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/!fif / /IN IMI DEUT ERONO MIE 1. 2 beyond Iordan, as the Greeke tranflateth. The word fignifieth both fides,and by circuntftance of place is to be under(tood. To chore out of the land of Canaan,it was on this fide: to the Ili aelites in Ca- naan, it was beyond, or the out fide e Iordan , where Mofes fpake the things : For Mofes might not enter into the land. Here 7hargum Ierufalemy (whom Onkelos theChaldeeParaphraft a1Co fol- loweth) explaineth it thus : Thef'bee the words which Moles (peke_ unto all "frael.; hee rebuked them, fir that they had finned on :bit fide Iordan, &e. Here- upon the Rabbines call this booke , Sepber Tba ebecbotb,that is, the booke of Rebukes. Iordan] Heb. Larden: a Riverlpringing out of mount Le- banon, in the north end of Canaan, running along the Countrey. Of it and the myfterie thereof, fee Num.34.1 }. Iofhua 3. the plaine] to wit, of Moabs land, al verfe 5. fee Numb.2 z.r, There Mofes fpake there things and died , Deut. 34.5. The Chaldeefaith, Mofes rebuked them, becaufe they had provoked God in the plaint. the red fea]fo both Greeke and Chaldee doe tranflate it, adding the word fen: others keepe the He- Brew name Suph, which fignifieth flags, filch as growby the fen and rivers fides, Exod.z.3. and to expound it,not of the Sea Suph(called the Red Sea) but of a flaggie place by the fides of Iordan towards the wildernefle of Arabia. So in Numb. 2t.i . P law an]orParan,awilderneffefouth- ward from the place where Mores now was, tho- row which brad had paffed,Nnm.t3.1. in it was a mountains fo named, Deut.33.2. The Chaldee here adderrh, in Pharan where they murmuredagainfi theAdanba. 7opbel] this is thought to be a towne, called afterwards Pella, which was north- ward front where Mores now fpake. Laban] in Greeke, Lobos ; of others Lybiat ; a Citie lying from them northweft. Hazeroth] by inter- pretation, Courtyards, & fo the Crecheexpounds it : aplace lying eafiward. Of Hazeroth wee reade alto in Num. r r .35. and 13.1. Vnto it the Chaldee here referreth it , laying, In Hazerotb Inhere they provoked God for flefb. Dizabab] a region, wherein was the ChitsMezabab, as finite fitppofe. Zahab figniflesgo/d; and fo the Greeke here tranflatcth, by the gold-mines. The Chaldee referres it to.the golekn Caffi which thy made. All there are limits of the place where Mores gave this Deuteronomie, which was without the holy Land, and river Iordan (wherein Baptifme was adminiftred , Matth.3.) environed with places, which in name and &tnation, fignified afflillion : and teach us the tale of this Law, which is to al- flift the foule by 'hewing it finne, and to prepare us for Chrift, who by faith bringeth us CO his felt in the heavenly Canaan, Hebrewes 4. 1, a. 3. &c. VerC 2. Eleven dyes journey] fo the Chaldee expounds it, adding alto the word journey. Some of the Hebrewesthinke, that in eleven dyes , all things in this booke of Deuteronomie were by Mores rehearfed. Neither could it be any long time, feeing Mofes began the f ff day of the eleventh month, ver. 3. and having ended all things in this booke, died and was mourned for thirtydeyes, Deut.34. 8. Then borne fendeth (pies to view the land Iof. a. leadeth the people thorow Iordan, Iof. 3.circnmcifeth them, and afterkeepeth the Pai(ftover thefourteenth day of the firft month, Iof. 4c Hareb]called alto Sinai, the mount where the law was given ; fee Exod.3. 1. mount Seir] the mountainycountrey of Seir , wherein the E- domites dwelt, Gen.36.8.y. Kadefh barnea] the foutherne border of the land of Canaan, Num.34.4 Though the way was fo fhorr, yet If- rael for their finnes wandred forty yeares in the wildernelfe,asGod had threatned, Numb.14.33. 34. in which time all the fathers died. V. 3. Fortietbyeare] of Ifraels comnling out of Egypt. In the firft moneth of this yeare,Marie, Mofes filler, died, Numb. 20. I. in the firft day of the fifib moneth thereof , Aaron his brother died, Num. 33.38. and now at tile end of theyeare, Mores himièlfe dieth , when hee had repeated the Law, and renewed the Covenant betweene God & his people Iliael. Verf.4. Siban] the Rorie hereof fee in Num.2I. and after in Dent. 2.26. &c. The (laughter of Si- bat and Og, was an encouragement to Ifrael , for their after warres; and an argument to move them unto thankefull obedience to the Law now repeated. in Aiaroth, in Edrei] he dwelt in Afta- roth, and was (mitten in Edrei, where the battell was fought,Numb. 21.33. or as the 1 ;reeke tran- flateth it,he dwelt in Afiarotb and in Edrei ;for they were both Cities in Ogs land, Iof t 3,. ;1. and Og is Paid to have reignedin Aflarotb,and Edrei, Iof:13 12. In Gen.14,5. it is called Afieroth Karnaim. VerC 5. began] or, willingly tonke upon him : for the word impliieth willingnelfe and contentedt:esTe : fee Gcn 18.27. So all Minifters'hould feed their flocks willingly, and of a ready mind, t Pet.5. z. And Mofes began to declare, that is, hee declared as Iefls began to fay unto his Dilcipies, Luke 12.1. that is, hee faidunto them, Mat. t 6.6. and his difciples be-. gan to pluck¢ the cares of corne, Match. 1 2.1 that is, they plucked, Luke 6. r. to declare] or, to make plaine, chary manif ft, to the underltanding 05 the people,as in Habak. 2.2. a thing is fa id to be made plain in writing,tbat be may run that readeth it. VerC. 6. dwelt] or fitten (that is, continued) much. They cante to that mount, in the third moneth after their departure out of Egypt,Exod.i 9.1. 2. and removed from the mount, the 20. of the fecond meneth in the feeondyeare, Mint 10.1 I.12.í0 they re- mained there almoltawhole year,where they re- ceived the Law,or Old Teftament, & had made a Tabernacle for God to dwel among them: from thence God calleth them by word and ligne, the cloud removing, journee to- wards Canaan,the land promifed to Abraham,the figure of their heavenly inheritance by faith in Chrift. The law is not for men to continue un- der,but for a time,till they be fitted and brought untoChrift : fee Ga1. 4,1. -5. lieb. 3.18.19.and4.6-11. Verf.7. Amorite] put for Amoritet, ai the Greek tranflatcth , whole neighbours were the Cs- A a a a a 3- naanites, 3 4 5 tí 7