,%AtowLs7iL wls.liGiri,W,A111W/A®%/ DEUTERONOMIE I. 7 1loule, Gen. 21.21 . It figured the efface' and do- minion of the law , thorow which Gods people paffe with many wants, fins, terrours, and tangs ofconfciencc, &c. Compare Pfal.63,z. and 32.4. and 107.4,5. and the healing of all thefe fpiritu- all defects by the Gofpel, Elá.4o.3,4. Marke 16. 18. - of the mount] that is, which leaded, to the motmt of the Amorites 5a people high as Cedars,flrong ar Okes, Amos 2. 9, 10. Kadefh- barnea] cal- led fometitne Kadefb onely ; it was in the wilder - t elf ofPkaràn, Nom. 13.26.. 2I Vert 21. difouraged] or, cafe dowse , broken: which word, when it is applied to the miede, fìgniécth difcouragement through feare. Here Moles !hewed then[ the right that they had in the pro- ' mites of God; the ability which they had in. him to obtaine them; and his commandement to take their inheritance let before them. 23 V erfe23. was good] that is,pleafed,orlikedme well: becaufe it was approved,orat leaf} permit- ted of the Lord,Num.13.2,3. For prudent poli- licie (fo it be not mixed with unbeleefe) Both well befeeme us, in the execution of Gods cons - mandements. So Iofuafcndeth Spies and ufeth o- ther ftratagems, Jolt, &c. ose man afaTribe] or, fir a Tribe, of every Tribe one : See Num. 13. 2, 4, &c. where their, names are let downe and ' the charge given them.' 24 Verle 24. Efbcol] that is, the Clufler of grapes, whereofthe place had the name, Num. 13. 25. 25 Vert 25. the fitdt] as grapes, pomegranates,figs, Nuns. 13, 23. agood land] flowing with milke and-bore", Num. e 347. 261 Verlè 36. rebelled] in Greekc, difnbeyed: pro- perly it fih,nifieth turned, or changed , as in Ezek. 5.6. which figuratively is tiled for rebcllion'or difobedience, whereby Gods Word is as it were changed and difarulled. the mouth] that is, the word, as the Greche tranflateth. So Exo.17.1. Gen, 24. 57. and after here inverse 43. Of their rebellion, Ike Num.14.2,3, &c. 27 I Verfc 27. Intlehatred] or, fortbe hatredofIcho- zab (wherewith he hateth) to : that is, f r that the I Lordhateth us ; as Is in the Greek version. See the like phrafe in Gen. 19. 16. and 29.20. Hof. 3. 1. This evil! (tying, Mofs world not have to come out of the month of their enemies, Dent. 9. 28. ' and it fheweth the height of their fin, which im- posted that to hatred, wherein God ntanifcfted his love, Dem. 4.37. and 7.8. 28 Verfe 28.0o melt] that is, difcouraged, or (as the Ghaldee tranflateth it) broken. The Greeke faith, Have turned away our heart. David amplified[ this similitude, in Pfal. 22. i5. My heart is as wax , it is molten, &c. So Jof. 2. 11. and 7.5. and 14. 8. E- ley 19. 1. These brethren were ten of the twelve Spies, Pent to view the land, Nola 3.28, &c. Anakims] in Greek and Chaldee,Giants: fee Nuns. 13. 28, 33. where it is fïngular Anak. 30 Verle 30. Ho] the Ghaldee paraphrafeth, bio word trill fight for you. 31 Verle 3 r. bare thee] this word meaneth not bearing of the body onely, but bearing of their infirmities , and fuffering the evils and troublés in the education of them, as a father doth in his children : which the Greeke explaineth by etra- phopherefe , a word that Patd ulèth in Abt. 13. n 8. where the Syriack expoundeth it, nourfed: or, as Tome copies have it,etrapophorefe, bee fuffered their manners. Vert 3 z. yet in this thing] or, fir this word: not - withilanding this exhortation and encourage- ment, you beleevedmot. io Iehovah] Ghaldee, inthewordoftheLOIt D. This unbcleefe Fay! no- teth to be the ratite why they entred not intothe Lords ref}, Hebr.3. 1,2,18,19. ' Vert 33. Who went] namely, by his Ark Fire, and Claud, the lignes of his pretence, Num.' 0.33, 34. or, who goeth, to wit, Hill before you. Verfe 35. If there fball] that is, Purely there fhall not : as Paul openeth the phrafe, Hebr. 3. s 1, 18. Though Mofs intreated for the people , Numb. 14. 13, -19. and the Lord pardoned them, that they were not then dellroyed, Numb. 14.20. yet he (ware (and fo it was irrecoverable, and with- out repentance,Plal.n n o.4.) that they fisould not come into the promifed land : lee the notes on Nam. 14. fee] that is, come into and enjoy : as to fee good, is to enjoy the Cune,Ptal.106.5. Verle 36. Caleb] one of the twelve Spies who 36 was faithfull : fee Num. 13.6, 3o. and 14. 6,&c. fully followed] Hebr. fulfilled after leinvah; which the Greeke tranflateth, followed the things pertaining to the Lord This he did,being guided by another fpirit, Num.14.24. Verfe37. with me] with Aaron alfo; for they both were in one tranfgreflion and punifhment, Numb. ao. 10, 12,24. foryour fakes] for the people provol4d his fpirit, whereupon he uttered his fume with hiilips,PCtl.;o6.32,3i. his (Stine pro- ceeded alto from unbeleefe: fee Num.zo.12. Thus God (hewed feverity towards all,after miry pro= vocations : and by it the peopleweretaught,that not Mofes Law, but Jeans Gofpel fhould bring them into their heavenly refl. Verfe 38. lofhuah] or Iehofhuah; in Greeke, Ìo- fns : he was another of the Spies; fee Num./ 3.8. 16. and 14.6, 38. fiandeth] that is, minßreth, or, is thy frvane, as the phrafe meaneth, Gen. r8. 8. and 1p Ise is named Moles minifier, JoCI . s. firengtben] by word and fgne, which was impofi- tics of (rands, whereby ifiofes put off his honour upon Jeftts; and he was filled with the Spirit, Nuns. 27, 18,20,23. Deut.34.9. Verle 39. fir a prey] to be fpoiled and devoured of the enemy : of this their 1peech,(ecNum.14.3 they fle llgoein]after forty yceres wandring in the wilderneffe,aud bearing their fathers whore - domes : fee Numb. 14. 31, 33. So God (heweth grace to weaklings and babes in Ghrift,i Gor.1. 28. Mar. 15. 25. Ver. 40,. way of that is,which leadeth towards the red lea, where If ael had beene bapti fed, Exo. 14.and whither they were now led again,to learn repentance and a new life. See Num 14.25. Verfè 41. finned] The people mourned greatly, when they heard that evill tidings from the Lord; confeffed their fin, & offered amendment, Num.