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DEUT ERO NOMIE V!. 23 1: eepe the commandements of Jehovah your God, and histeftimonies, and his flatutes, 18 which hehath commanded thee. And thou 'halt doe that which is right and good in the eyes of Jehovah, that it may be well with thee, and thou maift goe in, and poffeffe the good land which Jehovah fware unto thy 19 fathers. To drive out all thy enemies from thy face, as Jehovah path fpoken. 20 When thy fonne (hail aske thee to mor- row, Paying, What are the teftimonies, and the (tatutes, and the judgments,which Jeho. a 1 vah our God bath commanded you Then thou (halt fay unto thy fonne, We were fer- vans to Pharaoh in Egypt, and Jehovah brought us forth out of Egypt with a thong 22 hand. And Jehovah Mewed fgnes and won - ders,great and evill,upon Egypt,upon Pha- raoh, andupon all his houfe,before our ties. 23 And he brought us out from thence, that he might bring us in, to give unto us the land 24 which he fware untoour fathers. And Jeho- vah commanded us to doe all there flatutes, to feare Jehovah our God, for good unto us , all (lairs, to preferve us alive, as (it is) as this day. And juflice (hall it be unto us, when wee oblerve to doe all this com- mandement, before Jehovah our God,as he bath commanded us. vinnatatians. I r,Ommandement] put generally for Commande- ments,as the Greeke tranflateth it : fee Dent. 5.3 1 .Here A1ofes entrcth upon the explanation of the firft commandement of the ten before rehear - fed, in chap. 5. to doe] that ye may doe them, to wit,continually. For prat-tile and obedience is that which the Law reguireth for bleffednes,Jam. 1.22,25.And that which one Prophet calleth do- ing the words of the covenant,2 Chr.34.3 r. ano- ther calleth ffablifhing(orconfirming) 2 King.23.3. and confirming is expounded by the holy Ghoft, a eontimeing, Gal. 3. lo. from Dent. 27. a 6. pale over] to wit, the river lordan, that fo they might come into Canaan. This was by the conduit of IofngJof. a ,1,2, &c. and it figured the eftare of the Church under Chrill, by whom there comman- dements are fulfilled in us that beleeve, 40, -44. Rom.S. r,z,3, &c. In the mease time, the poffelliion of Canaan and good things therein,was a gracious inducement of that people unto vo- luntary obedience and keeping of Gods Law: which notwithftanding they performed not,Pfa. 105.44,5 5. Neh.9.24,25,26,35 a V erle 2. fiare] this is the beginning of wifedome, Pfal. i 11.10. and by it we depart from evil, Prov. 16.6.and it comprehendeth generally Gods wor- Ihip, and true religion, ECay 2 9.53. Mat. r 5.8,9 therforc it is mentioned in the firtt place. pro- longed] under which, eternall life is allo implied; for Gods commandements when they are kept, doe adds unto men, length of dales, andyeeres of lift, and peace, Prov.3.2. I Pet. 3. r 0,1 t, &c. Verfe 3. and bony] gnifying heavenly graces, as is obferved on Exod.3.8. Ver.4. Heare] Thelait letter of this firft word Heare, and of the laftword One, are extraordina- rily great in the Hebret4,and fo noted in the margent, to taule heed and attention. And here beginneth the fr0 and great commandement, as our Saviour calleth it, Mark. 2. 29, 30. Mat. 22.38. And this place ofScripture , unto the end of the ninth verte, was one of the foute Paragraphs which the Jewes were wont to write upon"their Phylatferies, as is noted on Exod.13.9.and fanned to their Lore-pats, and read in their houles twice a day : as the Hebrewes fay, Twice every day doe men reade the Lame, HEARE 0 1S- R. AE L , L e. at evening and at morning, at it W writ- ten (in Deuteronomie 6. y.) when thou lieft dormie, and when thou rififi up; at the time when men are wont to he dogme, which is at nigh: ; and at the time when men are wont to rife up, which ta at day. And what i, it that be readetb ? Tbree Set-lions ; remit, Heare OIliiael, Ó'e. (Dent. 6.4.) And it fha11 be ifyou fua8 bearltepn, &c. (Dent. i 1.13.) And Moles Paid unto the people, &e. (Exod. 14. 3.) And they read firfl the Selliùn, Heare 0 Ifrael, becanfe in it there is the propertie of God, and the love of him, and the dallrine of him, which H tbe great foundation, wbereupon all doe depend. Maim. in Mifaeh, 6.2. in Keriath Shemangh, ch.1. feft.s, 2. is one] fo in Market n. 29. the LORD our God, the LORD is one : where the word it, (which the Hebrew wanteth) is (implied in the Greeke, and explained by a learned Scribe; fay-r ing, Well, Maffer, thou haft fe id the truth, for there it one God , and there it none other but he; Marke 2.3 24 So Paul faith, There it none other God but one , 1 Cor. 8.4. Here it is probable, that Mofes clo(ely taught the unifie of the God-head, and Trinity of perlons ; Jehovah, the Father; our God, the Son; and Jehovah, the holy Ghost: thus many doe un- derltand there words. But the Apostle cleerly openeth the myllerie, laying ,There are three that Beare recordin heaven; the Father ,the Word and the holy Ghofi ; and theft three one, 1 Joh. 5. 7. And here is the ground of faith. Verte 5. love]The end of the commandement is laze., out of apure heart, and of a good eauf lente, andeffait/ unfained,s Timothie 1. 5. See the notes on Exo- dus 20. 6. Jehovah thy God] thefe imply the taules of our love of the Lord ; the one, for his owne nature and being, Jehovah the other, for the covenant of his grace, whereby he is our God. Thee two are often joyned together by Moftr and all the Prophets. heart]unto the heart the Scripture attributeth wifedome and imderftan- ding, 1 King. 3. 9,1 1,12. proverbes 2.'1, lb: and beleefe in (Jod, differing from confeflion with the month, Rom. to. to. and it is oppofed unto hypocrite, Matth. 15.8. foule] the feat of the 3 4