Ainsworth - BS1225 A54 1639

ANNOTATIONS VPON THE FIFTH B OO KE OF MOSES, CALLED DEUTERONOMY: Wherein BY CONFERENCE OF THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, by comparing the (]reeke and Chaidee Verfions and Teftimonies of Hebrew Writers the Hií}o- o ries, Lawes and Ordinances, whichMos E s (a little before his death) repeated and enlarged unto ISRAEL in this Booke, are explained. By HENRY AINS WORTH. JOSUA I.8. This Baohe of the Law Pall not depart out of thy mouth ; but thou fhalt meditate therein, day and night, that thou maid/ obfrrve to doe, according to all that it written therein : for then thou fhalt make thy way pr4erous , and then thou fhalt have goodfecce_Jì. LUKE r6. 3e. If ¡bey hears not Mofer and the Prophets, neither will they he perfwaded, though one rofi from the dead. ro 1 relI LONDON, Printed by M. Parfons for ohn Bellawie, and Are to be fold at hisShopneeretheRoYALL Exc HANG E. 1639. Aaaaa