NUMBERS XV. 91 I o aFirc- offering]it haldee,anoblation. This is meant, as Sol. Iarchi faith, but of the Meat - fringand of the ay!e : for the wine mat no Fire-off ing, t ecaufe it was not put upon the fire. I I VerC r 1. or of the goats ] bee it kid , or goat- hacke male or female old or young for the Law putteth no difference, as IS before obferved; and fo noted by Chazkuni here. As for theman- ner of offering thefe Meat- offerings, the Hebrew canons fay, that they were not charged to bring frankincenfe with them ( as they were with the Meat- offerings that were brought alone,Levit. a. 1.) but they were charged to have fait , (actor- ding to the Law in Levic. z. t 3.) and thrt Meat -offe- ring was all of it burnt upon the Altar in the Courtyard, (whereas of all the other Meat - offering,an hand- full onely was burnt, and the relidue eaten by the Priefts , Levit.z.2.3.) and the wine was powred upon the Altar. Maimony in Magn. hakórbanotb,ch.z. fell: i. I2 Verfi2. fo fball yee make ready]or, thusfhallyee doe : The Hebrewes fay , Theft Meat and Drirtke- ofrings , whether they be fir Burnt-offerings or Peace - ' offrings, muff bee according to this meafure for ever) one ; (Numbers 55. t 2:) they may not adde more to theft meafures, nor diminrfliought from them: and if they doe diminifh , or acide more , the whole it made un- lawful!. Eaceept it be the Lambe of Burnt-offeringwhich they bring 'on the day that they wave the Omer of firfl- fruits (Levit.23.12.13.) fir the Meat-oferingthere- of it two tenth leales of fine jlowre, mingled with the thirdpart of an Hin of y'le : but though thefiowre thereof bee doubled, yet is not the wine doubled, but the wine for the drinke- tiering, is the fourth tart of an Hin. iliken,they meafure the Meate or Drinke- offering, either of a particular perfin, or of the con- gregation , they mete it not by a meafure of three tenth deales fir a bullocke , or of two for a ramme ; but they meafure all in one tenth deale, which it in the San - Iluary, and likewife the oyle&c. The flowre with the ale of the Meat - offerings, hinder not the wine; nei- ther doll) the mine binder them : neither doe the meate or drinke -rings binder the facrifice. But a man may bring his, oblation to day , and bit meat and drinke- offerings ten ¿ayes after ; provided, that bee have not fanílified them in a minifiring veff Il. For if bee bale put them into a minifiring vef/è!1 (of the Santivary), if they abide all night , they become thereby unlawful!. They may bring no Meat or Drinke -offe- rings fave of the common things ; they may not brmg them of the heave - tiring, nor of the fecond title , nor of the firfl fruits, but of common things only. Alaimony in Magn. hakrrbanoh, chap. I. fei%5. 8. I a. t 3. The Burnt and Peace-offerings,fervid (as other facri- fices) to make atonement Jor the boufeof Ifrac!,Ezek. 45.17. Levit. e.4. and figured Chrilts oblation of hlmfelfe,toreconcile us unto God his Father, and to be our Peace , Hebr. 9.14. and i o. 8. io. Ephef2.14..1.5.16. The Meat-offering (betides the fignification that it had of Chrift, Eph.5.2.) figured in fpeciall manner the faith and fan &i- monieof his people,andof theirfervice of God, Efay 66.zo. Rout. r 5.16. Pfal.r41.2. Mali . i o. II., So the Lord by this addition of the Meate- offeringt to theother facrifices in Canaan,taught his people fan&ity in the faith and profellion of the Gofpell, both touching their perlons & a&í- ons: and the Drink-offrings,ofwine powred out upen, and fan &ilied by the Altar, were not only a type of Chrifts blood fbed fir remilfwn of firmer, Mat. a6. 28. 29. but of our fellowfhipwit tm in his aflli &ions , even to be powred out upon tl'e fa- crifice and frcìce of Chriltians faith, Philip. 2.17. 2 Tim.4.6. See the annotations on Levit. 2. Verf i 3. home -borne] the naturali Ifraelite. Verf i4. firanger] in Greek., Profeÿte : the Gen- tile converted to the Iewes religion. inyour generations] or , throughout, that is, inall ages fuc- cef lively : fo in verfe 25. Verf t 5. Yee of the Church] or, O.Church, or congregation: or, Concerning the Church ; which in Targum Ionathan is expounded, the whole Church. before Iehovab ] 'in the exercifes of religion before the Lord : for in civili things , there was not one law for both Ifrael ites and ftrangers. VerC I bione manner] that i s, one manner of pra- &ife & obedience, and one punifhmenrfor tran- grelhon : Hebr. one judgement. So in verfe 24. Verf.17.And Iebovah f ake]A fecond ordinance by the Lords authority, is here impofed upon them that lhould cone into the land of Canaan; that they.lhould give him a cake of the firft of their dough : which law is nowhere mentioned by Mofes,fave in thisplace.And as the former law for facrificing, taught them holineffe by faith in Chrift, who fhould be facrificed for his Church; fo this commidement of F irll-fruits,taught them to Phew forth the fruits of faith, by goodworkes, which God appointed his people to walke in. Verf,18. Whenyee come into the land] As a promife is here included, that God would bring them in- to that good land : fo á duty of thankfulneffe is commanded , that they might remember and ac- knowledge his mercie, and have his Melling con- tinned upon them. The Hebrewes doe obferve, that This C O MM I NG , dfiretb from all the COMMINGS mentioned in the Law: for, is them all it is Paid, When thou art (or fbalt) came; Whenyee are come, meaning, afier the poffèffion there- of, and dwelling therein : but here it is laid , When yee come, meaning afier they were entred into it, and did eate of the bread thereof, they were bound to give the calte, faith Sol. Iarebi on Numb.' 5. Now this they did, before the land was parted for inheri- tance, as appeareth in Iol5.11.12 where they did eate of the old come of the land; and then the Manna ceafed. And as an Otter of Manna was relerved before the Lord, for the generations of Ifrael, that they might fee and thankefully remember the bread which God gave them to Bate in the oil' dernef, Exod. t6. 32.33. fo á cake of the bread which he fhould give them in Canaan, was to bee given unto him, that they might acknowledge him,to be the preferver and nourifher of them in the land; for it Is he that giveth bread unto allffefh, becaufi hit mercy en durethfir ever , Pralnt. 136. 25. whither? bring you] or, am bringing you thi- ther. Hence the Hebrewes fay, They were root bound by the Law to give the cake fave in the land of Ifrael only,