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Animonitesipared. DEUT E R O NO M I E 11. Sihon fighteth. 9 19 thorow Ar, thecoalt of Moab. And thou {halt come nigh , over againft the fonnes of Ammon; diftreffe them not,neither Meddle with them : for I will not give thee of the land of thefons of Ammon anypoffeiliion; becaufe I have given it for a poleffion to the fonnes of Lot. That alto was accounted a land of Giants: Giants dwelt therein before time; and the Ammonites call them Zam- a t zummims. A people great, and many,and tall, as the Anakims: and Iehovah defttoyed them from before them ; and they poffeffed a them, and dwelt in their ftead. As hee did to the fonnes of Efau, which dwelt in Seir, when hedeftroyed the Horims from before them ; and they poffeffed them, and haue 23 dwelt in their Read unto this day. And the Avints , which dwelt in Hazerim , even to Gaza:theCaphtorims,which came forth out of,Caphror,deflroyed them , and dwelt in 14 their Read: Rife ye up, take your journey, and paffe over the brookeAnion: fee,I have given into thy hand;Sihon king of Hefhbon, the Amorite, and his land; begin,poffeffeit, 25 and meddle with him in battell. This day wil I begin to give the dread of thee,and the feare of thee upon the peoples under all the heavens, who (hall heare report of theesand thall tremble and bee in anguifb becaufe of z6 thee. And I fait meffengers oat of the wtl- derneffeòf Kedemoth, unto Sihon, king of 2/ Hefltboh, with words of peace,faying, Let me paffe thorow thy land ; by the way, by the way will I goe ; I will not turne aliide,'to z 8 the right hand or to the left. Thou (halt fell memeat for mòney,that I may eat ;and give me Wad. for money,that I may drinke : on- 29 ly, I Will paffe thorow on niy feet. As did unto me the foils of Elan that dwell in Seir, and the Moabites that dwell in Ar : until! I fhall paffeover I©rdan , into the land which Iehovahour God giveth ue: But Sihon king of Hefhbon would not let us paffe thorow hint ; för Iehovah thy Geid hardned his fpi- rit , and made his heart obftinate, that hie might give him into thy hand, as this day. 3/ And Jehovah laid unto me,Behold,I have begun to give before thee,Sihon & his land; begin,poffefie it,that thou maieft poffeffe his 31 land. And Sihon came out againftus, hee 33 and all his people to battell, at Iahaz. And Jehovah our God delivered him before us: an ve (mote him, and his fonnes, and all 34 is people. And wee tooke ail his cities, at that time; and utterly.deftroyed of every tide the men, and the women, and the little ze 3o ones; we left none to remaine. Onely the 35 camel! wee tooke for a prey unto our felves, and the fpoile of the Cities which we took. From Aroer , which is by the brinke.of 36 the brookeArnon, and the chie which is by the brooke, even unto Gilead,there was not a chie that exalted it felfe above us;Iehovah our God delivered all before us. Onely un- to the land of Me tonnes of Ammon, thou approachedit not, nor unto any place of the brooke labbok, or the cities of the moun- taine,or whatloever Iehovah our God com- manded us. HAD Jpoken] as is before mentioned, Deut.;. 4o. which then the people wereunwilling to doe, but would needs goe fight, till they had learned by their difcomfiture, what it was to difobey and were enforced to yeeld unto the word of God. mount Seir] the moun- tainycountrey of Seir, which was Edoms Land, Gen.36.8.9.zo. but they went in the wildernelfe and were fore cumbred in the way: fee Num- bers 71.4. Verf. 3. Long enough] a like fpeech God tired before, Deut.r.6. fo here is mentioned a fecond calling of Ifrael,from the defarts of Seir,to goe northward again towards Canaan,after they had wandred almoft thirty eight yeares in Kadefh wilderneffe,about mount Seir,verf;4. by which travell,God taught them to mortifie their unruly affe &ions, & by the death of fo many thoufands there, led them to feeke life (by repentance and faith) in the heavenly Canaan, feeing they could not come into the earthly. In the meane while, the Amorites,Canaanites, &c. (unto whom God gave this long time of repentance) were hardned in their tannes, and tooke occafion to infiilt over Gods people, beholding their aflli &ions : but the poicrity of Iffael were humbled and prepared for to receive the land promifed. Northward] towards Canaan ; Not the way they went before by Kadefh Barnea, but hetweene the coatis of E- don; on the one hand, and of Moab and Amnion on the other; fo to enter into Canaan, thorow Sihon the Amorites land. Thus Gods word was their direftor,untoall plaees,and in all a &ions : in which refpeft thefe hifrories of holy Scrip- ture excel! all other humane hiftorics in the world. Ver14. afaid]ás was prophefied of them, and others , in Exod. 15. 15: &c. yet Edom was a mighty people, fetled in theirmouritaine, & for- tified. See allo Num.22.3. great] or vehement heed ; mearting,t hat they offredEdom no wrong, neither fìiffiudthemfelves to beovercom by them: Wake mill) towards them that are without, Co1.4. 5 Vert. 5. Meddle not ] or, contend not with them to IIIMMEINIIMmummoomp