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I$ DEUTER ONO MIE IV. his a &ions to other peoples whatfoever;& there- fore ought the more feriouuly to be contdered. 33 , Verfe i3. voice of God] the Chaldee faith, the voice of the word of the Lord: the Greeke, ofthe livveg God. and lived] As the apparitions of God,mcn were wont to feare they fhould die, Iudg.13.22. and 6.2 a.So at the'giving of the law, all Ifrael defired that they might heare the voyce of God no more,left they dyed,Exod,zo.19.Deut.18. s 6. which manifcfted the power of the law , and the weaknes of men, Heb.12.19.So no man can fee the face of God,and líve.Exod.33. zo. when God gi- veth his voycethe earth melteth,Pfal.46.7. 34 Verfe 34. bath God]or,bath any Ged;fpeaking of the true God,and his works [Into Ifrael,above all other people: or of the reputed gods of the Gen- tsles,none of which ever did inch a thing. affayed]ortempted This of fpoken not of God trying his owne ftrength,but proving the obedi- ence of his people, and trying the ftrength of his adverfaries.The Chaldee tranf lateth, Or the tmta- tions, (or fegnes)wbicb the Lord bath made to reveale bimfelfe,¢tr e. tentations] Motes here reckoneth feven things,about Ifraelsd;liverance; Tentations, whereby God,propomiding his will,tryed their obedience : (as when God tempted Abraham, Gen.a 2.1.) Signes,which many times are of ordi- nary workes, and naturall, as Exod. 3. 12. Won- ders which are of extraordinary , and fupernatu- rall workes,as Exad.4. 2 0. and 7.9. Warre, upon the refnfall and refinance of the enemie, Exod. 8. 1,2.Sttong hand,not by canning policies & nrata- genis, as nien often ufe in wars ; but by force, compelling the anemic to yeeld, Exod.6. i. Stret- chedout arme,by open nsanifefting his power , and plagues continually upon the rehfers,Ejy 9.1 a. 17. Exod.6.6. and Great terrours, whichwounded the hearts of the very enemies,Exod.9. 2", 27,28. and 10.7. and 12.3o. sermons] orfeares, the Greek & Chaldee tranflate, viftons,or,fgbts,whicli are oftentimes fearefull; but the Hebrew for fearer and viftons,are onemuch like another,which might caufe.the mifaking.So in Duet.26.8. 35 Verfc35. to ktow] that is, that than mighteff know, and acknowledge. The end of ail Gods works was the manifefing of his glory,to the in- formation and falvation of his people.This Mo- tes often urgeth in this booke. 3 Verfe 36.10inffruEl]or, to nurture, ehaffife: by 6 refrainingfroni vice. So Gods&of/erring, and teaching out of his law,are joyned togetber,in Pfa. 94.12. Thoughcba¡lening be often with workes (as Levit. 26. 18, 2$8.Deut.8. 5 )yet is it alto with words; as he'e,(vvhere theChaldee tranflateth it teacb)and Prov.9 7.and 35.1.Ezek.23.48. ;W, 4.3. the fire] before, he fkid,aut of heaven, and now, out of the mia'deff of the fire : for though the v9ce came out of heaven, Ifraelperceived it not , but only out ofthe fire,faith R.Menachem on Deut.4. Verfe 37. therefore he chafe ] or, and chafe,(that is,lazed ) bis feed after Joim , tberefire be brought thee out. Gods love, and ele&iouout of love, is the carafe of mans redemption and falvation. bí2 fed] that is,the feed of thy fathers,every one par- 37 titularly; 'as the pr omife was made to Abraham then to Ifaac, & after that to Jacob feverally.The Greke and Chaldee tranflate it plurally , theirfeed (or forme, ) after them. in bit fight] or,with hit face (or pretence ) The Greeke faith, be brought thee out himfelfe; the Chaldee, he brought thee out by his word.Thus the face or prefetxe cf God, may imply Chrif,the Word,the Angell of Gods face, Efai 63. 9.He it was that brought Ifrael out,as r Canto 5; 9.and thefigne of his pretencewas in the pillar of the cloud and fire,Exod.13.21. and s4.19, 20, Verfe 38. to drive out] to wit,out of paffeffron(as the original' word implyeth)or,to difenberit ; the Greeke faith,to defiroy, (or,root out.) alit is ] the Greeke addeth,at thou haft tbitday. Meaning of the landof Sihon & Og,whtch they had now in poi- feffion,a figne of further viif ory,Deut, 3. a 1. Verf..39. Andibou(halt know]. or, know ( and ac- 39 knowledge ) theref re : fee wife 3 5. The knowledge of,and obedience tinto God is continually tír- ged,upon the remembrance of his former mer- cies. So Chro.28.9, eaufe it to resume] or, bring again, reduce, that is, call to minde, and con - fider,that notonely for the prefent, but alwayes aféer,Gods true feare might continue in them. So in Deut.3o.2.where this phrafe is ufed:fee the annotations there. Verf.40. all daye.r]this may be referred both to the latter,the peffefling of the land, and to the former,the welfare and length of life.In Mas,z8. 20.4 daiet,is explained,unto the end ofthe world. Verf. 42. unwittingly] or,witbout 4iowledgethere- of,unamares. See the law for this,in 7'umb.3 5.9, 1 o,&c.and after in Dent. 19. 2. in times pa fi ] or,infirmer dayes; Hebr.fromyefierday,and the third day. See Gen.; 1.2. Verf43.Bezir] in Greeke, Bofar: fee Tof.2o. 8. and 21.36;38,27. sChron.6.7 80. Go- lan]in Greeke,Gsnlen. Ver.44. this is] He meaneth,that which hereaf- ter followeth;fothis belon eth to the next chap- ter,where the repetition of the lawes beginneth. Vert. 45. after they came forth] Hebr. in their mm- ming forth : but In is often ufed for After,as is no- ted on Exed.2.23. fo againe in verlè.46. Ver.46. Beth -pear] in Greek, the houfe of Phagor,146 an Idol! Temple: fee Deut. 3.29. Amoriter] Hebr. Amite : in Greek,Amorreans. fmote]t hat is,killed,as is noted on Gen. 14.57. This vi&ory is hereagain touched,the more to fir up the hearts of the people to obey Gods law, who had begun to fhew them his power and goodneffe. V.48.banbe] Hebr.ip. Sion] in Greeke, Sean. This is not that which dually the Scripture cal - leth mountZion,in Jerufalem;but otherwife writ- ten ,andcalled Hermon: fee Deut.3.9 Verf..49. fea of the plaine] the fea of falo, Deteter.3. 17. the lake of Sodome,or dead fea. Afbdath Pifgab. ] or , the frings of Pif ah ; fee the notes on Deut. 3.57. 38 4° 42 43 44 45 MALWAIAAAMMIAMARAM CHAP. V. I Motes rehearfeth the Cotenant that God made with 48 49