L.M11TERO'NOMIE I V. day, that it may be well withthee, and With Í thy fonnes after thee; and that thou mayen, prolong thy dries upon the land, which Je- hovah thy God giveth thee; all dries. 41 TheriMofes feparated three Cities on this 41 fide Jordan, towards the Sunne riling. For the vnan- (layer to flee thither, which fhould kill his neighbour unwittingly, and he hated him not in times pail : and that he might flic 43 unto one of thefe cities and live. Bezel- in the wilderneffe; iu the plaine country of the Reubenires: and Ramoth in Gilead, of the Gad ices : and Golan in Bafan; ofthe Manal- 44 lites. Ancdthis is the law, which Mofes Cet 45 before the fonnes of Ifrael. Thefe ire the teffimonies, and the flatutes, and the judge- ' ments, which Mofes fpake unto the Ions of Ilrad, after they came forth out of Egypt. 46 On this fide Jordan, in the. valley over a- gainti bcth-peor, in the land ofSihon, king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Hefhbon: whom Mofes and the fons of Ifrael fmote,' after they Were come forth out of Egypt. 47 And they Poffeffed his land,and the land of Og, king of P.aíhan, two kings.ofthe Amo- rites,which were on this fide Jordan, toward 48 the Sun riling. From Aroer,which is by the banke of the river Arnon, and unto mount 49 Sion, that is Hermon. And all the plaine of this fide Jordan, Eattward, and unto the Sea of the plaine, Under Afhdoth Pifgah. ,Annotations. S7grouer] or Ordinances, which taught the fer- vice of God, (Hebr. 9. 1.) as the next word jttdsments,are for duties towards men,and punifh- ments of tranfgreffours. There are often joyned together fee Dent. 5. 1. & 6. t. & 12.1. Mal.4. 7. And that Statutes meant the legali Cervices, appeareth by the continual) life ofthie word, as inExod. 12.24,43. &27.2x. &29.9. &30.21. teach] or, am teaching: this fheweth the work of the law, 1H11 urging the confcience. to doe] for not the hearers f the Law are jug lefore God but the deers . f the Law 'hall be juflified, Rom. z. 13, may lite] Mores deferibe! the jug ice which it ,f de Law, that the man whichdoti, thole things fhalllive l5 them, Rom. 10.5. pojIf] or, inherit the land;; which was a fjiureof our heavenly inheritance, (Gen.12.5.) propofed to them that do the Law, but given to them that arc ofthe faith ofChrilt, Job., .17. Ron .4.13, -16. & 6.23. 2 Verbe 2. not ads] Hereby all dotkt ines of omen are condenmed,Mat.15.9. and the all- fufficiencie and authority of Gods word, ftablifhed for ever, Galati). 3. 15. 2 Timoth. 16, 17. Adde thou not unto his words , left he reproo e thee , and thou befound a lier, Prov. 3o. 6. diminifh] tor, every word of God is pure, Prov. 30.5. and profitable for doiirine, fir reproof!: for corr'llion, for infìruelion in righteoufref, 2 Titnoth.3.16. fill beaten andearth paffè, one 'et,or one tittle fhall in no wif pat from the Law , Matth. 5. s 8. far to keepe] that is that you may kcpo un- derltanding the perfons fore- mentioned t fo in verle 5. fee the notes on Gen.6.19. . Vert 3. Baal-pear] in Greeke,Beel-plxgor; the I- doll of the Moabites , unto which many of Ifrael declined, by the countell of .Salaam : fee Num.2 5. I, 2, -18. & 31.16. Pfal.a oó.28. The Chaldee tranflateth, againfi them that ferved Baal-peer. defiroyed] or abolifhed: by fending a plague, to the death of twenty foure iboufmd, Numb. 2f. 9. This judgement was remembred after, in Jofua 22. 17. Have wee too lifts for the wiekednefie . of Pear? &c. Verfe 4. into lohovab] the Chaldee faith, unto the feare (or religion) of the Lord. Thus they that, keepe thentfclves pure in generalI defeEtions, axe Paved fromthe common deftruftion, Ezek.9.4,6. 2 Tim.z.19. Rev.2o.4. Ver. 6. wifedome] Hereupon the Oracles pfGod 6 , are often commended, as making wife thef:mple, Pfal. 19. 8. making us wif r than our monies, and to have more underfianding than all our Teachers, Pfalm.i19.98,99 and able to make uswiferrntofal- vation, through the faith which it in Chrifl lefite,. 2 Tim,3.15. On the contrary it is faid,fhey haze I rejetled the word (the Lord and what wifdome it in them ? Jer. 8, 9. Surely] or Onely. The Greeke tnrneth it, Behold. Verle 7. what nation is there fogreat] or what 7 othergreeo nation is there ? meaning, there is not any. So inveefm. Godnigh]òr Gods nigh. The Hebrew words are both of the plural! number, I yet meaning one God in the plurality of per-1 tons; as the like is in Deut.5.a6. JoC24.19. The Greeke and Chaldee here tranflate itfiugularly, God. And he is Paid to be nigh us, fpecially when he heareth, and grauteth our requells, Pfal. 145. ¡ i8'. So the Chaldee here paraphrafeth, nigh unto the fame, to receive the prayer thereof, in the time of the tribulation thereof. Wee likewife are fail to draw nigh unto God, when we call upon him in faith, Poa1.73.28.Heb.7.19.E1à.58.2. and both are con- , joy tied in Jam. 4.8. Verle 9. thy Pile] that is, thy file : the fade is '9 oftenput for the whole man.So where oneEvan- gelift faith, loft hit foule, Matth. 16.26. another faith, lofe himfelfe, Luke 9. 25. diligently] or, vehemently; fo verfe 15. and often. The word im- plieth lirength as well as diligence. See Dent. 6. 5. ¡bingo] Hebr, words , which theGreeke alto and Chaldee here keepcth. left] or, that they depart not : in Greeke, Let them not depart from thy heart. Compare Prov.3.1,3. & 4.21. Verle 1o. Hrneb]orChoreb, called alto Sinai: fee Exod.19. Pond calleth ic, 7becon note that might be touched, Heb. r 2. 18. Verle I r. heart] that is, the midfl: as the &are II of the Sea is the midi} thereof, Exo.15.8. So here, the heart of heaven is the niiddeft of the aire. thick darlgnefè ] or tetttpefluous darkn jje, gloomie tempef1, 3 4 Io