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llEL1TERONOYv1IE V I, of God as the two next are foi his outward fer- vice, and profellion of the fame. Feare is expoun- ded rcmjbip, Match. 15.9. from Ela. 29. 13. and fo Chritl fpeaketh having reference to this Scripture Mat.4. I o. Sce after on Deut. io. 1a. fervehim] the Greek addeth,, fine him only: and fo Chrift alleagcth it againft Satan, Mac. 4. lo. The like is to be under(tood of the other two thhigs heere mentioned. Under frvice5 prayer is comprehended, which Chrift hath taught us, that it mutt be to our Father which is in heaven, Lake 11. 2. So of the Hebrews it is fcid , Wee 'are commanded to pray every day , as it is written, And ye (hall firve the Lordyour God Exo- dus 23. 25. We have beene taught , :bat this ftrvice ie prayer, a, it is written, And to ferve him with all ' your heart : Our wife men have fcid, What fervice it this with the heart .? It is prayer. And there is no num- ber of prayers by the Law, neither is there any let forme of this prayer by the Law , nor any appointed time for prayer by the Law. And therefore women and jervanto are bound to pray, becaufe it it a com- mandement , the time whereof is not determined. But !the drttie of this commandement is that, That a man make Application and prayer every day, andthew firth the praifi of the holy blef d (God) and afterward ark /rich chiugs as are needful! for him, by requefi, and by ftrpplication; and afterward give praife and thanker unto the Lord for bio goodnef , which ke abundantly minifiretb unto him, every one according to bit might. If be be accufiomed unto it, let biurafe flub fupplication, and prayer : and if lee be of uncircumeifeed' lips , let bim /freak according as be is able at any time when he will; and fa they make prayers every arie according ro his abilitie. Maimmy in Mifneh, Treatife of Prayer, chapter 1. fe &ion 1, a, 3. fweare] be- fore this the Greeke addeth, and Ash cleave unto him: which words are ufed by Mafes in Den - teronomie 10. 26. and from thence here taken. Swearing is tiled for all other profet sort of Gods name and truth: as when the Prophet faith, Every tongue (hall fweare, Efay 43. i3. the Apo- ftle expounds it, Every tongue (hall confef unto God, Rom. 14. I I. 14 Vert r4. other gods] which the Chaldee inter- preteth, Idols of the peoples. Bygoing, or Walking after fetch, is meant,. worrfbipping or ferving them, as afterward is (hewed, Deuteronomie 8. 19. and 13. 2, 4. 15 . Verle 15. in the middeft] the Chaldce expounds it, his Majellir dwelleth in themiddefi of thee. Gods pretence and diligent looking to the waies of his people, is hereby meant, Efay 12. 6. Revelat. 2. 1, 2. Of jealoufe , fee Exod. zo. 5. by it was ftgnified,. that God would not fotgive her tranfgrefiìons, Jof. 24. 19. 16 Vert 16. in MefahJ or, in the tentation (as the Greeke and Chaldee explaine it ;) where in their diftre(fe and want, they temptsd the Lord, flying, Is the Lord amongli ut or not Exodus 17. I, -7. As profperitie, fo adverficie often 'occafioneth men to finne; therefore the Pro- phet prayeth against both extremities, Pro- verbes 3o. 8, 9. 25 Verfe e8. tight] in Greeke, pleating, which the. 18 word alto fignifies, as is noted on Exod. 15. 26. And fo our Saviour did alwaies thole things that pleafedbia Father , Joh. 8. 29. By things right and good, are meant the things commanded of God, and the doing of then with a fiucere heart. To performe this, the Apoftle faith, Be ye trans,'ormed by the renewing of your winde ; that ye may prove what it that good, that well-p)eafing and perfell willof God, Rom. 12. 2. V'erfe 19. to drive out] that is, he (ware unto thy fathers, that he would d,ile out,6 -c. But becauCe the people obeyed not the voice of God , bee would not drive out all from before them, Judg. 2.1,2,3;12,14. and 3. 1,-4. Verle 2o. to morrow] that is, hereafter in time to come. See Exod. 13. I 4. Here followech a briefe Gatechitne,containing the grounds of Religion. what are] that is, what mean, or fgnife. The word are, is fhpplied alto in the Grceke,(as be= fore in v.4.) and by it the meaning of Gods pre= cepis is intended, as the anfwer- following fheW- eth Here God provideth for the continua:n e and propagation of his true Religion in Iliad, in refpe& attic whole Law,norall, ceremonial!, and judicial!. commanded you] The Law was commanded the fathers , that they fhonld make them knowne to their children , that the genera- tion after, even children that .fhould be borne, might might rife up , and tell their chil- dren, Pfal. 78. 5,6. Verfe 2r. to Pharaoh] the Hilkorie hereof is in 2I Exod. a. and 2, &c. the mylterie was, our fervi- tude unto fin and Satan, from which God hash redeemed us, as Rom. 6. 17,18. Heb. a. I4,s5. The memoriall whefof is alwaies to he continu- ed amongft us and our poftericie, to the praife of Gods grace, Deut.26. 5,6,7,8,9. firms band.] that is, by farce and confiraint, through great Judge- ments : lee Exod.6.1. and 3.s 9. Verle 22. evil!]} that is, hurtfilll, grievous, noy- fome to the enemie, as were all the plagues of Egypt, Exodus 7. and 8.3 &c. So in Revela- tion ,6. 12. a noyfome and evil! fire. houle] that is, boufbold, as the Chaldee tranflateth it, men of his haute. our eiei ] that is, our fight. This is one of Gods promises to filch as trail in hint; With thine eles fhalt thou behold, and fhalt fee the reward of the wicked, as in Plalnte 91. 8. Verse 24. for goad] or as the G reeke exola i ueth, that it may be Well with us. The end of our re- demption from nilëry is, that we may serve God, and kcepe his Law, for his glory in our good and falvation, Romanes 6.17, 18, 22. to preferve] meaning, that he mny preferee tit to live: the Greeke tranflateth, that we may live. Heere Life is promiCed to the doers of the Law; à; alto in Luke 1o. 28. but this is a le- gal! promife, unpolfible for us to fulfill , Ro- manes 8. 3. and is not offaith, (as the Apoftle teacheth) by which the AB fpall live? Galathi- ans3.i1,12. Verfe 25. fallico) or righteuujhef ; the Greeke Ccccc tranfla 19 20 22 24 2 A/,PVIIs//1p111A111W