ris . ,,.o, UELITERONOMIE IV. tempefl, as the Greeke verfion, and the holy G hoft in Heb.12. 18. implieth. See Exo.20.21. Unto this terrible mount where the Law was given Paul oppofeth mount Sion,or the ftate of grace by the Gotpcl,Heb.12.18 2 z. It noteth the hidden glorie of Gods kingly ádminiltration in his Church, Pfa1.97.1,2. I2 Verfe la. voice of wards] ThisalfoPattlmentio- neth, Heb. 12.19. In the next verfe Mofes calleth them ten wards, that is , ten commandements, whereof fee the notes onExo.34.28. nofimi- lin de] to wit, of God: fo after, Floc a voice, that is the voice of God, as in verte 33. Hereupon it is faid, To whom then will ye liken God, or what likenefe wit(ye cempare unto bim ? Efay 1.o. t 8. 53 Verlè r3. of f1one]fignifying the perpetuity of tlsefe words,and allo the ftoninefs of mens harts, as is noted on Exod.3 141 Verle v . ffotares] for the worfhip of God, as judgements were for the repreffing and punifhing of vice, Exod. 21.r. Thele were fpoken to Mofes onely, and by him written ro Ifeael: but the ten words were fpoken-to all the people, and written by the finger of God. 19 Verfe 19. the furore] It was a common corrup- tion not onely among(} the heathens, but in If, rael,to worfhip the Sun,andStars,and hoff of hea- ven, 2 King. 2r. 3. and 17. 16. Asaos 5. 2,5, 26. of which finne Iob cleareth hind-elk , Job 31. z6, 27. driven away] or thruff , to wit , out of the way, as is after expreffed in Deut.' 3.5. which is meant by the fedu &ion of others,or of their own hearts. Therefore the Greeke and Chaldee here well tranflate it, bet f deceived, or made to erre and gee affray; which the Hebrew word implieth , be- ing after Mid for the ftrajing of cattell, Dent. 22. I. Imparted] or divided, diffributedasaportion. It noteth Gods bountie in giving all peoples the nCe of thole creatures , (as on the contrary, falfe gods are faid to divide or impart nothing unto them, Deut. 29. 26.) and the bade minds of men, to worfhip ftch things as are given for ferrants unto all nten. 20 Verde 2o. firnsce of iron] that is, fornace wherein limn was melted: fo Egypt is called for the crucll op- prellion of Ifrael: likewife in 1 King.8.5 t.Jeri r. 4. people of inheritance] that is, whom God (hail inherit and take for his poffellion : the Gr. tran- flateth, and inheritance. as this day] underftand, asye are or, as ye fee this day. z 7 Verfe at . yrour fakes] or,your words : as the Greek Itranflateth , the things (ookn byyou: meaning their murmuring words, Nnm.20.3,4,5. whereby Mo- fes being grieved, obeyed not the cfmandement of God, Numb. 20. 12. Pfal. t o6. 32, 33. This he fpake of before; Dent. 3. 26. and now againe repeateth, to (hew GODS feveritie againft all tranfgreflours. Verfe 23. fink] or cat, that is, covenanted.or 3 made. Mofes Both often (peak of die covenant firft made between God and them, as that which was to be the ground of al religion,to them and their feed after them: and whatfoever men added,alte- red,or diminilhed fromit,was to be reputed evil. So Paul reforming abufes in the Churches,calleth them to the firft inftitution , r Cor. 11. 23, 24. charged thee] or commanded thee, that is, comman- ded thee not to doe , or, forbidden thee : fo in Deut. 2. 37. for Gods precepts in the Decalogue, are for the mitt part forbade, or prohibitions ; yet ufually calls commandements. The whole phrafe is cx- preffed in Gen. 3.11. trhich I commanded thee not to eat efit, that is, which I forbade thee to eat of. Verfe 24. fire] to confmueall hin enemies; and thitse,i£ thou obey him,as Deut.9.3. and thee thy felfe, if thou dilòbey him; as Zeph. t.1S. Heb. r 2. 29. See allo Exod. 24.17. The Chaldee adder h, his weed is a csnfitming fire : which is allo true,Jer. 23.29. Deut.33.2. jealuo] the former word fignified Gods power,this his will : having a jea- lous affef ion, wherby he will not (pare; as Prov. 6 34,3 5 . See Exod.2o.5. Ver. 25. waxen old] that is, continuedPng,as the Greek explaineth it, and become ancient inhabitants. Gods bleiGngs were by Ifrael abufed to fin , as is here foretold, and againe in Deut.3 z.15. Verfe 26. perifhingye fhal! perffh] that is, lonely and fpeedily perifh r in Greeke, perifh with perditi- on : fo in Deut.30.18,19. where againe he calleth heaven and earth to witneff Verfe a o. few men] Hebr. men ;f number, that is, Toone numbred for your fewneffe; as the Greeke. tranflateth , few in number; and in Job 16.22 . lures of number, are afewyeeres:fee Gen. 34.30. This is contrary to that promife in Gen. 15. 5 Verde 28. firve Gods] being given over to your owne lofts , as it is written , God turned, and gave them up to worfhip the hoff ofbeaven,A&s 7.42. This fame God threatned afterward , in Jer. 16.13. But the Chaldee here turneth it ,yefh ll fern peo- ples that ferve Idols , the work rf mens hands. nor finell] the vanity of Idols is after this fort defcri- bed in Pfal, t 15.4i 7. Jer. t o. 3,-9. Verde 29. jeke Jehovah] the Chaldee tranfla- teth, feeke the _Pore of the Lord; meaning his true fervice. Here Mofes annexeth pronliles, to'com- fort repentant finners: as alto in Dent. 3o. 1, 2, 3, &c. all thy heart] fee an example of this in 2 Chron. 15.15. Verfe 3o. finde thee] that is, conte upon, or befall thee, as the Chaldee explaineth it. Verfe 31. thy fathers] Abraham, Ifaak, and Iamb. See Levit. 26.42, &c. Verfe 32. of the heavens] that is, fiver one satmoff part of the world unto the other. By the Iseavens are meant the parts of the world under the heavens: and the holy Ghoft openeth this phrafe; for in Matth. 24. 31. it, is writtenfrom the utmoffparts of the heavens, canto the uttvoff parts ofthem: for which in Marki t3. 27. is faid, from the utmofl part of the earth, unto the utmoff part of the heavens. By which it is evident, that the heavens in this f tech , is put for the earth under the heavens ; for heavens comprehendeth the Ayre allo, wherein wee breathe, as is noted on Genefis 1. 8. great thing] Hebrew great word. IDlofs hereby would teach, that Gods words and workes unto his Church are more great and marvellous than all Bbhbb3 hit 30 31 32