DEUTERONOMIE 1 Ntun 34.yet other nations alto had by his fecret providence, their times appointed, and the bounds f their hsbitatian, Aft. 17. z6. Heripereafeth the nat)- otzs,anddefiroyeth them Hee enlargdb the nations, and ftraitneth them, Iob 12.23. Wherefore he faith by theProphet , Have not I brorgbt ttp Ifrael out of the land of Egypt ? And the Fbiliflines from Capbtor, and the Syrians from Kir ? Amos 9.7. 24 Verf.24, brooke]or,as the Greeks tranflateth, the valley Amon t as verti 13. fee Num.2 t.13. Sihon] in Greekey Seen Ring of Efebon.He had afore - time taken this Countrey front the Moabites, Num.2.26. which nowGod taketh agaiue front him, and giveth to the Ifìaelites,who cite might not have taken any of Moabs poflelfton, ver.e 9. meddle] or contend. Hete after long travels in the wilderneffe , God calleth his people unto warres ( which their fathers before were afraid of :) and gave them his word to embolden them, as his truth was their thield and buckler. 25 VerC 25. report] or fama ; Hebr. bearing, which the Greeke tranflateth name. See this,promifc fulfilled among the Canaanites, Iof. 2.9.10. II. be in anguifb] have pains as a woman in tra- vel!. A Ismilitndeoften tiled to (hew the terrours of confcience in the wicked, Plal. 48.7' and the mighty power of God,who taketh away the heart of the chief of the people of the earth, Iob 1 2.24. 26 VerC 26. Kedemoth ] there was a Citie of that name in Sihons Cmntrey, which after was given to the tribe of Reuben, Ior 13. 18. and by theist given to the Levites,IòL21.37. neere which there was a wildernefs where Ifrael now lay,when they lint this ambaffige. of peace]according to the law after give-.s,Dcut.2o., o.which being refuted, the war was nowjutl before God and men. ï7 Verf.27. by doe way by the way] that is, one by the way, and not turning alîde into fieldr,or into ime- yards : fee. Numb. 21. a I. 22.V here it is called, The kings way. So in Dent.' 6.20. Ittfiice Iuftice,that is, only 3uilice, and all manner juftsce. 28 Veriz8, fell] Hebr, breaks, as in verfe 6. 29 Verf 29. ofEf1u] the Edomites , who though at firft they denied Ifael palfage tttorow their land, Num. 20.18. &c. yet as they paired along their coati, they fuffered them to buy necesftrics. until!, &c.] It appcareth by this, that if Sihon had fuffered them to paffe thorow his land, they would not at this time have taken his Countrey, but firti have conquered the Canaanites beyond tordan t but upon Sihons deniall they now let upon him. For God doch not impart all his counlell at once to the wicked; but they refuting to yeeld unto any thing, doe wiles their owns deltruEtion. Compare Exod.3.1 8. So the Gofpel, theword of peace, is offered unto all;whichthey that refute, hallen their owne judgement. 30 VerC3o. thorow him] that is, thorow his coun- trey: fee, hardened] as is fpoken of Pharaoh allo, and others; tie Exod. 4. 21. in the annotations. The like is leid of theCanaa- nites beyond the river, IoC1 t.20. 32 Verf. 31. mbatten]or,waswar; refuting peace, as they of whom David faith, When I(ßeake ( for I1 peace) they are fir war, PC11.120.7. Iabat] in Greeks, Iafja: fee Numb.z1.23. Verf. 33. fmote him] with the edge of the fword, Numb.21.24. his fanner] or, his faux: the Hebrew bads both readings, the one id the con - fonant letters,the other in the vowels:fo in Dent. 33.9Thè Greeke and Chaldee tranflate;bis fowler: it may intend all and every of his fops, or all the fonnes he had, which were but one. So Manaffes eaufedhie found to pap thorow the fire, 2 Chron.33.6 which another Prophet writeth, hitfin, a King. 21.6. See the notes onGen.46.23. Verl.34. of deg citie] or, wee deflroyedeveryeitie, (con(ìlfing) of men, and women,' and little ones or, eitie full of men , and women , &t. This was accor- ding to the Law, beut.20.14.15,16. and here is fulfilledupon the wicked , the judgement which is writteat,flíe roots fhallledried up beneath, and above fball hit branch be cutoff: his remembrance flrall perifh from the earth, Iob 18.16.17. Ver136. by the brooke] ór, in the bourne (or valley) as the Greeks tranflateth it. This citie was Ar, Gilead] the mount Galaad, as the Greeke faith. Of it fee Gen.3 i .2 t . &c. exalted it f lfe] that is, was too firong fir us ; or,as the Greeke expounds it, efaped us. inure tea] as the Greeke faith, intoour bands. Here the whole vi- ttory is alcribed unto God, whirls remozeth the mountains , and they know not ; which overttrneth them in hie anger; which Jhaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble ; Iob 9.5.6, Vert: 37. thou approoehed(f not] in Greeke, wee came not, meaning, to tvar against the Ammonites, 37 or invade their potfeflions. any place] or, all the plan ; Hebr. all the land; in Greeke, all (places) pertaining to the brooks Iabok; to wit, on the out- fide thereof; for Sihon ruled from Aroer, &c. unto the river Iabo&, which was the border of the fanner ofAmmòn,Iof12.2. and all that the Ilraelites pof- fefled : but the land of theAmmonites,which al- to reached unto Iahok, Numb,2 i.24. they tooke not : fò that Iephtah anfwered trusty, Ifrael took not away the land of Moab, nor the land of the fenntesof Ammon, Iudg.11. 15. of the mountaine.J potEffed allo by the Ammonites , whole border was flrong, Num. 21.24. commandedut] or, charged no, namely, to abilaine front, that is, for- bad us to meddle with.The word command is ufed allo in thing's forbidden: fee Dent. 4.23, Now though the Moabites and. Ammonites were thus (pared by Ifrael , yet they ill rewarded them af- terward,t, lien they warred agaiuli Gods people, to call them out of their poffeffion, Iuolg.:1.4.5. &c. 2 Chron. & rips up the women with child of Gilead , that thy might' enlarge their border, Amos 1. 13. and dwelt in the cities of Gad, Ier. 49.1. For which theLord God of Ifrael plagued them, as allo for their unkindnelfe already pal[, a law is ena&ted against them, in Deu1.23.3._ -6. '3 34 36 AMJibtMId1MIAAd,drMd:A CHAP. III. I The Story of the conqueff ofOg kngof nafani 11the .r/%In'./111r/niII110MNry1 1Iran11/te.J /r'" r Wiliba,...