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NUMBERS XV. only, and when all Ifrael there there, &c. Fruits without the land, that are brought into the land meth cake : but :ht Puits of tin land, that are carried out of the land, are difharged; as it isfaid, WHITHER I BRING TOY: there are you bound , both con- cerning the faits of the land , and the fruits without the land. Batt by the doEirine of the Scribes , they were to feparate a cake alfa out of the land , that the Law of the Cake might notée forgotten out of Ifrael. Maimony in Bice: vim ( or ,treatife of Firff fruits) chapter 5. 19 Vere L9. of the bread] that is, of the bread- corne, as inE:ay a8. 28. Bread(that is, Corne) idbridled; and out of the earth comrneth bread, fob 28. 5. Pi:11.104.k 4. The Ghaldeeof lo, athan here pa- r.tphrafech thus ; Of the bread of the revenue of the land: and not f rice , and millet , and lefr feeds. So by the Hebrew canons ; Nothing ow eat the Cake., but the five kinds of graine ouely; which are, Wheat, and Barb, and Rye, and Fox -mare barley, and Oats : for nothing is called E R E A D, five that which it made of theft. But bee that maketh meat of Rice, Millet, or other like pulfe (sr feeds) they owe no Cake at all. Maimony in Bic:urim, chapter 5. fetlion 2. and Tal- mud Bab. in Challah. chap. 1. ye fhall heave] that is,fhall offer up ; or, as the Greeke and Chal- dee translate, (hall f parate; for it was feparated by the owner , and offered to the Lord ; and fo was one of the beast- offring, which God gave un- to his Pn eats, Numbers.' 8,19. Wherefore it was holy, and mhofoever feparated a Cal` , bec firfi bled God who fanilified them by bis commandements, and commanded them to fiparate aeake. Mai. mony in Bicats- rim, cbap.5. fell. r1. An heathen that f parated a Cake, though in the land of Ifrael , it wit no cake. Ibidem unto Ichovab] in Chaldee, before the L 0 R D. Not that it was brought into the Saninuary, or offered on theAltar, but given to the Lords minilter : as itis written , Tee (ball affbgive unto the Prieft, the fill of your dough, Ezek.44. 3o. by the Hebrew canons, The firfi frúits,andthe heave- eirings, and the Cak, and the princi all,endthe Aft part, [spoken of in Numbers 5. y. 8.] and the gifts of thetieap [that is killed, Dettr. 18.3. ] theft are the Priefis goods : with them bee may buy firvants, and lands, and unclean bees, and pay his debts, or wives dowry, and buy books Maimony in Eiccurim, éhap.4, fehl.14. 20 VerCzo. Of the firft] or, Thefirfl- fruits: with the firft- fruits of all things, God was ro bee ho- noured,Prov.3 9.that thereby all the refs of their foodmight be Canaified unto them: For if the firff- fiuit be holy, the lump (or dough) is al Co holy, Rom. a.t. 16. and a promife of plenty is added to them that thus doe, Prov. 3. to. as of this particular it is fa id, yee(ball alfogive unto the Friel ,the firfl of your dasgh, that bee may caufi thebleffng to reff in thine houft, Ezek,4'4 30. of your dough] of your palle, or lumpe. They gave of their corne, firlt- fruits and tithes, and other gifts, to the Prints, Levites, and Poore, when they frit reaped and threfhed it, Exod. z3. 19. Numbers 18. 12'. 26. Levit. 23.22. After them, when they made bread of it, they fe- parated afro this cake. And as the Levites fepa- rated an heave - offering, out of their tithe, Nuns. 18.26. fo the Poore that glained , - feparated of their dough; as the Hebrewes write, That which is glained, and which it forgotten (Deut.24. s 9.) andthe corner, Levit. 19. 9. &c. though tbey bee free from the 7rumah(orheave- tiring) yet they owe the cahg Like - wife the fill tithes, &e. Maimony in Biecurim; chap. 6. feeI.3. And though other feeds or pnlfe, owe not the cake, as is before noted , yet they fay, He: that mixeth the :male of wheat, and she :male of rice, and maketh dough of them , if it have she tae the wheat , it owetb the cake ; and if nos, it is d fle harged. Though it bee but the leaven of wheat among dough of rice , Fit have any tafle f the wheat , it oweth she cake. Dough that is kneaded with wine or ogle , or ho- ney,&c. if obey bakeis in an oven , oren the hearth , or pan, or in a frying pan, &c. oweth the cake. But hee that maketh dough to dry it in the Suite only , or to in a cauldron, it it difcharged of the cake, &e. Al fo par - ched corne , that is kneaded with water, or honey, and eaten without baking , io difeharged; fir nothing ow- eth the cake, but dough, the end whereof is to be bread balk for mans meat. Ibidem fefl.1s.12. And for the quantity of dough , out of which a cake is to be given, they fay, An Omer full of meale , whe- ther it be of one of the five forte of grain , or of all of them mixed together , the doughthereof oweth a cake. And it is unlawfdIfor a man to make his dough f alef r quantity , that it tray be fire from paying the Cake. Ibidem SeElion 15, 16. What the Omer is , tee Exodur 16. 36. And from that meafure of manna which God gave every one for a day, did they gather their quantity, that an Omer of meale fhould pay a cake to the Lord, as S9L Iarchi on this place fheweth. a cake] or, haft , made of the dough aforefaid. Hee that feeparatethmeale far his cake it is no cake: but the refidee f the dough oweth a Bake. When they put water to it, and rbe tneale u mixe with the water, they _Migrate a caltge of the firff thing which is keaded at it is written,? HE FIR ST OF TOVR DOVGH. That doughwhich meth a cake by the Law, hee that eateth'thereof at to be bea- ten. Maimony in Biacurim, chap.8. fedl.1.2.5. of the threfhing-floore] that is, of the corne in the threfhing-floore - as it is your duty religionfly to feparate fiefi- fruits of your corn in the floore ; fo of the dough in your houles. Thus the fioore is ufed for the corne therein, in Deut. 16.13. Sol Iarchi underftandeth it thus ; as the heave -of ring of the fioore, of which there is no fainted meafure (by the Law;) and not ar the heave - off'eri'ng f she tithes, whereof there 11 a flinted meaßere: So for the quantity, it fhould be voluntary, fo much as men would give. Howbeit,their wife men (they fay)Cet a meafure; viz. that they fhould feparate thefotere and twentieth part f the dough, that it might be agift meet to begisen. But the baker, that maketh bread told! in tbeßreet, feparatetb the eight and fortieth part: for beeaufe hit dough it much, there is in this quantity firrfuient for agiii. Maimon yin Biccurim,chap. 5. fed,. So theChaldeeof Lona- than expoundeth this verle, The firff fruits ofyour dough, a cake, one of 24. (chat is the foure and twentieth part) fball)ee feparate as aliparateed- tiring for she Prieft, V er C2 I