ar A repeating of the DE u T ER o ra. V. ten Commandements. t9 with Ifrael at 'Horeb. 6 The ten Commandements; 22 the manner of the "peaking and writing of them. 24 The people being afraid, did requefi Mafia to re- ' ceive the Law from God, and to feaIee it unto them. 28 The Lord- ftleedaheir motion , 30 and fent them into their terra ; 31 but willedMofer to flay, and heare the Law, which be woo to teach "flat! to obferve and doe, for their good, ANd Mores called untoalllfrael,and Paid unto them Heare O Ifrael , the flames and the judgements which I fpeake in your cares, this day : and yee (}hall z learn them, and keepe, to doe them. Je- hovah our God ftrokc a covenant with us in 3 Horeb. Not with our fathers ftroke Jeho- vah this covenant, but with us; even us who 4 are all of us here alive this day. Jehovah fpake unto you, face to face, in the mount, S out of the midi} of the fire. I Itanding be- tweene Jehovah and you, at that time , to Phew unto you the word of Jehovah: for ye were afraid, by reafon of the fire, and went not up into the mount, Paying, 6 I, Jehovah thy God, which have brought thee our from the land of Egypt, from the 7 houfe of fervants. Thou (halrnot have any other Gods before my face. 8 Thou thole not make unto thee a graven thing, any likeneffe, of things which áre in the heavens above, or which are in the earth beneath, or which are in the waters beneath the earth. Thou thole not bow downe thy felfe to them, neither ferve them : for I, Jehovah thy God, am a jealous God, vifiting the iniquity of the fathers up- on the fons,and upon the thirdand upon the 1ó fourth generation, of them that hate mee. And doing mercieunto thoufands, of them that love once , and of them that keepe his commandements. Thou (halt not take up the name of Jeho- vah thy God in vaine; for Jehovah will not hold him guiltle(fe that than take. up his name in vaine. 12 Keepe thou the Sabbath day , to fanetifie ir, as Jehovah thy God bath commanded 3 thee. Six daies (halt thou labour, and fhalt 54 doe all thy worke. But the feventh day, it a Sabbath to Jehovah thy God : ire it thou (halt not-doe any worke; thou,or rhy fon, or thy daughter, or thy man.fervant, or thy woman-fervant or thineoxe,or thine affe,or any of thy cattell, or thy flranger which is within thy gates, , that thy man - fervant and thy woman- fervant may ref§ as well as thou. nd thou (halt remember that thou waft a 9 11 fervant in the land of Egypt ; and Jehovah thy God brought thee out thence by a thong hand, and by a firetched -our arme : Therefore Jehovah thy God hath comman- ded thee to doe thee Sabbath day. Honour thy father and thy mother,as Je- hovah thy God bath commanded thee, that thy dales may be prolonged,and that itmay be well-with thee upon the land which Je- hovah thy God giveth thee. Thou (halt not kill. Neither (halt thou commit adulterie. Neither fbalt thou (leale. . Neither (halt thou anfwer a falle witne(le againft thy neighbour., Neither (bait thou covet thy neighbours wife,neither (halt thou delire thy neighbors houfe ; his field, or his man - fervant, or his woman - fervant, his oxe, or this affe, or any thing which is thy neighbours. Thefe words Jehovah fpake unto all your affembly in the mount, out of the midd eft of the fire, of the cloud, and of the thicke darkneffe, with a great voice, and he added no more : and hee wrotethem on two tables of (tones, and gave them unto me. And it 23 was, when yee heard the voice, out of the, midi} of the darkneffe, and the mounraine burningwith fire, that yee came neere unto mee, all the heads of your Tribes, and your Elders. And ye laid, Behold, Jehovah our 24 God hath (hewed us his glory and his great - neffe, and wee have heard his voice out o the middeft of the fire: this day wee (hare feene, that God doth fpeake with rnan, and heel(veth. And now why fhould wee dye; 25 for this great fire wil confume us: if ive adde to heare the voice of Jehovah our God any more, then we (hall die. For who is thereof all fiefs, that bath heard the voice of the li- ving God, (peaking out of the midftofthe fire,as we bave,aud lived Goe neere thou, and heare all that Jehovah our God fhall fay,, and doe thou fpeake unto us all thatJehovah our God (hall fpeake unto thee, and we will heare, and doe it. And Jehovah heard the voice of your words when yee fpake unto me : and Jehovah faid unto me,I have heard the voyce of the words of this people, which they have fpokê unto thee;they have well faid, all that they havéfpoken. Who 9 will give that their heart may bee fah iu them, to ferre me,and to keepe all my com- mandements , all daies, that it may be well with them, and with tleir fonnes forever. God lay to the,Getyouagaineintoyout To tents, 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 z6 ; 27 28