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GENESIS XVI . Saraï is barren. 6z Ga1.3. 17.and 43o yeeres after that promf fe,came Iliad out of bondage, Exod.i 2.41. I 4 Verf :I ¢.milljudge,] that is,punìlb as their finnes defcrvc:thc judgements that Godbrought on the Egyptians,are trammed rap ill Pta.i05.27 - 36.and 78.43 -51. handled at large hi Exodus. great fubfiance] orri.bcs , both of their owne and of the Egyptians, whofe jewels af filver and gold , andgar- »tents they carried away,Exo4.12.3 5,36. 15 Verf. t 5.unto toy fa:hers] that,s,fbalt die: the bo- dy returningto theearth, the fpirit to God that gave it,Ecclet :l 2.7.with whom are the fpirits of Jul} and perfea men : Hcb. t 2.23.Sce this promife fulfilled in Gen.z 5.8. 16 VerIi 6.tbefrertbgeneration] This promife was verified, when Eleazar the fon of Aaron, the fonne of Amran, the forms of Kahatb,came out of Egypt and parted the land ofGanaan to Ifraei,Iof..14. x. -Kabul/ being one that went into Egyptwith Iaa- kob, Gen. 46.11.26. r Ghron.6.2,3. of the Arnorite] that is,the Amorites,and other finfull na- tions, mentioned after, verfe 19.20,21. towards whom Gods patience fhouldbee lhewedtill the nteafure of their fins were filled up.A like phrafe is ufed,Mat.z3.3z. - 17 Verf.t7.ggoing dome] the going downe of the fun,and darknelre,ufually noteth calamities com- ming upon people: Amos .9,10. Efa.5.30. and 8.22. and 9.1,2. a fmobntg oven] Heb. an oven of finekebutas a crown ofthornes, refol- ved, a thornie crown, Mani this here as the Greeke tranflateth it a fmoking oven, or fornace.And this word oven , is tired to note our great aflliai- ons,Mal.4. i .PCz t, s o. Lamy .10. Luk.12.28. So this fmaking oven,may reprefent Egypt,the place of Ifraelsafffiftion, called by another like naníe,an yron fornace, Deut.4..2o.1er.11.4. The Ierufàlem Thargurn applyeth this vifion to Gehenna (or he Eyre, prepared for the wicked, a lampe: ] or torch offire that is , a hurnrng lampe : the Greeke turneth it, lampes of fire : and the Hebrew often nfeth one for many; fee Gen.3.2.and 4.2o. This reprefenteth the covenant betweene God and A- brams feed, for deliverance out of that fnsoking oven of Egypt.For at the Law-giving,lighrnings called lamps, appeared on mount Sinai,Exod.2o. s8.and Chrifl was feene of Daniel and Iohn,with his eyes like lamps , and flames of fire, Dass. s o.6. Revd.' 4.and the falvation of Gods people is like- ned to aburrting lampe, Efay 52.5. Alto the living - creatures,appeared to Ezekiel like lamps, Ezek.1.13 and Gods people are compared to virgins with lamps,Mat. 25.1. which pafjèd:] by this pafrage afebe lampe, or lampes to which only the Greene referreth it, the Lord would fignifie the making of the covenant betweene him and his people, as the next verfelheweth; So, from a like aEioss, in Ier.34.18,t 9,zo.theLord blameth them that per- formed not the covenant which they made before him,when they cut the bul lockintwaine ,andpaffèdbetmeenthe parts thereof, threatning for it,that their carkgfes, fhould be for meat to thefade ofthe heavens:though here,Abram drove the foules away. posees,]che Greek cal - leththem dichotomies,that is,divifiwu into two parts. VerCi fl. flroke] Hebrew, cut a cavcnan!, that is, made or firofg;, and (as the Greeke tranflateth it ) difofeed a covenant , or Teflament : called ufually cuttinp,becaufe of the flaying and cutting of beafts at the snaking of it, as this place and ler.34.1 8. doe thew. The holy Ghoft in Greekeexpreffeth this word caratb cut,fimdry wayes;as by p.oieo,make Heb. 8.9. funteleo mal6e perfli, He v8 8. diatithemi, difofe, Heb.8.1 o. all from Ier.31.31,32,33 atd, eutellomai, command, from Exod.24.8. Of a covenant, fee, Gen.6.18, give I,] or I ,ave given. The tune paff is often ufed, in aftions pre- tent, and to conic. So the Greeke here tranflateth I roil[ give. Of this gift, fee Gen.13.t 5. But the Hebrew Do&tors fcan the word thus, Hefaith not, I will give but I have given : andyet Abraham bad now begotten no children. But becaufe the word of the holy bled (God) ita deed, therefore he fo fpeaketh: Alidrae :Rim, plaid 07.2. the river,] called Sichor, Iof.13.3. Euphrates:] Hebrew phrath: fee Gen.2.14. This promife was accomplifhed in Davids dayes, 2 Sans.8.3. &c. and in Salomons, 2 Çhron.9.26. Verf..s 9. The Kenite,] that is,Kevites, or Keno- ans: and fo the tell, fee Gen.10. t 6., The Chaldee calleththefe Salameans; and foin Numb.24.25. Here are tenne peoples reckoned, whofe lands A- brams feed fhould pofrefre. Afterward they are ufually counted fever, Deut.7.1. Alls 13. 19. it feemeth force were wafted , or mixed confufedly with the reft,before the I fraelites came into their polreffon. So in Palm. 83.7,8,9. there are ten nations reckoned , all confederates againit Gods people. AttAAAAttAttAAIAttAMAt CHAP. XVI. 18 19 I, Sarai being barren, giveth Hagar (her Egyptian maid) to Abram. 4 Hagar being with child, and of fliiledfor elefifing ber níiflrefe, runneth army, 7 An Angel fendetb ber backe to ftbmit heefelfe. t 1 and tel- leth her of beg childs name and conditions. 15 Hagar beareth Abram a fon,whom he calletb Ifmael. A/ Nd Sarai,Abrams wife ;'did not beare children , unto him : and thee had, an handmayd an Egyptian, and her name mac Hagar. And Sarai Paid unto Abram, Be- hold now, Iehovahbath reftrained me from child - bearing ; goe in I pray thee , ,unto my handmayd ; it may be I (hall be builded, by her: and Abram hearkened, to the voice of Sarai. And Sarai Abrams-wife, tooke Ha- gar the Egyptian, her handmaid.: at the end often yeeres,of Abrams dwelling in the land of Canaan': and (he gave her,to Abram her husband , to bee to him for a wife. And hee went -in unto Hagar, and (hee concei- ved : and (he Caw, that (bee had conceived ; G and 2 3 4 `