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8 DEUTERONOMIE II. Num.14.39.40. but their repentance was not ac- cording to God ; (for prefently they ruffled into another extremity ;) neither could they reverie the decree paired againft them. hisweapons of ! or, the weapons of bis marre, which is an He- brew phrafe very common, tranflated inGreeke, his weapons of War: foinDan.9.24.eitieofthyboli- rug, that is, thy holy citie; and the honfeofmyprayer; and many the like. prefdferward]aJJayedofyour mine accord, or thronged; as the Greeketranflateth, gathered ; the Chaldee, lee began. The He- brew word is ufed here only:in Nuni. r 4.44there is kid,-they loftily prefumed, or lifted up themfelves ; anfwerableto their prefumption here following. 42 VerC42 ,Iam not ] the Chaldee expoundethit, ml majefll (or prefmce ) dwelletb not among you : fee Num 14.42. fmitten] in Greek,brokeen,or ugh- ed. The Lord threatned their fall by the sword of the AmaleY,ites and Canaanite, Num 1443. Verf..43. were refumptuous] or, were proud, arro- gant : compareNumb.14.44. The people having by their evil) heart and unfaithfull, departed front the livingGod,would return to him by the workes of their owne hands ; which was a pre - fumptuous fin, and (hewed their repentance not to be Gncere, but that the flefh repined and drug- led againft the chaflifements of God,not willing to brace the punifhment of their iniquity. See the notes on Num. r 4. Verf. 44. Amorite ] with the Amale/tes : Sec 44 Num.144y. Bees doe] or Bees ufeto eke : which when they are angred, get then' together, and fly on the faces of their provokers : fee Pfal.118.12. Our finites are enemies, like Bees, many compaft in the hive of the heart: being troubled & pro - voked, they become more eager and fierce, Ring and purfue us. They cannot be fubdued but by faith in Chrift (as they that were flung of Ser- pents were healed by him, Num.2 i.) for, by the workes of the Law, no finne can bee expelled, Rom 7.7.8, &c. Hannah] the Greeke faith, from Seir unto Herma: feeNurnb.r4.45 45 Verf.45. returned] the Grecke faith,yce fate down l and wept. beardnot] Chaldee, aceepted notyaom prayer. This figured, how Ifrael follow: rig the Law of jufiice, could not attavte unto it, becaufe they fought it not by faith , but as it were by the woe/epa of the Law, Rom.9, 31.3 2. Verf. 46. Kadefh] a large wildernef3e, where Ifrael abode long, as appeareth by Num.13.27. and Iudg.11.17. Dent.2.14. 46 IMMAì5MMAIIIIMAIMAA CHAP. IL. r. The florieis continued, that the If radius were not fuffere to meddle with the Edomiter, 9. nor with the Moabites ; 19. nor with the Ammonites ; 2 4 but with Sibon the Amorite ; who refufing peace, and oppo, fnghimfel, 33, watfubduedbythem. N D wee turned and Cooke our jour- I ney into the wilderneffe, by the way of the Red tea, as Iehovah hadfpo- ken unto me:and we compaffedmount Seir, many dayes. And Iehovahfpake.unto me, z faying, Yee have compaffed this mountain, long enough : turne you northward. And command thou the people, Paying, Yee are to paffe thorow the coaft of your brethren, the fonnes of Efau,which dwell in Seir:and they (hall be afraid of you; and take ye great heed unto your felves. Meddle not with them , for I will not give you of th:ir land, even to the treading of the foie of the foot, becaufe I have given mount Seir for a pol- feffion unto Efau. Yee 'hall buy meat of 6 them for money, that yee may eat : and yee fliall allo buy water of them for money,that ye may drrnke. For Iehovah thy God bath blelfed thee in every worke of thy hand; he knocveth thy walking thorow this great wil- derneffe : thefe forty yeares Jehovah thy God hash bin with thee, thou haft not lacked any thing. And we patted by from our bre- g thron the fonnes of Era!, that dwelt in Seit, thorow the way of the plaine, from Elath, and from Ezion - Gaber: And wee turned & parted by, by the way of the wilderneflö of Moab. And Iehovah faid unto me,Diftreffe 9 not Moab, neither meddlethou with them in battell : for I will not give thee of his land, far a poffeilion; becaufe I have given Ar un- to the tons of Lot for a poffelfion. The E- 10 mins before time dwelt therein, a people great & many,& tail as the Anakims . They it alto were accounted Giants,asthe Anakims and the Moabites call them Emims. And in I2 Seir the Horims dwelr,before time, and the fons of E fa u polfeffed them , and deftroyed them from before them, and dwelt in their head, as Ifrael did, unto the land of his pof- feffion,which Jehovah gaveuntothem.Now 13 rife up,and paffe you over the brook Zered : and we paffed over the brooke Zered. And 14 the dales, in which wee carne from Kadefh- Barnea, until! we patted over the brook Ze- red, were thirty and eight yeares , untillall the generation of the men of war were wa- fted out fromamong the campe, as Iehovah fware untothem. And indeed,the hand of 15 Iehovah was againft them, to defiroy them from among the Campe, untill they were confumed. And itwas,when all the men of r 6 war were confumed,and dead, from among the people; Then Iehovah fpake unto mee, Paying, Thou art to paffe over this day, thorow 3 4 5 7 17 Ig