.411111111 / A/ IY16.11 P','" aEIITERONOMIE III. VV Annotrltions. AY of BaJban] in Grcekc , the nay that (leaded') unto Bafán; which EJan the Chaldee nameth Mathan; fò in Numb.21.33. Edrei] in Greeke, Adraein. Of this battell, fee Numb. 21. 33, &c. 3 Verfe 3. his people] in Nuns. 21. 35. hit fanner al- fo are mentioned. none remaining] the Greeke tranflateth it, ?lofted; meaning none left alive, of Whom,as of a feed,ochers might fpring.So when . the Prophet fpeaketh of a remnant, Efay 1. 9. the Apoftlein Grecke calleth it, a feed, Rom.9.29. 4 Verfe 4. threefeore Cities] which fheweth the large dominion of this Giant Og, who reigned in mount Hermon, andin Sakai), and in all Baths; un- to the border of the Gefhurites, and the Maachatbites, Jof. 12. 4, 5. region] in Hebrew, a line, or card Inch as lands are meted by, Amos 7.17. Micha 2. 5. tiled figuratively for a countrey or re- gion (as the Greeke and Chaldee alfo tranflate it) which ismealured by line. Argot] a Province or Shire in Bafhan forementioneci, a King.4.13. Verfe 5. unmated] or, villages; in Hebr. Perazi; 5 which the Greeke miffaking, turned dries of the Pherezites ; but it meaneth unmated tommes (as Efth. 9.19. Zach. 2.4.) fo named of their dwelling fcattered. 6 Verte 6. deflroying of every eloic the mess] or de- ffroying every citie of mm, &c. as in Deut.2.34. Thus God deftroycd the Amorite before them; though his height was like the Cedars , and his ftrength as the Okes, yet de[troyed he his fruit from above, and his root from beneath, Amos 2. 9. 8 Verte 8. the land] The killing of the Amorites, and taking of their land, was a teltimonie of Gods goodneflc and love unto his people, Pfal. 13 6. 17, 22. an encouragement of them to fight againft the refidue of the heathen, Deut. 3. 21, 22. and a difcouragensent to the heathen them - felves, Jofua 2. 1ó, 2. 9 Verte 9. fidonians] the dwellers in Sidon the great citie: the. Grecke calleth the Phenieianr. Sbirjon] in Greeke, Sanër. This mount had five names, Hermon, Sbirjon, Shenir, and Sion, Deuteronomie 4. 48. and Hoe, Numbers 34.7. for that divers peoplescalled it by divers names, and becaufe of divers parts of this mountain: wherefore its Song 4.8. Shenir and Herman a re Get downe as diftin&: Shirjan in Plains. 29. 6. is by the Chaldee Paraphraft there expounded, the mount that bringetb forth fruits : and Shenir (in Greeke Saner) is by the Chaldee heere expounded, the Snow- matent: for it was fo high that (now tired to lye on the top of it. Amo- rites ] Hebrew the Amite, they call it : which lheweth the ungular number to be put for the whole nation. 11 , Verf. n. Giants] in Hebrew, Repbaim, which name theGreeke retaineth Rephaein , as before in Deut. 2. 11. This Og feemeth to be of the rem- nant of chore Rephaims whom Chedsrlaomerand the Kings fmote in Afhterotb, Ganef. 14. 5. for Og reigned in A/hteroth, Jof. 13.12. . is it not in Rabbaby] that is it it is Rabbah: the queltion maketh it an earneft affirmation , as the Greeke allò tranflateth it. Rabbah was the chiefe Citie of the Ammonites, their royal Catie, 2 Samuel 12. z6. The Greeke here tranflateth it the chiefe. of a man] which ordinarily isa toot and a halte; but the Chaldee here tranflateth it, the cubits of the King. Ver& 12. Reubenites] Hebrew , the Reubenite, which the Chaldeeexpoundeth, the Tribe of Reu- ben, fov.26. Of this gilt, fee Num.32.1,&c. Ver. 13.- ofMana es] for conquering the Arno - rites there, Num. 2.39, 40, Argob] this the Chaldee talleth Tratona. Baran] in Chaldee, Mathan. Giants] in Hebrew, Repbaim, which the Chaldee expoundeth, Mk btier. Verte 24. Baja' Chavoth lair] the Chaldee faith , Matizan the tonnes of lair : fee Numbers 32. 45. Verte 15. Gilead] in Greeke, Galaad ; that is, the reff of Galaad, as verte 13. Verte 17. Cbimtereth] or,Kihnereth, as the Greek writeth it; which theChaldee talleth Ginnafar; in the New Teftan,ent, Gennefaret, Match.' 4.34. fee the noteson Numb. 34. r I. tea of fall] or, falt fia : fee Gen. 14. 3. Afhdoth Pifgah] in Greeke, Afrdoth Phafga, by interpretation , the Streamer (or Sheddings- out,that is,the Springs) ofFifgab (or, of the bill) and fo the Chaldee tranflateth it, The (bedding (or, pomring -out) f the waters ofRamatha. Pifgah is a hill, mentioned after in verte 27. andA/hdoth Pi (gab was afterward the name of a chie there adjoyning in Reuben: land, Jof. 13.20.. So Jofua 12. 3 Verfe 18. yon] be fpeaketh to the Reubenites, and the rett on this fide lordan : feeNum. 32.20. &c. fanner of power] or, fames of valour ; that is, able and valiant men, as in 2 Sam. 13.28. bejee fanner of valour, that is, be valiant men: fo in z King. 2. 16,1 Chron. 5.18. The Greeke here expounds it, every prudent man; theChaldee,all ar- med mets of the armie. Verte 21. lofua] in Grecke, leur; fee Nuns. 27, 18, &c. fo will lehovah doe.] The examples of Gods former mercies, firm for the encourage- ment and itrengthning of the faith of his peo- ple , in the like , or greater trials that may fol- low: filch ufe allò Rtavid made, s Sam.17. 36,3 q. and Paul, 2 Th11.4.17,18. Verte 22. he fighteth] or, he it is that ftghteth, or (as. theGreeke tranflateth) will fight. The Chal- dee for He, faith, hit Word. As Mofer,hereencou- raged Jefits the Conne of Nun,,to fight the Lords battels in Canaan; fo Mofes and Elias, talking with Jens the Sonne of God, told him of his de- parting, which bee fhoufd aeenmplifh at Jerttfalem, Luke 9. 30, 31. at what time this figure was fulfilled. D D D Here beginneth the 45. Le &tire of the Law: lee Gen. 6.9. Bbbbb Vcrle Ia 13 i4 15 17 8 2I 22