hebrewes gather, that Sinne and Trefpaffe-offeringswere not required to have Meat and Drink- offrings with them; for Sin and Trefiafè- irings,andFirf fruits,andTitbe,, and the Pafeazer, for at much as they come not by vow or voluntary offering , they are not charged with the Meate and Drinky- offerings. Maim. in Magna(. ha- korb. chap. 2. fell. 3. folenme feats] whereof fee Lev. 23. Sathe Peace- offerings of the Chagigah (or Paffeovtr mentioned In Dcut. 16. 5, z, &c.) and the Burnt -offerings, were to have Meat and Drinkc - offerings with them: Mairh.ibidem ebap.2. (ií7.3. [vourof reft] that is , of fweet finell, as the Greeke tranflateth it ;which-the Chaldee ex- poundcth, to bee aaxpted with favour: fee the notes on Gen.B.z i.and Levit.i.9. or of the fkcke]to except the burnt-offering of fowler, as before is noted. Verf: 4. hit oblation] in Greeke , his gift : fo the Hebrew Korban, is interpretcd,agift, in Marke 7. 5 t. (hall bring neere] or,fbrsß offer : fo after. Meat- offering] in Hebrew,Minehab : of it,and the fignificationthereof fee the notes on Lev. 2. a tenth part] to wit,of an Ephah, as is expreffed in Num.28.5, and as the Greek verfion here addeth: of the Ephab or Bufhell, fee Exod. 56.36. Hence the Hebrewes ather, as Cbazkuni here noteth from R. Nathan) that whofaever would voluntarily of- fer a Meat -offering, might not bring left than a tenth ¿tale. an Hin] a meafure in the SanEtuary for liquid things. T be Hin is twelve Logs, faith Maim. in Magn. hakorbanotb, chap. 2. fell. 7. The Log was as much as fix egges, as is noted on Levit. 14.50. and Exo.3o.a4. fo the Hin contained as much as 72 egges : the fourth part of an Hin,as much as 58 egges. oyie ] to wit, gyle olive, as in Targuni Jonathan is expreffed. Verf.5.mine] expounded in Targum Ionathan, red wine of the grapes. So in thofe that follow. It is called Sbecar,or, ffrong wine,in Numb.28,7. a drinhe- offering ] or, an effufion , a powred out offe- ring, becaufe it was potrredout upon the Altar , but not upon the fire , as Maimony fheweth, in Magn. ba- karbanoth, chap.z.fea r. or for the facrifìce] CO wit, of Peace- offeringt, as the Chaldeçe expoundeth it ; and by this word or, heefheweth that he is tve bring for the one by it fed , andfor the other by it felfe ; faith Chazkuni on Numb. s 5. for one] that is, for every y one feverally, as in verf.52. Verf. 6.Or for á ramme] The Greeke interpre- teth it, And far a ramme. A ramme was of the fe- cond yeare, or upward : the Lambe of the firff yeare. two tenth parts] two Omers, which was double the meafure for a lambe, verfe 4. and this the Hebrewes underhand for the ram onely, not for the ewe,or goat ; as theywrite, The quan- tity of the meat and drinkyfrings ,for an bee - Lambe, or fhee- lambe, is a tenth of flown, and the fourth part of an Hin of wine. Likemife for agoat , whether it be little or great,mak or female ; alJo for an ewe, though fie be great. But for a ramme, two tend, dealesofflote-e,&e. and the third part of an Hu: of wine. Maimony in Magn. ba- kerb. cbap.2. Verf. 7. of refi ] in Greeke, of fweet finei, or good odour : as in Verte 3, Vert 8. when thou fhalt mare] in Greeke, if yee fball Make; that is, !ltaßfacrifice. ,dangling] Hebr. atone of the herd : , meaning a bußacke : as in Exod. 29.5. And here is no difference betweene young or old, as was before betweene lambe and ram but one quantity is for the calfe, and for the bull.Tbebullockor the calfe, be it male or female, bath for the meat -tieing three tenth ¿sales of(town, &e. Maim. Melon, cbap.2. ftr.4. Verf. 9. bee bring] or, he fer : here the perfon is changed ; before he Paid, when than, verf.8. now he faith, then fhaß he : theGreeke keepeth the per - fon as before,then fhal1yee of r. three tenth parts] three Otners ; that is, three times fo much as for a Lambe, verfe 4. Verle 4 6 7 8 9