20 DEUTERONOMIE V. 31 tents. But thou,fiand thou here withme,and I will fpeáke unto thee, all the commande ment, and the ftarutes, and the judgements, which thou (halt teach them, that they may do theca in the land which I give to them to 32 po4feffe it. And yee fhall obferve to doe, as Jehovah your God hath commanded you : yee (hall not turne alide, ro the right hand or 33 to the left. You fhall walke in all the. way which Jehovah your God bath commanded you, that yee may live, and (that it may be) well with you, and yee may prolong e:sr daies , in the land which ye fha11 poffefle. 2 3 4 5 6 Annotations. IN your cares] that is,inyour hearing, and to your underftanding : the Chaldee tranflateth it, be- fore you. Here Mofes purpofing to repeat the ten commandements, prepared' the cares and hearts of the people unto.obedienée. todre] or, and doe: fee the notesonGen.2.3. Verfe 2. firoke] Hebr. cut a covenant, the reafon of which phrale is (hewed on Gen. 15.18. in Horeb] or, as Choreb called alto Sinai: fee Exod. 19.20. & 24.8. God,though he might abfbintely command,yet vouchfafed to enter into covenant with his people, that by mutual' ftipulation and promiles,he might have not conftrained, but free and voluntarie obedienceperformed by them,to his glory, and their further good. V.3. fathers] which are dead: hereby all the Pa- triarchs unto Adam may be meant, who had the pronsife of the covenant of Chrift; but the cove- nant of the Law came after, as the Apoftleobfer- veth,Gal.3.17. Or it maymeane, our fathers onely, as lase/5i here expoundeth it, fuch as died in the wildernes,after the Law was given.See allo Deut. 11.2. even no] or,we.are they,which are bere ibis day: the Gr. tranflateth, andyou are bere a8 alive.tbia day. So the covenant was yet froth in memory.Al- fo they had a greater benefit than their fathers : for though the Law could not give them life, yet was it a Schoolmaficr untoCbrifl, Ga1.3. 21,24. Verfe 4. face to face] that is, openly, eleerly, plain ÿ ; as Exod. 33.11. Gen. 32.30. Dent.34.10. 1 Cor. 13. 12. oppofed to the darke vinons, by which God before time revealed his will. Verfe 5. I flanding] or, flood, as the Greek tran- flateth, And I flood between the Lord, which the Chaldee calleth , the Word of the Lord. Thus the Law was given in the handof a mediator, Gal. 3.19. for God and the people were not one, by reafon of their fins : therefore they were afraid. Verfe 6. ferváms] in Greeke and Chaldee, fer- vitude. God redeemed Ifrael,not onely from out- ward flaverie, but from the idolatry of Egypt, Ezek. 20. 5, -9. and from their gods, a Sant. 7. 2.3. therefore he commanded them to have no other gods before his face. See the Annotations upon Exo. 20. where thefe commandements are more largely opened. Verfe 7. any other gods] or, another god: fee the notes on Deut.4.7. Verfe 8. graven thing] the Chaldee tranfla- teth it Image. any] the Greek faith, nor the like- nap' ofany thing. The word or, is in Exod.2o.4. Verle TO. bis commandements] or, his eommande- 10 ment; meaning all and every one of them, or, the whole Law in generali : fee the notes on veri 31. The like is in Deut. 8,2. and 27. 10. The Greeke and Chaldee tranflate, my commandements , and fò Mofes wrote in Exo. 2o. 6. but here he changeth the perfon, as Daniel alto in his prayer faith, O Lord &c. keeping covenant and mercie to them that love him, and to them that keepe hie commandements, Dart. 9.4. We may allo obferve fiuch changes in the o- ther Prophets; as, to mall bjm a name, 2 Sam.7.23. for which, in 1 Chron.17.2 r: is written, to make, thee a name t'o in 2 Sam. 14.22. Verle 12. Keep] or, Obferve; for this, in Exod. 12 20. 8. bee faid Remember. as Icbovah, &c.] this fentence is added, more than in Exed. 2o.8. So agaiue in the fife commandement, ver.16. And these two charges onely are affirmative, all the other are prohibitions. Verfe 14. Oxe &c.] thefe particulars are an here added , for explanation. as well aitbotoJ or, even as thou. This reafon was not expreffed in Exod. zo. ro. And it fheweth that the Sabbath was commanded in part for the cafe of fervants, which were of the heathens that were round about them, Levit. 25. 44. Verfe 15. to doe] that is so celebrate : the Greeke 15 tranflateth, to keepe the Sibbath day, and to fantfifie it. In Exod. 20.11. the creation of the world is there rendred as a reafon,which is here omitted; and the comming out of Egypt (which feemeth to be on the Sabbath day) is here made a reafon of obferving this day. For it was a figure ofdelive- rance out of fpirituall bondage by Chrifi(as is (hewed upon Exodus) and fò fit to be meditated on upon the Sabbath. Verfe 16. be well with thee] or, good may be done unto thee. This branch of the promife is more than was expreffed in Exo.zo.5 2. and this addi- tion the Apo(tle allo citeth in Eph. 6.3. but put- ted' it there in the fink place, changing the order of the words, which the Scripture often doth , as may be feene in 2 Kings s r. 8. compared with 2 Chro.23e7. Joel.z.28. with Ms 2. 17. King. 19.10. with Roma 1.3. Efa.65.1. with Rom.io. 20. Mat.21.13. with Marke 1 z.8. Verfe 18. 2`either (halt thou or, And thou /halt not: and fo in the precepts following; all which are joyned to the former, with this copulative, And, (otherwife than was in Exod.zo.) to teach the conjoyning of all thefe commandements, as into one bodie of the Law: which mutt bee likewife in our obedience. Becaute, Whofoezer fball keepe the whole Law , and yet offend in one point , he is gniltie of all. For be that Jaid , Doc not commit adulteries fold alto, Doe Cot k1[, &c. Jam. 2. 10, 11. Verle 20.falfe]or,raf,,vaine. The fame word zo Shan, ufed before in ver. but for it in Exo.2o. kJcJesl 7 8 14 16 18