.4100f1 / /0a Marriages to be NUMBERS X X V I in the lame Tribes. 204 and Chaldee expl line it, guilty or condemned to die. According to this phrafe David faith, When be (hall be jredg;d, let him gee forth wick ed,(that is,condem- ned,) Pfal. tog. 7. 3 2 Vert 32. for him that is fled] Hebt. to flee; which is explained by Ltrcbi and others , for bim that it fled. ` m the land] in the land ofbit pofffim, as in verfc 28. Verle 33. polluteth] or, impioufly ffainetb, fottle- 33 ly deformeth the land, This word which Mefft here ufeth of murder, and the Prophets after apply unto 1piritúall whoredonte or idolatry, Jer. 3.2, 9. and idolatrous bloud-lhed, Pal. to6.38. fhew- eth the hainouui'ie11 of this fin , that deflleth not only him that doth it,but the whole land if it be not avenged. Hereupon the Hebrewes fay, Thon haft not any thing concerning which the Law givetb filch a charge, after (bedding of Maud; ar it is raid (in Num. 35.33.) Andyefhall not pollute the land, &c. Mai- many treat. of Murder, chap.!. fe&. 4. the blond ofbine thatflied it] if it were wilful! murder; or by the death of the high Prieft, if it were unwilling matt - (laughter. Hereupon it is laid, A man that dotb violence to the blond of any perfn, fbaUlie to tbepit, let no mats Itay bim, Pron. z8. 17. 34 Verle 34. I doe dwell] the land ot'Ifrael was she L 0 RD S land, Hofca 9.3. and by. his dwelling there among his people,was fanEyt°fled , and cal- led the holy land, Zach. 2.1 2. and though he dwelt molt fpecially in his San&uary there, which af- terward was in Ierufalem, Pfal. 74.2. and 135. 21. yet the whole land was fanftified by his habita- tion therein, which was a reafon why the people might not pollute it, either with blood, or with any other wickedneffe ; for botimrypbecomethhis houle for ever, Plálm. 93. 5. And for this caufe the uncleane were to be put out of the campe of Ifrael, in the ntid(t whereof God did dwell, Numbers 5. 3. 12424412`sitinki2sletittt CHAP. XXXVI. I The inconvenience of the inheritance of daughters it remedied by marrying in their own Tribes, left the inheri- tancefhoubdberemovedfronethe Tribe. to Thedaugh- ters f Zelopbehad obey the Lord! commandement , and marry their uncles firmes. s Nd the heads of the fathers of the A family of the fons of Gilead, the fon of Machir, the fonne of Manaffes, df the families of the fonnes of Jofeph, came neere, and fpake before Mofes and before the Princes, the heads of the fathers of the 2 ! tons of lfrael. And they faid,Jehovah com- manded my lord to give the land for an in- heritance, by lot, to the foes of Ifrael: and my lord was commanded by Jehovah, to give the inheritance of Zelophehad our bro- 3titer unto his daughters. And if they be- come wives to any of the fons,of the Tribes ofthe fonnes of Iliael, then !hill their inhe- ritance be taken away from the inheritance of our fathers, and (hall be put to the inhe- ritance of the Tribe, unto whom they !hall be ; fo it fhall be taken away from the lot of our inheritance. And when the Jubilee of the fonnes of 1 fragil (hall be , then !hall their inheritancebe put unto the inheritance of the Tribe,unto whom they (hall be: fo their inheritance (hall be takenaway from the in- heritance of the Tribe ofour fathers. And Mofes commanded the fonnes of If- rael according to the mouth of Jehovah,fay- ing ; the Tribe of the Ions of Jofeph fpeakc right. This is the thing whichJehovah doth command concerning the daughters of Ze. lophehad, Paying ; Let them become wives to wham it is good in their eyes, onely to the family ofthe Tribe of their father (hall they become wives. And the inheritance of the Cons of Ifrael (hall not remove from Tribe to Tribe; for every man of the tons of Ifrael !hall cleave to the inheritance of the Tribe of his fathers. And every daughter that pof- fe(feth an inheritance of the Tribes of the fons of Ifrael, !hall be wife unto one of the family of the Tribe of her father, that the fons of Ifrael may poffeffe, every man the inheritance of his fathers. And the inheri- tance (hall not remove fró one Tribe to ano. ther tribe, but every man of the tribes of the Eons of Ifrael (hall cleave ro his inheritance. Even as Jehovah commanded Mofes, fo did the daughters of Zelophehad. For Machlah, Tirzah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Noah, the daughters of Zelophehad, were wives unto their uncles formes. (To men) of the families of the fonnes of Manaf- fes, the fon of Jofeph, they became wives; and their inheritance was unto the Tribe of the family of their father. Thefe are the cotámandemenrs and the Judgements which Jehovah commanded, by the hand of Mofes, unto the fonnes of Ifrael , in the plaines of Moab , by Jot= dan, tteere Jericho. Annotations: 'rHe beads! in Greeke, the Priam!, that is, the chili fashhert, God having defigned the limits of the holy landwhich Ifrael fhould inherit, iii. Num. 34. and appointed his own portion out of the fame to be given unto the PrieftS and Levites, Num.35.doth now conclude his laws with an or- dinance 4 5 6 7 S 9 IO Ii It 13 I