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22 DEUTER ONOMIE IV. 23 Verfe 23. Ibefiught Jehovah forgrace] or, Ifup- plieated fir grace unto Ilhovab. Here Mofees repea- ting his earnell rayer to goe into the land , and Gods deniall of his requell, fheweth how greatly the peoples fine, and his owne, difplealed the Lord , Numb. 20. 24 Verfe 24. Lord Iehovab] or, Lord God: the Greeke hath,Lord Lord: fee Gen. 1 5.2. for what Gs&] meaning,there is none. The Chaldee tur- neth it thus, T hat thou art God, whofeglorious habi- tation is in the heavens above and thou rulefi in the earth beneath, and there is none that can doe according to thy worker. powerfull afts]Hebr. powers : whereby powerfull and mighty workes are often meant : asPfal.t ®6.2. and 145,4. Matth.7.22. t Cor.I2. 22. Galath.3. 5. 25 Verfe 25. mountaine] that is, mountainieconntrey: fee Exod. 15. 17. Lebanon] in Greeke, Anri1i- baaton; in Chaldee , the houfi of the Savtinarie, be- caufe the Temple was built of the Cedars that grew on mount Lebanon, t King. 5.6,14. So the Temple is called Lebanon in lath.' Lt. But that feemeth not to be meant here ; but rather the mount Lebanon, in the North part of the land, which was both an high and fragrant mountain, with fweet and goodly trees growing thereon: whereto the Scripture hath reference in Song 4. 11. This great dire Mofes had, becaufe of the prensiles which God had made to Ifrael, to be accomplillted in that land, the figure of our hea- venly heritage. 26 Verfe 26. fir pro fakes] for they rebelling, grie- ved Mofes, and caufed him to Mine ; for which, this wrath came upon him, Num.2o.3; 12. PIal. 106.32,33. And the Lord finare that Mofes ther- fore fhould not come into Canaan, Deut. 4.2 t . which oath Mofes, though he repented and in- treated for grace, could not get reverted : for when the Lord fweareth, he repenteth not after- ward, PIàl.110.4. would not heare me] Hebr. heard me not, or,hearkenednot unto me : wherby Gods will is fignified ; (as David removed not the Arke, I Chron. i 3.13. that is, nould not remove the Arke, 2 Sam.6.1o.) for, !fine rake any thing according to his will, he bearetb m1,1_1011.5.54. 27 Verfe 27. Pitabthe Greeke here tranflateth, of the haven hill, becaufe it feemeth they ufed to hew !tones out of it, as they did outof other mounts, 2 Chr. 2.18. The Chaldee of the height calleth it Ramatba : fee Deut. 34. 1. Seaward] that is, Wefiward, as the Chaldee expreffeth. As the. Fathehs law the pronsifes a far off and beleeved, Heb:i 1.13. fo Mofes a far offvieweth the proni- fed land, and is comforted : fee Deue. 34.1,-4. 28 Verfe 28. lofua] or, lefas ; as verl21. As !afar; not Mofes,bringeth If ael into the prómifed land: So the Gofpel of Iefas, not the Law of Mofes, bringeth us into the kingdome of heaven, Job. s. t7.Ga1.2.16. &3.12,13,24. So it isfaidofthe ` Tabernacle, that it was brought in with lefu1, into the pof ffwn f the Gentiles, A&7.45. 29 Verte 29. Beth-poor] in Greeke, the banjoofPho- gor , an Idol Temple on the mount Peor, where Leal-peor was worfhipped : fee Num. 23. 28. and 25.3. Dent. 4.3. It ç `eZa-.eS.+ f p G 7dGFS..,VLieO.`r,:1d",.ç CHAP. IV. I An exhortation to obedience unto the Law, 6 becaufe of the wifdome and rigbteeufnef 9 and the miraculous giving of the fame. '15 Againfi Ima- go, and worfhipping of Great tores, 25 which pro- voke. Gods anger, and cattle mensdtjlrnFlian, 29 un- leie they repent , and fò finde merde with the Lord. 32 No people like Ifrael, who heard God peak, and law bu wonders, 37 and were bit beloved and chofer. 41 Mofes appointeth three Cities of refuge on the out - ftde of lorda,,. ANd now Ifrael , hearken thtid unto the flatutes, and unto the judgements which I teach you for to doe; that ye may live, and goe in , and poffeffe the land, which Jehovah the God of your fathers gi- veth you. Ye !hall not adde unto the word which I command you, neither (hall yee di- minifh from ir, for to keepe the commande- ments of Jehovah your God , which I com- mand you. Your eyes have feenc that which Jehovah did,becaufe of Baal -peor : for eve - ry man which went after Baal - peor,Jehovah thy God hath deftroyed him from the mid - deft of thee. But yee that did cleave unto Jehovah your God , are alive all of you, this day. Behold, I have taught you ftatutes and judgements, as Jehovah my God com- manded me, for to doe fo, within the land, whither ye art going, to poffeffe ir. And ye íhall keep and do than : for this is your wif- dome, and your underftanding, in the eies of the peoples, which !hall heare all thefe fla- tutes, and fay, Surely, this great nation is a wife and underflanding people. For what nation is there fo great , which bath God nigh unto the fame,a s Jehovah our God is, in all that we call opon him far. And what na- tion is there fo great,which bath jail flatutes, and judgements , as all this law which I fet before you this day. Onely take heed to thy felfe, and keep thy foulediligently,left thou forget the thingswhich thine eics have fern, and left they depart from thine heart,all the dales of thy life : but thou tipalt make them knowne to thy foes , and to thy funs Ions. The day that thou floodit before Jehovah thy God in Horeb, when Jehovah Paid unto me, Gather together the people unto me,& I wil make them heare my words, that they may learn to fear me, all the dales that they live upon the earth,and that they may teach their fonnes. And ye came neere,and flood under t 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 In tt