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10 LEUTERONOMIE Ito wit, in battel, as is explained in verf 9 and fo the Greeke here frith, Make not warre with them. As all warres fhould be Made by wife counfels, Prov, 24.6. Co chiefly by the mouth of God,who teach- eth mans hands to war , Pfalm. /44.1. who bath willed us , Ifitbepoffible ,as much aslyethinyou, bee at peace with all men, Rom.1 2.18. In fpeciall it was commanded , Thou fhalt not abhorre an Edomite ; for thy brother , Deut. 23. 7. to the treading, &c. ]'that is , not a fiat bredtb; the Grceke tranf= lateth it , not the fiep (or bredth) ofaf of ': which i phraíe Luke Meth, in Alf. 7.5. concerning Abra- ham in Canaan. Though the Edomites were wicked,yet God continued their ¡late for a time; during which no man might lawfully diflurbe them. By this God teacheth alto the difference betweene Efaus portion & Iakobs:fee Rom.9.1 r. 12. &c. Co'. i. r a. See the notes on Gen.36.43. a ?Won] fion or , an inheritance to Efate ; that is (as the Greeke tranllateth) to the Tonnes ofEfau. The neon high divided to the Nations their inheritance , Deut. 32.8. and Efau had their portion and Rate long before Ifrael, Gen. Iof.24.4. with fuch wordly baits Gods people Mould not be al- lured. 6 Verfe 6. buy] Hebr. breake : which both Greek and Chaldee rranllate,buy: fee Gen. 41.56. in the Annotations. In the ftrangers land nothing was to behad freely , but with money, figuringthe eftate of thof under the Law; in Canaan they had all things freely; fignifying the free grace in Chrifl,Deut. 1 1.9,1 o, &e. Eris 5. r.Rev.a1.6. money] Hebr. filver. buy] Hebr.dig;which the Chaldee tranflateth, buy; the Greeke , receive by meafare. It may be meant of buying wells digged out ofEdoms ground;for fo they were wont; fee Gen.26.18.&c. Num.21. 18, or, after the Arabick manner,which ueth thisword for buying. 7 Verle 7. he kneweth] this is meant of earefull re- garding their eftate, wants, &c. wherefore the Chaldee paraphrafeth, Hee bath feeffidentlygiven thee things necèffarie when thou walkeefl. Iehovah] in Chaldee the wordof the LORD. 3 Verfe 8. tree paffd by] though the Edomites [hewed great nakindneffe , that would not ftlffer Ifrael to paffe thorow their countrey quietly, Num.2o.14.18.&c.yet upon warning and charge given from God, his people turned away from fight , and contented themfelves in their ten - tations, with the promifes of God. See Numb.2o. at. Iudg. 51. 17. Afterward this favour of Ifrael, and the ill reward of Edom,Moab, andAmmon, is remembred in the prayer of King Iehofaphat, a Chron.2o.1 o,i 1,12. Ezion-gaber] theft were port towns , by the brinkothe Red fèa in the land of Edam, 1 King.9.26. 9 Verfe 9, Moab] that is, the Moabite! as the nextwords ntanifeft. So the Greeke, deale not ene- mioty with the Moabites. They were the poffe- rity of Lot , Gen. 19. 37. which dealt unkindly with Ifrael, as Edoni had done, lst4g.11.17. and were(for their negleft ofduty)not to enter into the congregation of the Lord, Deuter. 23.3, 4. They were,allo become Idolaters, Num. 25. 1,2. and a/. 29. yet God fuffered notlfrael to hurt them for the reafonsbefore alleaged. meddle] or, Attend, as before in verf. 5. Ar] a chide mountain, and citie thereon, Numb. 2t, t5.28. put here for the whole countrey. The Greeke for Ar here hath Aroer, whereof fee verf.36. fo in verf. 18.29. Verle 10.Emims] in Greeke,Ommeins,by inter- pretation , terrible ones, and fo the Chaldee tranf- lateth : fee Gen.14.5 Anakins] ih the Chal- dee,Giants: fee 2`em.t 3.29. Verfe i 1. Giants] in Hebrew,Rephaim, which the Greeke keepeth as a proper name Raphaein, ofone Rapba,who was a Gianywhçreupou it is a name for all Giants: fee the notes cm Gen. 14.5 ,fo after in Deut.3. t r, Verfe 12. Horims] or, Charitei; in Greeke,Cbór- 12 reane; fee Gen.14.6. and poi d] or, difnherited, and fo fueceeded in their in eritante: the Greeke tranflateth deffroyed them. as Ifrael did] to wit,afterward,inthe dales of lofita: thus it is fpoken by way of prophefie or, it may have reference to that part of Ifraels inheritance which they had now conquered on the out fide oflordan.By this and the like,.in ver.22,a3.God would teach Ifrael not to infult upon their out- ward conquefls ( Inch as he had given to other nations before them)butto recite for an heavenly countrey. This he rentembred to them by the Prophet, Amos 9.7. Areye not m the fones of Ethio- pians unto nu,0 fins of Ifrael ? &e. Verfe 13. brook] or bourne : a valley and river 13 running therein. So the Greekefaith, the valley 1 Zareth. Of it fee Nunt.2I.1 s. Verle 14. from Kadefh barnea] to wit, from the 14 time that they came to Kadefh barnea ( where they abode in the wilderneffe of Kadefb many dales, Veut.1.46.) and after till they puffed over Zared. fware] or, bad fworne : fee Numb.14. 2 /,22,23. Verfe 15. the hand] the Chaldee expounds ir, 15 A plague from before the Lord. This is after men- tioned,how God emfumed their daies in vanitie, and their 'cares in hanie terrour, Pfabn. 78. 3 3. and upon occafion of this mortality , Moles made the 90. Pfalme. to defiroy] with trouble and tumult: for the word elfewhere f /gnifieth , to trouble, Exod. I 14.24. fo in Deut.7.23. Verfe 19. formes ofAmmon] the Ammonites, the 59 pofteritie of Ben -ammi the fonne ofLot, Gen. 19. 38. fo in verf.37. Verfe xo. Giants]or Rephaims, as verfr 1. 10 Zamzummims] that is , prefumpeuous wich`ed enes; in Greeke Zommein. There are thought to bee thole that were of old called Zuzims, Gen. 14.5. The Chaldee calleth them Chufhbanin. Verfe 22. Horims] or Horites; Hebr, the Chorite; 22 in Greeke, the Chorrean: fee Gen. t 4.6. Verfe 23. Avines] or Avits; in Greeke, Evites: 23 there were the ancient inhabitants of thePhilifli- ans countrey,7of.13.3. - Cepbtbarino]the Mi- nims : fee Gm. 10.14. Though Ifrael fought the battels of the Lord,& had their limits & territo- ries in fpeciall manner appointed by his Word, Num. 10 II 1