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411"11 -Wm . .. fi%',.m e // y1 k DcLITSRONOMiE I. THE FIFTH BO OKE OF 4'IOSES, Called DEI'TERONO MIE. CHAPTER 1. I Mofes fiteech c in the end of the fortiethyeare, briefly rehearsing the Story. 6 Of"Godspromife and to give Ifrael the Land ofCanaan. 9 Of Officers given them. 19 Of Spies feat to [earth the Land. 3¢ Of Gods anger for Ifrael¡ incrednbtie, 4i and disobedience. Hefe bee the words which Mofes fpake unto all Ifrael on this fide Jordan, in the wil- derneffe, in the plaine, over against the red sea, betweene Pharan and Tophel, and Laban,and Hazeroth , and 2 Dizahab. Elevendaies journey from Horeb, by the way of mount Seir unto Kadefh-Bar- nea. And it was in the fortieth year, in the eleven moneth , in the first day of the mo- neth, Mofes fpake unto the fonnes of Ifrael, accordingunto all that Jehovah commanded 4 him , unto them. After be had fnitten Sihon King of the Amorites , which dwelt in He(hbog, and Og king of Ba(han , which dwelt inAf ttaroth , in Edrei. Onthic fide Jordan, in the Land of Moab , began Mo- 6 fes to declare this Law , faying ; Jehovah our God fpake unto vs in Horeb raying, Yee have dwelt long enough in this Mom- Caine. Turne you and take your journey, and goe to the mount of the Amorite, and unto all his neighbours , in the plaine , in the mountain and in the vale , and in the fouth,and by the Sea fide: is the land of the 3 Canaanite, and Lebanon,unto the great Ri- ver,the river Euphrates. Behold, I have gi- ven the land before you , goe in and poffelfe the land which Jehovah (ware unto your fa- thers,to Abrabam,to Ifaac, and to Iakob, to give unto them,and to their feed after them. And I fpake unto you at that time, laying, I am not able my felfe alone to beare you: Jehovahyour God hath multiplied you: and behold you are this day,as the Starres of the heavens for multitude. Jehovah, God of your fathers,adde unto you a thoufand times fa many as you aie,and blefle you as hee hath fpoken unto you. How (hall I beare myfelfe alone, your cumbrance , and your burden, and your Saes' Give yee for you wifemen, and underflanding,and knowne among your tribes,and I will appoint them forte be your heads. And yee anfweredme and laid, The word which thou haft fpoken is good to doe. And I tooke the heads of your tribes, wife men and knowne,and gave them to be heads over you ; rulers ofthoufands, and rulers of hundreds, and rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens, and officers among your tribes. And I commanded your Iudges at that time, fay. ing,Hearebetween your brerhren,and judge juflice betweene a man and hi3 brother,and his (!'ranger. Yee shall not refpeCt persons in judgement;you (hall heave alike,the (mall and the great; you [hall not be afraid ofthe face of man, for the judgment,that is Gods: Aaaaa 2 End 3 8 9 IO II 12 13 14 If 16 17 111