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/ Wr / Exhortations DEUTERON() M I E I V. to obedience. under the mountaine : and the mountaine burned with fire , unto the heart of the hea- vens; with darkneffe, cloud, and thick dark- 12 neffe. And Jehovah fpake unto you but of the midde(t ofthe fire : you heard a voice of words, but law no fimilitude, fave a voyce. 13 And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to doe ; the ten Words: and-he wrote them upon two Ta. 14 bles of (tone. And Jehovah commanded me at that time; rateach you ftatutes and judgements, that yee may doe theta in the . land whither ye arc going over to poffefs it. 15 And rake yee heed diligently unto your foules ; for ye faw not any fimilitude, in the day that Jehovah fpake untoyou in Horeb, 16 out ofthe middeft of the fire. Left yee cor- rupt your relves,and make unto you a graven thing, the fimilitude of any figure : the like - 17 neffe of male or female. The likeneffe ofa- ny beaft that-is on the earth : the likeneffe of any winged fowie that tlieth in the heavens. 18 The likeneffe of any thing that creepeth on theground: the likeneffe of any fill) that 59 is in the waters beneath the earth. And left thou lift up thine eyes to the heavens, and feeft the Sunne, and the Moone, and the Starres, all the hoff of the heavens; and beef} driven away, and boweft'downe thy felfeunto them,& ferveft them: themwhich Jehovah thy God bath imparted to all peo- 20 pies under all the heavens. But Jehovah hath taken you, and brought you forth out of the furnace of iron, our of Egypt, to be unto him a peopleofinherirance,as this day. 21 And Jehovah was angry with mee,for your fakes; and fware, that I fhould not gde over Jordan, and that I fhould not goe in into the good land , which Jehovah thy Godgiveth 22 thee, for an inheritance. For I malt dye in this land; I mull not go over Jordan :but ye /hall goe Dver and poffelle that good land. 23 Take heed unto your felves, left yee forget the covenant of Jehovah your God, which he ftroke with you, and make to you a gra- ven thing, the likeneffe of any thing, which 24 Jehovah thy God bath charged thee. For Jehovah thy God , he is a confuming fire, a jealous God. When thou (halt beget children,and chil- drens children, and ye (hall have waxen old in the land, and (hill corrupt your felves, and make a graven thing,the likenes ofany thing; and (hall do evil l in the eyes of Jehovah thy 26 God , to provoke him to anger. I call the heavens and the earth to witnes againft you, 25 Chit day,that perifhing ye (hall peri(h Toone, from off the land, whereunto you paffe over Jordan to poffeffe it; ye fhall not prolong your daies upon it, but (hall utterly be de. ftroyed. And Jehovah will fcatter you a- mong the peoples ; and ye (hall be left few men in number, among the heathens, whi- ther Jehovah (hall lead you. And there ye (hall ferve gods, the worke of mens hands, wood & ftone,which neither fee;nor beam, nor eat,nor frnell. But iffrom thence ye (ha! feeke Jehovah thy God,then thou fhalt find him : if thou (halt feeke him with all thy: heart, and with all thy foule. When tribu -. lation f/ alt be on thee , and all there things (hall finde thee, in the latter daies, and thou - fhalt turne to Jehovah thy God,and hearken unto his voyce. For Jehovah lily God, is a merciful( God; he wil not leave thee,neither deftroy thee: neither will he forget the co- venant of thy fathers which he fware unto them. For aske now of the daies forepaft, which were before thee, fince the day that God created man upon the earth; and (ask) from the utmoft part of the heavens,and un- to the (other) utmoft part of the heavens, whether there hath been (any filch thing) as this great thing is ; or bath beene heard like it. Hach a people heard the voyce of God fpeaking out of the nsidit ofthe fire, as thou haft heard, and lived if Or, hath God affay- ed to come to take him a nation , from the middeft ofa nation, by tentations,by liignes, and by wonders,and by war,and by a ftrong hand, and by a ftretched.outarme, and by great terrOUr5 according to all that Jehovah your God did for you in Egypt,before your eyes. Thou haft beene made fee to know, that Jehovah he is God : there is none elfe befides him. Out of the heavens he made thee to heare his voyce,to inftruetthee: and upon the earth he made thee to fee his great fire ; and thou heardeft his words out of the mìddeft of the fire. And becaufe he loved thy fathers,therefore he chofe his feed after him ;and bee brought thee out, in his fight, with his great power, out of Egypt. To drive out nations greater and mightier than thou, from before thee; to bring thee in, to give thee their land for an inheritance , as it is this day. And thou (halt know this day, and caufe it to returne into thy heart; that Jehovah , he is God , in the heavens above, and on the earth beneath : there is noneelfe. And thou (halt keep his flames & his com- mandements, which I command thee this Bbbbb 2 day, 27 28 29 3o 37 38