22 DEUTERONOMIE VI. it, intreated that the word Jouldnot be#oken to them any mare, for they couldnot indure that which was commanded, Heb. 12.19, 20. 27 Verfe 27. Goe neere thou] The people being ter- rified, fake for a Mediatour ; and that is the end and tile of the Law, to drive men unto Chrift. Wherefore their affeétion now pleated God, ver. 28,2 9. and he gave them Motes to helpe them for the prefect , and further promifed them a Prophet like unto him, which was Chrift, Deut.8.1 5,-18. A&. 3. 22,26. then jbalt fpeake untouo] The of- fice of a Mediatour, as he is a Prophet, (Deut. 18. a 5.) is here defcribed ; which is, to goe neere unto God , and having received the word from him, to fpeake it unto the people. This was ful- filled in Chrift, Joh. 1.18. & 3.13. & 8.28. Here inthe Hebrew doe thou fpeake , the words are in the feminine Gender, as it they had fpoken to a wo- man ; which is thought to be a note of the peo- ples troubled minde : fee the like in Num.1 1.15. and doe] The like they promifed before God fpake thefe words, Exod. 19.8. not knowing the impoffibifity of the Law : but how far they were from performing this , the golden ca /fe which they made ere forcie daies were expired, is a witneffe; for which fin Mofees brake the Tables of the Co- venant, Exod, 32. Deut. 9.9, &c. yet their good affe&ion pleafeth the Lord. 28 Verfe 28. well Paid] The Greeke tranflateth, they have fpoken all things rightly (or well.) 29 Verfe 29. Who will give] An Hebrew phrafe,. 'heading, O that fame wouldgive, or,0 that there were; and fo the Chaldee explaineth it. The like is in Job 6. 8. Pfal. 14. 7. and 5 5.7. and'otherwhere. to feare, Sec.] The things that God approveth in men, are, feare, humilitie, diftruft in them - felves, and a confidence in him, with love unto his Law. Hereunto God called them, by this his covenant, drawing them unto Chrill. 31 Verfe 31. all the commandement] that is, the Law in generall; or commandements , as the Greeke tran- flateth it, the fingular being often put for the plurall; or, every commandement. So in Deut. 6.1. 8t 8.1. allo in 1 Pet.z. z1, & 3.2. 32 Verfe 32.obferve to doe] or, and doe, as this phrafe often fignifiech: fee the notes on Gen. 2.3. right hand or to the lef t] This fignifieth an exa& care to walke in Gods Law, as in the high way, from which men may not turne afide, as in Deut.2.27. Therefore alt aberration from the right way, is noted by the turning to the right hand or to the left, Efa. 30.21. So after in Deut.17. t 1,20. and 28.14. Prov.4.27, .zIZZ,Z27.2M22 CiHtiB. VI. I Moles fitting himfellti to explains God cotm»an- dements, exhorteth Ifrael unto obedience. 4 He begin - neth with the fini and great commandement , the love of the Did 6 and of hi, Law in their heart, 7 and of teaching it to their children, 8 and profeffng it by outward fignet. 10 He warmth them that they for- fake. not God by profferitie, i6 nor by adverfitie; 17 but to keepe his Law, for their good, 20 and to endea- vour the continuance and propagation of hit religion a- mong theirpol/eritie. ANd this is the Commandement, the r Statutes and the Judgements, which Jehovah your God commanded to teach you, to doe in the Land, whither gee paffe over to poffe(fe ir. That thou mayeft feare Jehovah thy God, to keepe all his fta- tutes and his commandements,which I com- mand thee 5 thou, and thy forme, and thy formes forme, all the daies of thy life ; and that thy daies may be prolonged. Heare therefore,ô Ifrael, and obferve to do,that it may bewell withthee,and that yemay mul- tiply mightily , as Jehovah the God of thy fathers bath fpoken unto thee, in the land that Iloweth with milke and honey. Heare,ô Ifrael:Jehovah our God,Jehovah 4 ù one. And thy !halt love Jehovah thy God , with all thy heart , and with all thy foule , and with all thy might. And thefe 6 words whichI command thee this day,fhall be in thy heart. And thoufbalt whet them 7 on thy children, & !halt fpeak ofthem when thou fitteft in thine houfe, and when thou walkeftby the way,&when thou heft down, and when thou rifeft up. And thou !halt 8 binde them for a f gne upon thy hand , and they (hall be for phylacteries between thine eyes. And thou Malt write them upon the doore-poft of thine houfe,andon thy gates. And it lEall be,when Jehovah thy God !hall 1 o have brought thee into the land which bee fware unto thy fathers, to Abraham, to 1- faak, and to Jakob , to give unto thee, cities great and good , which thou buildedft not; And houles full of all good things , which thou filledit not ; and wells digged , which thou diggedit not; vineyards and olive- trees, which thou planted ft not; & thou (halt have eaten and be full : Take heed to thy felf,left Thou forget ehovah, which brought thee forth'eut the land of Egypt, out of the horde of fervants. Thou Ault feare Jehovah thy God, and ferve him, and /halt fweare by his name. Ye !hall not goe after other gods, 1 ofthe gods ofthe peoples, which are round about you.For Jehovah thy.God is a jealous; r 5 God, in the midit of thee; left the anger of Jehovah thy God be kindled again/ thee,& hedeftroy thee fró offthe face of the earth. Ye fball not tempt Jehovahyour God, as ye tempted him in Maffah. Keeping ye (hall keep 2 3 9 II I2 13 14 16 17