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TTPAr- GEN E ,tS X 1 1 1 53 fiat faith and 'ièry ice , from the idols of /Egypt, wherewith they had been defiled, Exo.4.22,23. Ezek. zo. 7,8. 5 Ver.5 tents] that is, fervants "dwelling in tents. So Jcr.49.29. I Chron.4. 41. 6 Veri: 6. claim Beare] the .areeke tranllateth, re- ceived (or contained) them net ; that is , could not con- tain them,as the words following doe explaine it. And fo. the Scripture fometime refolveth this phrafe ; as, trha(hall judge ? 2 Gluon. i .s o. that is, who can judge? 1 King 3.9. It fball not fend, Mat. 112.25. that is, It camtotfam , Mark.3. z 4..T his kind goeth not out, Mat. t 7.21. that is, cannot gee out, Mar. 9.29. and fundry the like. 7 Verf. 7. the Pheresite ] that is , Pherekites ; as Gen. i 2.6. But of thefcwe heard no mention be- fore : it feenieth they were fome family of the Canaanites, Gen. 10.18. for they dwelt with the Canaanites in that part of the country which af- ter fell to the tribe of Wale, Judg.1.3,4,5 g Verf. 8. mud between my Herdntm] that i's, or be- twema my Herdmen: as, bee that curfeth het father and his mother, Exod. z t. r 7. that is, bis father or his mother, Mat. 15. 4. So, and the lime of man, Pfalm. 8. 5. that is, or the frnne f man, as it is alleaged in Heb.z.6. men-brethren] that is,brethren in faith, as Mat.23.8. and naturall lfinfmen : for Abram was Lou uncle, Gen. 12.5. So Chriffs kinfinen,were called his brethren, r Cor.9.5. The word men, may be omitted, as fonietime the text it felfe doth: fhcatersmen with bow, i Sam. 31.3. that is, fbooters with bow, i Ghron.I o.3. So, a man a Prince, Exod. 2.14. is in Greeke,but a Prince,A &.7.27. man of his atmfell, Efay 40.13. that is, his counfellor, r Cor. .2. 16. Although the Greeke often keepeth this He- braifine, as an enemie man, Mat. 13. 28. men fitment, Luke 24.7. Men brethren, A &.1.16. and 2. 29.37. See alt, Gen. 38.1. Verl9. Ir not all ?] that is,Loe furtly it it. A que- ftion earueitly affìrineth : as, is it not written ? Mar. 11.17. for, it is written, Mat. 21.13.eheye not erre? Mark. r 2.24. for,ye doe erre, Mat.22. 29. and ftm- dry the like. See :;en.4.7. 'before thee] at thy pleafure, to chufe,by my permiffion. So the Lord fit the land before the Ifraelites, Deut.1.2 i. The like is in Gen. 20.15. and 34.10. if Alone wilt take] or wilt chufe. These words are to be un- derftood from the next fpeech,or from the And Lot chofe, &c. O, Centimes .words wanting are to be flpplied : as, I with Scorpions ,2 Chron. I o. 1 r. for, I wig eba ffife you with Scorpions, r King. t 2. 11. Againff three hundred, 2 Sam. 23.8. for, be lift up his fpeare agaiufi three hundred, 1 Chron. it. i r, and many filch like. See Gen. 11.4, Thus Abram for peace, parted with his right : chufing rather to take wrong, then to contend, as t Cor. 6.7. 10 Verl i o. liftedup his eyes] that is, looked round a- bout to view the land, as is after nlanifeft by the Ilike fpeech to Abram, verf. 14. and where one E- vangeliff faith, lifting upyour e, es ; Mat. 17. 8, ano- ther writing of the fame, faith, looking round - about, Mara 9. 8. Iardan] Hebr. to den, the name of a 'goodly river: fee jot: 3, I1. &c. well watered] Hebr. a watering ; that is, as the Chaldee faith, a place of water , or of moijlure t thereby figuifying truictìill land; as Pfal.66. r 2: and s 07.3 3,3 5. deft, oyed] or corrupted; as Gen.6.13. and 19.24. Sc- dom is iit Hebrew Sedans; and Gomorrha,Gbnamorah. but we follow the plaine writing in the new Te- ftament,2 Pet.z.6. garden] that is,as the ;reeke faith, Paradife: fee Gen. 2.8. and Ezek. 36.33. meaning molt plaafant and fruitfull , as Eden and intypt. contmefl ]Hebr.ihaueommingtoZoar,orta Zugar : that is , all the plaine of lordan, even to Zaar., the little Citie called before B5la: fee Caen. 19: 20, 21, 22. and l 4.2. Verf. r I. the plaint] or, the country about lardait, as the Gr. tranflateth, which words the holy Ghoft ufeth in Luke 3.3. the Chaldee tranflateth it, a plaine : and it is oppofectto the mountaineer, Gen. i 9.17. each man, &e.] that is, one frem another. Ver.I2. pitched tents]that is,removedhis tent r from place to place, till he came even to Sodom : and as the Greeke faith, dwelt in tents in Sodom. Verf. 13. frnteri to Iehovah] that is , before the Lord (as the Greeke tranflateth) and again( bim, as Sam. 2.25. meaning, very grievous and open pi- nery. And here the Sodomites are the first in the world openlycalled fvmers : and although by A- dams difobedience we all are madefemurs, Rom. 5. I 9. yet ufttally fuch as are notorious wicked ones, have this title given them : as in ¡ Sam. 15. t 8. PfaL 104.3 6. Mark. 14.41. I Tim. 1.9. The Chaldee paraphralt tranflateth, They were unrigh- teous with their riches , ad frmers with their bolus de- fire the Lord: agreeable to other Scriptures,which teltifie how they defiled their bodies, Gen. 19.5. and that, Pride, fulneffe afbread , and abundance ofidle- nef i , was in Sodom they firengthened not the hand of the poore , but were hattghtie and ammitted abhomina- tint; before the Lord, Ezek. 16. 49, 5o. The Hebrew Do&ors,from the two words here ufed,of Sodoma finfull hate, doe gather their condemnation both in this world,and in the world to conne; Tbalmud in the notes on Gen.19.24, the fu that is, the wefl : fee Gen.t2. 8. Abram vieweth the land, but polfeffeth it not : fo did Mofes, Deut.34.1,4 Verf. 15. to thee] God gave Abram no inheritance in the land, no not the bredth of a foe : yet bee promifed that he wouldgive it to him fora poffiffon, and to his feedafter him, when as yet bee bad no child , Pitts 7. 5. By faith bee fjourmd in the land of promife , as its a (frange Commie ; for bee looked for a Citie which bath formdations,whofebin ld r and maker is God Heb. 11.9, 1 o. and toehy feed] this may be an interpreta- tion of the former, to thee,that is to thy feed: for the word and, fometime meaneth, that is, or even : as t Chron. 21.12. three dries the Lord,fword, and the pefilence, for, that ü tb fay the pejlilence: it expotin- deth the former, therefore in 2 Sam. 24. 13. is written onely, three laies pefilenee. So in 2 Sam.17. 12.ofhim andofall for that isofal) the men that are with him. thy feed] tby poferitie.But as the earthly country figured an heavenly , Heb. t 1. 16. fo A- brams feed were fonte afear the jlejb , and Tome by promife, Galat.4.22, 23. neither becauf they are the feed of Abram, are they all children, Romanes 9. 7. F 3 The II I2 Iq. Iç