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DEUTERONOMIE I. dee verfions explaine it. So, hee hath given thee over them for King, 2 Chro. 9.8. is expounded, be bath fit (or conflituted) thee King, I King. 1o. 9. Officers] in Hebrew, Shoorim o they were filch as executed the Magiforates !awes , as the Hebrews tljinke: fee the notes on Deut. 16. 18. among] or, cojear Tribes. The Greeke tranfla- teth it, to your budges : which feemeth to be a mi- ftaking Shophte for Sbibte : although even in the 8 gz g p y Hebrew Text we may fee one of thee put for a- nother, as Judges in I Chron. 17. 6. which in 2 Sam.7.7, is Tribes. Verle 16. Heart betweme your brethren] to wit,the 16 caufcs and controverfies betweene them. Hebr. 7o heare, which phrafe is often ufed in comman- dements, as is noted on Exo. 13. 3. and it may be a defe£tive fpeech ; for hearing, heare yee ; that is, heare diligently. judge juílice]that is,juft 9 f ] and righteous judgement : which is oppofed un- to judging according to tbe appearance , John 7.24. hitflranger] that is, the (ranger that is with him, or contendeth with him : as, he that emeth my bread, Pral. 41. to. that is, which eatethbread with me, John 13. 18. Vert s7. reffreil pert ns] or, aelawledge faces, ci- I o ther by honouring the perfon of the mightie, or by corm- tenaneing a podre manin his caub, Levit. 19. 15. Exo. 23.3. Solomon noted' this as one of the things belonging to the wife, that it is not good to ackow- ledge fares (or relpe& perlons) in judgement, Prov. 24.23. alilc the fmall, &c.] that is, the final! as well at the great, and the great as rrell as the fmall. Hebr. like fatal!, like great. It implieth both per fons, and caufes. of man] or, of any man. that is Gods] or, of God, and belonging to him : ap- pointed by his Law. So in 2 Chron. s 9.6. Tee Judge not far man, but for the LORD. And alike, phrafe is in another cafe, The battell is uatyours,but Gods, 2 Chron. 20. 15. the c.rule] or, the word, the matter. See Exod. 18. 22. Verse 18. all the things] Hebr. all the words. Thus MLlofes faithfully taught the Judges and people all their duties, and they had aperfe &Law. So Chrift , (who was faitbftdl to him that appointed him, as Mofes was, Hebr. 3. 2.) made kuowne to his Dileiplcs, all things that bee load heard of his Ei- ther, Joh. 15..15. which they fhould teach alto his people to obferve, Mat. 23.20. Verle 19. journied] or departed. Here Moles! ;9 fheweth the obedience which they began to (hew unto God, in leaving the mount of God, the place which might feen,e ian&ified, and where men might have laid, Lord it is good for us to be here: as Matth. 17. 4. great] for it bordered upon many countries, Madian, Edam, Moab, &c. and fearful!, for the many troubles and terrours in it. Nuns. I 1. i, &c. it was a land of de farts and of pita, a land of drought andof the fhadow ofdeath, a land that no man pa d tborow, and where no man dwelt, jer. e. 6. wherein were fierie firpents and fearpions , Dent. 8. 15. It was the wilder elf of Aaron; Nuns. i0, 12. and 13.1. where Ifmael dwelt, when his mo- 15 ther Agar and hee had loll themfelvcs in wan - dring, after that they were oft out of Abrahams, boule, naanites,Pherezites,and other Nations promifed to be their poffelhon, Exod. 23. 23,28,31. fide] or, fa Port, which was their Wefterne bor- der, Num.34.6. Lebanon] which was a mount on the Ncrth part of the land. Euphrates] in Hebrew, Phratb;which was theirEaltern bound, in the utmoft extent without Jordan. And fo far Solomon reigned, I'King -4,2I. Of this Euphrates, fee the notes on Gen.2.I4. Verfe 8. Shave iven] or 'give : which im 1 - eth both Ifraels right unto the land , Levit. 25. 23. Judg. II. 23, 24. and their affured vi &orie over the inhabitants, Exo.23.27, -3 i. Both theft proceeding from the gracious gift ofGod : as e- rernall life,(fhadowed by this land) is allo the gift of Gadthrough Iefua Cbrifi our Lord, Rom.6. 25. Seed] that is, children or pofreritie: lee the notes on Gen. i 3. 15. Verle 9. I aid Mofs was occafioned unto this motion, not onely by the confcience of his own inability (here mcntioned)but by the coun- fell of Sohn', and commandement of the Lord, Exod. 18. 14, i8, 19, 21,23. Thus the people were furnifhedwith all hclpes, for their orderly and peaceable travels. Vert Io. As the Starres] Co the promife was fulfilled which Abraham belceved, Gen. 15. 5,6. They were fix hundred thoufand men, befìdes women and children, Exod. 12.37. Numb. 1. fee alto Dent. 1 o. 2 e. Verfc i 1. Adde] that is, increafe: Mots envi- ed not their multitude, but wifhed them ftillI more; as David alto did, Pfa.I 15.14. And the in create of the Church is a fpeciall blefftug,fulfilled in Chtilt, as Eo y 49.20,21. & 54.1,2,3. Vert 12. Tour cumbrance] or, reearifome moleffa- tien; trouble, as Eray 1. I. this fhéwcth the NIa- gifirates office to be weighty and laborious. And by your cumbrance, underftand, the cumbrance that confined] unto me by you. For when a peo- ple is inçrcafcd,the care and trouble of theirGo- veruours is incrcalèd alto , 1 King. 3.8ì9. 2 Co- rinthians I i. z8. Verle 13. Giveyee] of your owne looking out, and choife. So Minilters were lookt out,and pre- kilted by the people, Acts 1.15, 23. and 6.3,5,6. In Exod. 18. 25. it is lid, Alofesehofe men ofahi- lisle, &e. Here the people gave them, and after in verle 15. Againe, Mofesgave , that is, made them heads : forwhen things are done by many,under the government of one principali , they are Paid to be done by them, or by him. See the Annota- tions on Nuns. z 1. a r. underflaudiog] or pru- dent : the Greeke tranflateth, ohlfull, or indeed with knowledge ; which word the Apofile uleth, Jam.3.13. known] or expert, as the word fig - nifieth in Efa.53.3. This latter the Greek favon- reth here, and in ver.i 5. Compare Exod.18,z 1. where the qualities of Rulers are let down. Heads] that is, Gaptaines, Governours, or Leaders, as the Greeke here tranflateth ; and in v. 15. and c.5. v.23. and often othcrwhere. Vertex 5. andgave them] that is, fit them, made them, or confiituted them , as theGreeke and Chal- II 17 t8