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2o6 NUMBERS XXXVI. dinance for the titled continuing of the inheri- tances tinto the Tribes, as they fuould be at hrft allotted unto thê.The occalion of this ordinance is a complaint made by force of the Manates, concerning Zelophehads daughters, if they (honld he marled to men of other Tribes. Gikad] in Greeke, Galaad, of whom fee Num. 27.1. 2 Verfe 2. my lord] meaning /1,#fes, for to him was the commandement given, Num. 26. 52, 53. &c. & 27. 6,7. And by this title they give honor unto Nofes, and (hew their obedience; as the Scripture noteth by the like title given unto o- thers, t Pet. 3.6. Mat. 22.44, 45. Zdopbegadl in Greeke, Salpaad: See Num.27.s, &c. 3 - Ver. 3. of the Tribes ]of any of the other Tribes, betide their owne, be taken away] or, be dimi- nifhedy contrary to adding or putting to,after mentiq oned : fo the inheritances of this , and ofother Tribes by like accidents might in time be chan- ged, dillurbed, and come to confufion, contrary to the order before let of God. 4 Ver. 4. the lubike fhall be] which was every sort yeere,in which the inheritances that were aliena- ted to others,were by the Law given in rcttirne unto the firft owners ; which ordinance afro (hould by fuch marriages be difanulled. f Verfe 5. the mouth] that is, the Word of the Lord, as the Chaldee tranflateth; in Greeke, by the com- mandement of the Lord. So the anfwer which Mofes gave, was not of himfelfe, but by advice from God: See Num. 27.5. 6 Verfe 6. good in their eyes] that is, pleafeth them. Daughters are not to be forced to marry with flch as they like not : See Gen. 24. 57,58. to the family] to forhe of thefamily, or, in the family : See verle 12. Verfe 7. fhaZ cleave to the inheritance] keeping himfelfe thereto, and (for the better perfor- mance hereof) marrying within his Tribe. For this word cleave, is often ufed in cafe of mariage, Gen. 2.24. Dan.2.Æ3. Thus God provideth that the order which he (hould let for t je inheritan- ces in his land, to be dividedby lot, might con- tinue throughout all generations; by which meanes ftrife alto might be cut off, and peace preferred among his people. Verfe 8. that pojftb an inheritance] òr, that is 8 heire ofa poffon; by reafon that her father had no fon to inherit , as in this cafe of Zalopbebad. So here is no reftraint of other women, fave filch as had inheritance. The Prie(ts alto and Levites, (which might have no inheritance with Ifrael, Deut. 18. a.) had liberty to marry.with thewo- men of any Tribe; as Iehojada the Prie(t had to wife the Kings daughter of Iudah,a Chronicles 22. n. . another tooke a wife of the daughters of Bar - zillai the Gileadite, Ezra 2. 6t. and the like. By reafon of fuels marriages theremight be kindred betweene Elizabeth the mother of John the Bap - till, who mat of the daughters ofAaron, and Mary the Virgin, the Mother of our Lord Chri(}, who was of the linage of David, of the Tribe of In- dab, Luke I. 5,36. & 3.23,-3/ . Verfe a 1. For Machlab] Hebrew, And Mack- I I lab, &c. Of theft daughters, fee Numbers 27. r. their trades formes] the fonnes of their fa- thers brethren. Compare Leviticus i8, 12, 13 14. Verfe 12, was unto the Tribe] that is, remained I2 unto (or in) the Tribe. So Daniel was (that is,aon- tinoeed) even unto the firil yeere of KingCyrus, Dan, 1. 21. and,they were (that is,contimced) tbere, Ruth t. 2. and fundry the like. By this exampleand ob- fervation of the Law for inheritancesin the holy land, the people of God are taught to hold fait their inheritance in his promifes, and right in Chri(l, whichthey enjoy by faith ; that as the Father bath made their meet to be partakers of the inheritance ofthe Saim: in light, Colors. i. s z. fo they may keepe the faith and grace which they have obtained,unto the end, I King.21.3. Ezek.46.t8. Jude verfe 3. Hebr.6.I2. tAitti2M, `ft t 4 4" 1 r 4 :1 E S'A Y "s''`i`3 tzl :T "aF"+t'