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DEìITERONOMIE v, 17Mìí uftla the wordSheker; falfe: and fo the Ghaldee bath in this place. 21 Verfe 21.'wife] in Exod. z0. 17. our neighbours boufe is putt in the find place,andhis wife in the it- cottd, other wife than here. So they that would divide this Cütuandement into two, cannot thew which is the ninth , and which is the the tenth, feting IVIofes hat!, pitrpofely changed the order. deface] Here agaïne Motes ufeth another word, tithavvela, whereas in Exod. 26.17. bee keepeth one word in all the particulars, tacbmod, env- : which are two words in found,but one in tìgnifi- cation;(though it may be with forne difference of degree) where of there be ftandry other examples in Scripture; as Hinneb, &bold, 1 Chron. 27.1. for wit ich another Prophet fait h,F.ecb,See, 2 Sam. 7.z. Chajath, a [mope', in 2 Sam. 23. 1 3. or Macha- nah, an h ff, in e Chrome 1.15. he returned, jafhab, z Sam. 6, 20. or, be turned again, jifdb, 1 Chron. 16.43. Iagbn.zl, he offered up, 2 Sam.6,17. or lakrib, be dead , 1 Chron. t 6. 1. and many the like : fo that from two words of like Yenfè, here ctnot be gathered two fimdry conu saudements. The like was in the ninth commandement before, in verfe zo. And if this Defre be another conmtande- ment, there were but nine given in Exod.2o. Or if there were ten, as is avouched in Exod. 34. 28. then heremull be eleven, contrary to Dcut.10. 4. , But degrees of the fame Gone, make not here le- serail precepts. The Hebrewes make this define to be kite thanroyéting, and fay, Defrebringeth a man to coveting, and coveting bringer,bim to u ijut/ ta- king amay; for ifthe owner.' be nos willing tofoll, though he wouldgive them a great price, and be io urgent upon them , then he fal let b to taking by violence , at it is laid , (in Micha z. 2.) And they cones fields, and rake them ply, violence. Maimos1y, tom. 4. treat. of Rapine, &c. Ich.t, felt. to,t e. his field] the Greek faith, nor hit field: this alto is added more than in Exo. 20. 17. And of ally, when any thing is repeated, either by the Prophets or Evangelists, it is with varietie of words and phrafes; of which, being compared, there is very great isle, for the under - ftandiug of the Scriptures 22 Verse 22 .adc;ld nn more] meaning,no moe com- mandements of this fort, (for they were but ten words, amt. 4.13.) or no more unto the people; the red were ij>okeuto MOP ,Exo.zi.], &c. The Chaldee tranllateth, ceafd not; lee the notes on Numb. 11.25. of pout ] both to have them perpetual! to his Church, Job 19. 23,24. and in inyltery,to (hew the stony nature of mens hearts; fee the Annotations onExod.3t.ill, unto me] that /L! [es might ea :Ty them to the people , and Ex them duly executed. So the Magiftrate is the keeper of both theTables of the Law; for MOP 23 was King inIefhurnn,Deut.33_5. Verle 23. and the mount] understand , and taw the mount, as Dent. t t.i6. Exo.2o.18. The things which the people heard and law, were terrible unto them, becaufe they were finners ; but a naeane to humble them, and drive them unto Christ, Heb.12.18,-24. Ga1.3.19,-24. Elders] inGrecke,Senats;or Eiderfbip, The people all,and 21 even the greaten and belt, fled from before the Lord,and cane to Advfis for to be a Mediator. See Exod.2o.18, the annotations. Vet .24. bit voice] the Chaldee faith , the vnyeeof his Word. So in verf:25. Verf25.whyfhouldwe die hJ The Greeke tranf- lateth, let Honor die : fo it is a deprecation. This fpeech iniplieth the Centence of death alfo,which their.owile hearts pronounced against then[ for their finites : for filch a question is likewile an af- firmation ; as , Why dodo hoe fßeale blafßhemies f Mark. 2. 7. is expounded, this man blafßbemetb, Matt.9.3. And this fheweth the died of the Law in our con fciences; it caufeth she ¡font of b.ndage tofeae, Rom. 8. e5. and when the voice of God in his Law is heard and underllood ofineu,it ter- riheth and killed,; before that, they thinkc they are alive without the Law,Rom.7.9,1 o. fire] which signified the force of the finie Law, Deut. 33.z.that it is in mans heart, as a burning fare flawup in hit bones, as k,. 20.9. both manifesting tienes, and tormenting the conscience; wherein it differeth from the Gofpeil, Hei. I z. 18. then] or, furely; Heb.and (ball die. Thus there wasnot a law gi- ten which could give life, Ga1.3.2t. but the letter kin- leth, 2 Car.3.6. and the law it not of faith, Gal.3.1 z. the hearing of it, and efcapingdeath,caufed them not to belceve:but the juts fbál live by faith,throngli the Gofpell ofChrift, Roma .16,17. unto whom the Law was a Sebeolemafler,Gal.3.24. f efh] or, who is any flefh, that is,,aaay fraik man: for, allflefb itgrajJe, Efay.4o.ó. The. Greeke rrauflateth, For what flefb? Which word le(h is often ufed for unregenerate man, as is no- ted on Gen.6.3_and to fuch efpecially, the Law is the terrours of death : though all humanenature being in fin, is here condemned, So in P phi 43.2. the living God] The Hebrew words are both plurali, implying the mylterie of the Trinitie,as is noted on Gen. t.1. and he is called the living Gud, (as Isere, fo in lof,3.1o. 1 Sam.17.26. Efay 37.4. Y fal.42.3. Hof 1.1 o. and in fundry other places) to oppote hint unto all false gods, which are cal- led the dead, Pfal.1 06.28. whereupon it is faid,Tee turned to God, from Idols, to ferne the living and true God, iTbeff.l.9. Alfo tofhew that God is powerfùll in operation, being not only living in Isimielfe, (fo that heonly bath immortalitie, tTim. 6, t 6.) but the giver oflite unto all; For in bim we live, and maze, and have Oats being, Aí1.17. 28. and he is the fiesta/lieof living waters, Ier,17.13. who continually and abundantly refrefheth his peo- ple. It figuifieth allo his eternit ie, as he that livetb for ever and ever, Revel.lo.6.of whom it is laid, For he us the living God, and continuing fir ever , Dan.6.26, Wherefore that fpeech of Iob , My Redeemerli- eth, lob 19.25. is tranflatedin the Greeke, 7 b Eteruall is he that flail! cmioolee mee. and lived ] Men till they be redeemed by Chrifl, are through fiare of death; all their lift time fitbjeili to bondage, Heb. 2.15. Though God cane not now tojudgc them, neither fo much as upbraidedthem with their 'finnes pad , yet could they not heare his v0ice,but (as the Apostle notet h) they that heard 24 25 26 ///Ar//ll/lllll1611I7p1'11i M111