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Spiesdent. DEUTERONOM and the caufe which (hall be too hard for you, bring tt unto mee , and I will heare it. a 8 And I commandedyou at that time,all the thingswhich yee fhou'd doe. 19 And we journeyedfrom Horeb, andwent thbrow all that great and fearefull wilder- nelfe which you have feene, by the way of the mountaine of the Amorires, asJehovah our God commanded us; and we came un- z0 to Kadefh Barnea. And 1 faid unto you,Yee arecome unto the mountaine of the Amo- rites, which Jehovah our God giveth unto 21 us. Behold , Jehovah thy God hath given the land before thee, goe up, po(leffeit, as Jehovah the God of thy fathers hash îpoken unto thee; feare not,neither be difcouraged. 22 And ye came veer unto me, all of you, & faid, We will fend men before us, and they !hall fearch out for ns the land, and fball bring us word againe, bywhat way we !hall goe up, and into what Cities we !hall come. 23 And the word was good in mine eyes,& I took of you twelve men,one man ofa tribe. 24 And they turned & went up into the moon- taine, and came unto the valley of Efhcol : 25 and they fearched it ont. And they tookein their hand of the fruit of the land , and brought it downe unto us, and brought us word again and faid,it is a, good land which 26 Jehovah our God giveth us. But ye would not gocup, but rebelled againft the mouth 27 of Jehovah your God. And murmured in your Tents,and faid, In the hatred of Ieho - vah tmiards us,he bath brought us forth out of the land of Egypt, to give us into the 28 hand of the Amorite todeftroyus. Whi. thergoe we up e Our brethren have caufed our heart tomelt,faying,The people is grea- ter and' taller than we g the Cities are great and walled up to heaven : and moreover we have feen the fonnes of the Anakims there. 29 And I raid unte you, Bee not terrified, 3o ,neither be afraid of them. Jehovah your God,that goeth before you, hee will fight for you, according to all that hedid for you 35 in Egypt,before your eyes; And in the wil- derneffe,which thou haft feene,how that Je- hovah thy God bare thee, as a man doth beare his fon, in al the way that ye went, un- 3 z til ye came unto this place. Yet in this thing you did not beleeve in Jehovah your God. Who wentbefore you in the way,to fearch 33 you out a place to pitch your tents in: in fire by night,to thew you bywhat way ye fhould 34 goe; and in a cloud by day. And Jehovah heard the voice of your words; and was i E I. Thepeople beleeve not. wroth,and fware,faying,If there Thal( a man fee, of thefe men, of this evill generation, the good land which I fware to give unto your fathers. Except Caleb, the fonne of Iephunneh, hee (hall fee it,and to him will I give the land that he hath troden upon, and to his Ionnes,becaufe he bath fully followed Jehovah. Alfo Jehovah was angry with mee for your fakes, laying, Thou alto lhalt not goe in thither. Jofhua the fon of Nun, which ftandeth before thee, hee (hall goe in thither; firengihen thou him, for hee (hall caufe Ifrael to inherit it. And your little ones , which you laid Ihould be for a prey, &your fons which knownot this daygood andevill, they (hall goe in thither, and unto themwill I give it, and they (hall poffeffe it. But as for you, turn ye, and take your jour- ney into the wilderneffe, by the way of the red fea. And yee anfwered and faid unto mee, wee have finned againft Jehovah : we will goe up and fight , according to all that Jehovah our God bathcommanded us : and ye girded on every man his weapons of war, & preffed forward to goe up into the moun- taine. And Jehovah laid unto me, Say un- to them,Goe not up, neither fight, for I am not among you, that yee be not fmitten be- fore your enemies. And I'fpake untoyou, and you heard not, but rebelled again[} the mouth of Jehovah, and you were prefump- tuous,and went up into the mountaine. And the Amorite that dwelleth in that mountain, came out againftyouu ; and they purfued you asBees doe, and deltroyed you in Seir,even unto Hormah. And ye returned and wept before Jehovah:but Jehovah heard not you r voyce, neither gave eare unto you. And ye abode in Kadefh many dayes, according to the dayes that yee abode there. 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Annotations. DEuteronomie: ] A Greeke word, by interpre- ration, The repetition, (or fieenddedara:ion) of the Law. This name is ,borrowed from Deut. r7. 18. where JNneh atorab, the Copie of rix Law, is in Greeke tranflated Detaeronmrim, which title is given to the whole booke, as that which containeth a repetition and explanation of the Lawes before given,as v.5. The Hebrewes cal this booke by the firli words thereof, ELLE H HADBARI.M, T HES E bee THE WORDS. And here beginneth the 44 Se &ion, or Le &tae of the Law : fee the notes on Gen.6.9. Vert t. On thusfia'e] or, on ¡he outfirk; that is, beyond