Ainsworth - BS1225 A54 1639

ES AY 65. 9. Will bring forth out o f sakob a feed , and out of udab an inheritor of my mountaines, and mine eleáfhallinherit it, and myfrvants(hall dmell there. E z E K. 20. 35, 36,37. I gill bringyou into the milderneffe of peoples, and there mill I plead mithyou face to face, like as 1pleaded míthyour fathers in the vildernelle of the land of Egypt, fo milli plead with you, faith the Lord god. eAnd I mill caufe you to pal under the rod, and I mill bringyou into the bond of the Covenant , &c. HE B R. 9. 15. Chrift, he is the eklediator of the key* Covenant , that by meaner of death, for the redemption of the tranfgreiions that were under the fir.Fl Covenant, they which are called, might receive the promife of the eternali inheritance. JÉS JL ! L. ËJL L SÉ fC$T,'g. É '{`L( L Ñ 441.A. ááJ ANN O TA- 4$ 9 a / .n..nnumIlpplawvs.